Several independent lists containing corner points can therefore be specified and combined to form a complete object. This data field is then initialized with the values to be set and assigned the Printer property. Note: LibreOffice positions the control elements of a form at drawing object level. The properties are: Note: The Form Functions Toolbar is also used to switch between modes. VBA: The VBA Click and Doubleclick events are not available in LibreOffice Basic. It can access databases created by many database programs, including Microsoft Access, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. Building on this background, the following chapters will show how the API can be used to make LibreOffice do what you want it to do. Such CellRange objects are created using the getCellRangeByName call of the spreadsheet object: A colon (:) is used to specify a cell range in a spreadsheet document. In other terms, you may think of a struct as a record, or part of a record. Buy a printed copy. If you click on Yes, the new or changed styles will be copied into the document. A database is incorporated into LibreOffice by creating what is commonly referred to as a data source. This method deletes the range that is defined in the CellRangeAddress structure from the sheet. The Object type designation should be used to declare an object variable: The call declares an object variable named Obj. For all axes an additional title can be displayed. In LibreOffice Basic, the * placeholder may however only be the last character of a file name and/or file extension, which is not the case in VBA. The variable RangeAddress determines the assigned cell range whose data will be displayed within the chart. This example inserts a cells range that is two rows by two columns in size into the second column and row (each bear the number 1) of the first sheet (number 0) in the spreadsheet. With indirect formatting, the user assigns a pre-defined template to the relevant text portion. When the dimensions of the data field are changed, all contents are lost. The following example defines a procedure that expects an integer value A and a string B as parameters. Regardless of this, the original methods are also available (in our example, getPosition and setPosition). The following code is an example of an error handling procedure: This procedure begins with the definition of an error handler, followed by the actual program code. The createInstance method, which is defined in the XMultiServiceFactory interface, is used in particular in the document objects. A string consists of a sequence of consecutive individual characters. All the named objects return an object that supports the service. The same interface provides the method remove to delete (remove) a page: A copy of a given page is created, not from the DrawPages container, but from the drawing document itself with the method duplicate. LibreOffice Basic also offers several other services through which you can modify such properties, as formatting or apply fills. Note the last line in the example: Once the text is changed, the TextContent object must be assigned to the header again so that the change is effective. If the cursor of LibreOffice is in a cell, then the name of that cell can be seen in the status bar. From a routine called by an event of a control, e.g. The preceding Filename and Title properties are of the string type. Even in the standard installation, LibreOffice Basic has all the components needed to create its own Basic macros, including: The components of the LibreOffice API that are discussed in this guide were selected based on their practical benefits for the LibreOffice Basic programmer. Here are a few examples of correct and incorrect markers: Enclosing a variable name in square brackets allows names that might otherwise be disallowed; for example, spaces. If the field proves to be a date/time field or an annotation, then the corresponding field type is displayed in an information box. The example shows a loop that runs through all sheet elements one after another and saves a reference to each in the Sheet object variable. These can be used with any graphic within LibreOffice whose appearance can be adapted using a whole range of properties. If the file name contains sub-directories, then these are separated by a single forward slash, not with a backslash usually used under Windows. The second section addresses more complex editing functions, such as grouping, rotating, and scaling objects. Programmers who want to work directly with Java or C++ rather than LibreOffice Basic should consult the LibreOffice Developer's Guide instead of this guide. Even though you can use these procedures in any module, it is best to limit their use to two modules. Mathematical operators can be applied to all numbers types, whereas the + operator can also be used to concatenate strings. Here is an overview of the most important formatting properties and the points at which they are explained: The format properties are by no means restricted to the applications in which these are explained, but instead can be used universally. VBA: When creating and inserting tables in a text document, objects similar to those available in VBA are used in LibreOffice Basic: The document object and a TextCursor object in LibreOffice Basic, or the Range object as the VBA counterpart. As already mentioned, the size and position of control elements can be determined using the associated shape object. With the help of this controller object and the model of the control element, it then uses the GetControl method to determine the view (CtlView variable) of the control element form. The service, responsible for presentation documents, also provides the complete service. The following subroutine, adapted from the Template Changer extension, will re-enable the update feature for all document types. When using DBG_properties, note that the function returns all properties that the services offered by the object can theoretically support. There is also no limit to the number of drawing elements that you can add to a page. While XNameAccess permits access to the individual objects, XNameContainer takes on the insertion, modification and deletion of elements. These in turn can be linked to LibreOffice Basic macros to considerably extend the usage range of LibreOffice Basic. List boxes ( service) support the following properties: List boxes provide the following methods: The model object of the list boxes provides the following properties: Note: Templates are auxiliary documents. You can close a dialog by clicking the close button on the title bar of the dialog window. At the end, the drawing object is assigned to a page using a Page.add call. This chapter describes how to control the relevant services, methods and properties of spreadsheet documents: The first section addresses the basic structure of spreadsheet documents and shows you how to access and to edit the contents of individual cells. The following example shows how a bookmark can be found within a text, and a text inserted at its position. The getCount and getByIndex methods allow the list to be further processed and belongs to the interface. The document object of a spreadsheet is based on the service. Instead use the LibreOffice Basic MouseUp event for the click event and imitate the Doubleclick event by changing the application logic. Before you can create the dialog, you must ensure that the library it uses (in this example, the Standard library) is loaded. The definition will then be available to all routines in the module. Note: Since however, the paragraph portions are edited directly, their formatting information is retained when replacing the string. In the second example, the page is accessed by its name and the getByName method. You can also use the following style to declare an integer type variable: The Dim instruction can record several variable declarations: If you want to assign the variables to a permanent type, you must make separate assignments for each variable: If you do not declare the type for a variable, LibreOffice Basic assigns the variable a variant type. After the call for the ChangeValue function, variable A retains the value 10., A currency field makes it possible to enter, display and edit currency values. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. In #Cells and Ranges, the following example has the qualifiers in the Case statements written out completely, for clarity. If the directory contains sub-directories or files, these are also deleted. The database interface from LibreOffice is available in the LibreOffice Writer and LibreOffice Calc applications, as well as in the database forms. It provides the functions for the frame object of LibreOffice, under which all document windows are classified. LibreOffice provides control codes for this purpose. For more complex statements, you can cascade the If statement, for example: If the value of variable A equals zero, B is assigned the value 0. Each page in the presentation is a slide. Example declarations of currency variables: The handling of Basic Currency type is not reliable. The Diagram object provides the properties Wall and Floor: The specified objects support the service, which provides the usual fill and line properties ( and services, refer to #Drawings and Presentations). To do this, they are converted into their hexadecimal value in the UTF-8 set of characters and are preceded by a percent sign. LibreOffice documents are based on the XML file format. Here, the methods are called directly by means of the relevant object. Example: Suppose that in your Basic library you have a module named PrintDoc. The syntax of such method calls is oriented towards classic functions. LibreOffice provides various ways of establishing database connections. LibreOffice is an open source, cross-platform, office suite, made up of six main applications, and lots of other useful stuff. The type declaration symbol for an integer variable is %. The following example shows how all text fields of a text document can be traversed in a loop and checked for their relevant type. LibreOffice provides the service for line objects. The example first creates a text field which supports the service. Overview. As a result, LibreOffice Basic enables the creation of a variable through simple usage and without an explicit declaration. A single variable can take up to four bytes of memory. Use branching statements to restrict the execution of a code block until a particular condition is satisfied. This conversion is much more elaborate than it appears: the integer B remains in the working memory in the form of a two-byte long number. The page properties that are valid for both types of documents are defined in the service. Issue 31001 Issue 54049 Issue 91121 Issue 107277 are still not corrected. The following are all the properties that are associated with the LineShape service: The following example creates and formats a line with the help of the named properties. The number of additional, deleted and modified characters for these expressions can be defined individually. The second parameter of Dir specifies whether files or directories are to be searched for. The functions for writing the HTML file, as well as a test code that checks the font weight of the corresponding text portions and provides paragraph portions in bold type with a corresponding HTML tag, have been added. This type of assignment, however, can cause errors, date and time values are defined and displayed differently in different countries. At the end of the program code, the error handling is deactivated by the On Error Goto 0 call and the procedure implementation is ended by the Exit Sub command (not to be confused with End Sub). Line charts provide the following properties: Area charts ( service) support two X-axes, two Y-axes and one Z-axis. LibreOffice provides a whole range of predefined date and time formats. If a different chart type is needed, then the bar chart must be explicitly replaced: The first line defines the corresponding chart object. This chapter provides a background on the API. And a title for the X-axis was added. The language of LibreOffice Basic: Defines the elementary linguistic constructs, for example, for variable declarations, loops, and functions. These are available through the Rows and Columns properties of the spreadsheet object and support the and/or services. The declaration can only be made using the supplement As Boolean. More information about working with styles can be found in the '''#Default values for character and paragraph properties''' section in #Text Documents. To split a string across two lines of code, add an ampersand sign (the concatenation operator) and the underscore continuation character at the end of the first line: To include a quotation mark (") in a string, enter it twice at the relevant point: LibreOffice Basic supports five basic types for processing numbers: Integer variables can store any whole number between -32768 and 32767. In addition to pure strings, text documents also contain formatting information. The service term used in LibreOffice Basic therefore corresponds to the type and class terms used in other programming languages. The handle is then used as a parameter for the Open instruction, which opens the file. Each type of style provides a whole range of individual formatting properties. These in turn contain the various cells. There is no direct counterpart in LibreOffice Basic for the Characters, Sentences and Words lists provided in VBA. A is therefore assigned the string 11. A VBA object is always assigned to precisely one single class. The form can be defined using two properties. In other words, formatting using templates is assigned a lower priority than direct formatting in a text. In particular, if such a request is made by pressing the right mouse button on the control, the event will be fired twice: once for the popup menu request, and once for the real mouse event. In the simplest scenario, a table control element is linked to a database using the autopilot form, which links all columns with the relevant database fields in accordance with the user specifications. Drawing objects include shapes (rectangles, circles, and so on), lines, and text objects. Base Guides | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides en / English documentation / Base Guides Base Guides Download PDF Buy a printed copy Guide Source Files Read in your browser Download PDF Buy a printed copy Download PDF Buy a printed copy Download PDF For detailed information check out our wiki page. Such array is declared without dimension, but may later be filled by an API function or with a Redim statement: You cannot assign a value to an empty array, since it does not contain any elements. For example, the aforementioned object, which is based on the service, can also include other services for loading documents and for ending the program. StarOffice 5: The name of the StarDesktop object dates back to StarOffice 5, in which all document windows were embedded in one common application called StarDesktop. It accesses the array of models using the GetGroupByName method (rather than the GetByName method to determine simple models). Note: You can also assign the elements to an individual tab page (for example page 1). It is therefore a simple alternative to configuring dialogs. A table is usually accessed in LibreOffice through the ResultSet object. Here are a few example calls for the named functions: LibreOffice Basic provides the InStr function for searching for a partial string within another string: The StringToFind parameter specifies the string to be searched for within MyString. LibreOffice Basic provides two functions to convert lowercase characters in a string to uppercase and vice-versa. Forms are created using the Form Controls and the Form Design Toolbar directly within the document. The possible values are: In addition to directly modifying cell content, LibreOffice Calc also provides an interface that allows you to insert, delete, copy, or merge cells. The following properties are defined in the service: The following example creates a header in the "Default" page style for text documents and adds the text "Just a Test" to the header. If a corresponding model is found, then a reference to this is saved in the Ctl variable and the search is terminated. Example declarations of double variables: Currency variables differ from the other variable types by the way they handle values. All the options specified here are based on the user interface from LibreOffice. A drawing object for a spreadsheet document, for example, can therefore only exist in conjunction with this one document. In the Dialog Editor, the property values are shown symbolically, as Default (0), Okay (1), and Cancel (2). The service defines the following properties of a pages background: The page format is defined using the following properties of the service: The following example sets the page size of the "Default" page style to the DIN A5 landscape format (height 14.8 cm, width 21 cm): The service provides the following properties for adjusting page margins as well as borders and shadows: The following example sets the left and right-hand borders of the "Default" page style to 1 centimeter. The On Error Goto 0 call at the end of the code resets the status information of the error (the error code in the Err system variables) so that an error occurring at a later date can be clearly recognized. The ShapeCollection is added to the page using the Group method and returns the actual Group object that can be edited like an individual Shape. They support the following property: The number of the current page can be inserted in a document using the text field. StarOffice 5: In the past, text fields were accessed using a whole range of methods that LibreOffice made available in the old Selection object (for example InsertField, DeleteUserField, SetCurField). Note: The dialog then changes its appearance as follows: The strings of a Dialog can be localized, see the Developer's Guide chapter #Dialog Localization. Note: The symbol bars provided by LibreOffice show the common text properties such as font type, weight and size. The lengths are specified in hundredths of a millimeter. By default, the parameters are passed by reference. In place of the $ placeholder, the Format function displays the relevant currency symbol defined by the system (this example assumes a European locale has been defined): The format instructions used in VBA for formatting date and time details can also be used: LibreOffice Basic provides the Date data type, which saves the date and time details in binary format. ThisComponent returns the last previously active document. If you want to change the size or position of control elements for runtime, determine the total size of the dialog and adjust the values for the control elements to the corresponding part ratios. The methods for inserting and deleting rows use the Rows object function in the same way as the methods shown for editing columns using the Columns object. In the second instance, the integer variables are first converted into two strings and then linked with one another by means of the assignment. The service, which is similar to the core service of LibreOffice. The computeFunction expects a constant as the parameter that describes the mathematical function that you want to use. The following example uses this method to create an object of cell C3. In terms of their function, global variables are similar to public domain variables, except that their values are retained even after the associated macro has executed. If the position of the cell is fixed, it is more clear to use the following code: The above code also works with a named cell. Values for the Array fields can be stored like this: Accessing values in an array works like this: And example containing all steps that show real array usage: A variable in LibreOffice Basic has a limited life span and a limited scope from which it can be read and used in other program fragments. The same applies when attempting to assign a string to a Boolean variable: Again, the basic interpreter reports an error. Among the most useful are: LibreOffice Basic understands common mathematical, logical, and comparison operators. This code inserts a drawing element in a page and then adds text to the top left corner of the drawing object using the TextVerticalAdjust and TextHorizontalAdjust properties. You do that by using the name of the object as a qualifier. The underscore must always be the last character in a linked line and cannot be followed by a space or a tab or a comment, otherwise the code generates an error. Again, the second parameter specifies the number of columns that you want to delete. The grouping of control elements in LibreOffice Basic is only used to ensure a visual division by drawing a frame around the control elements. The following example uses the hasByName method to check if a sheet called MySheet exists. The copyRange method functions in the same way as the moveRange method, except that copyRange inserts a copy of the cell range instead of moving it. Programmers who want to work directly with Java or C++ rather than LibreOffice Basic should consult the LibreOffice Developer's . Bar charts ( support two X-axes, two Y-axes and one Z-axis. The As keyword syntax, and the fact that a comma is not used, goes back to the roots of the Basic language. Note: Bookmarks (Service are TextContent objects. The False parameter in the previous function call specifies whether the area passed over with the cursor movement is highlighted. Once the writing process has been completed, the file must be closed using a Close call: Again here, the file handle should be specified. This call is only available provided that the data has not be re-written into the database using updateRow(). VBA: In VBA, the MkDir and RmDir functions only relate to the current directory. They are suitable for binary specifications that can only adopt one of two statuses. VBA: In VBA, the Err.Clear method of the Err object resets the error status after an error occurs. Note: The following call, for example, determines whether the TextElement object supports the service. This includes the interfaces and services for creating, opening, saving, converting, and printing documents and for template administration. If the operators are applied to Boolean values, the operation provides the result required directly. resembles an object type; however in UNO terminology it is called a service rather than a type. This function is similar to the one that is used in text documents as described in #Text Documents. The following example declares a data field that has six integer values and which can be addressed using the indexes 5 to 10: The indexes do not need to be positive values. As Basic makes automatic type conversions, there is usually no problems using a constant in an expression. The origin of the line is specified in the Location property, whereas the coordinates listed in the Size property specify the end point of the line. The following functions are available in LibreOffice Basic to retrieve the system time and system date: Working with files is one of the basic tasks of an application. 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