Best Synergy (DUO) Fiddlesticks. Cassiopeia has strong all-in potential at level 2 with her Q and E spam. Join the leading League of Legends community. He has his E to dodge your Q's, but he can only use this once in Brazil and missing one Q usually doesn't lose you the fight. You can bait him into running towards you by moving away from him, it sounds weird but it's a subconscious thing. Never settle for a short trade and always save you E for AFTER he Q's you away so that he can't get away. If all else fails you can just play the waiting game, farm under tower and outscale her. Easy match-up, he cannot beat you in an all-in unless you miss every q. Singed is a weird champion, but he can't do much against you. It gets easier post-6 because now you can extend the trade but even here it's hard to kill him because of how much self-peel he has and, of course, phase rush. In team fights it can sometimes be game-changing to ult him so he cannot ult your team, obviously though make sure he actually has ult up, and if he already ulted, he is pretty much useless in a team fight, so just ult the adc or whatever. Be careful pre-3, he has an insane amount of damage early and can literally oneshot you lvl 2. In-depth Build Stats. Win Rate. Discover the top Anivia mains and one-tricks from different regions on the player leaderboard at OPGG. Steelcaps are a good buy if you're having difficulties. Strong Against. 47.0%. Blitzcrank Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Choose the target that has the most priorities checked without skipping any from top to bottom. With that being said, try ulting her if her shroud is on cooldown or if she is already low. Climb in patch 12.20 with Cassiopeia builds provided by Mobalytics! Thankfully, poking him is pretty easy. Don't ult him later into the game as he will just stall. Quite easy match-up. This Pantheon Build will outstandingly increase your chances to gain LP and to climb the leaderboard in LoL.. Pantheon Abilities. An important thing to note here is, that you can cancel his ult with your ult (although you should still try cancelling it with e, this is more of a tip for when he is ulting but your e is on cooldown), he will still teleport, but only until he hits the wall of your ult. If you REALLY fucked up or got camped go steelcaps and farm under turret. In the mid-game he is crazy strong, even if he's several thousand gold behind, seriously, you will be amazed at what damage he can dish out with just a titanic hydra and his passive. He's a decent ult target later on, but note that he will probably have Zhonya's at that point. You outscale him hard. Play safe until level 3 and just try to poke her while staying out of her q range. Even if he does cleanse your ult with his, you will still keep the stats you stole for the 7 seconds, so effectively nothing really happened, except if he was meaning to run away, in which case it was the right choice of him. With that being said, if he hits you with e post-6 and w's you with ghouls attacking you, simply ult and beat the shit out of him. Seriously though, his dueling potential in the late game is one of the best there is, so unless you're not crazy ahead, try ulting someone else. Karthus. Easy match-up. Win Rate. If at least one of these conditions is met, it would be very recommendable to ult him as the champion itself is such a menace and can zone so well simply with his presence, no matter how behind he is. You can quite reliably ult her later on into the game and be pretty sure to kill her, as long as you have anti-heal. Every combo you need to master the champion! Obviously, those two things aren't exactly easy to do vs Riven. The best Akali players have a 56.94% win rate with an average rank of Master on the Akali Leaderboard. If the aatrox is skilled, you won't be able to do anything in lane. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) He can solo win a teamfight with a single good ultimate and you can actually manage to kill him most of the time. League of Legend] Custom NSFW Skin MOD 190708 Please email support if you cannot access your account. Rush bramble if behind/even, rush oblivion if ahead. Climb in patch 12.20 with Sylas builds provided by Mobalytics! U.S. appeals court says CFPB funding is unconstitutional - Protocol He will rush Divine so build bramble if you are behind and oblivion if you are ahead. Try to skirmish and gank as much as you can in the early game to get you and your allies ahead. Join other Blitzcrank mains and discuss your favorite champion! Import builds, scout every player, and get in-game insights to win more with our FREE app. Spam q poke him to deny his passive. Ulting him in late-game teamfights might not be the best choice, as at this point he is gonna be super fast for no reason and he can just run from you super well. He is also very easy to kill in Brazil. Vladimir. Rush steelcaps. Rush mercs if you're behind, build oblivion no matter what. Copyright 2017-2022 lolvvv. Size Option : Caitlyn, Shyvana, Syndra, Vayne. Immortal Shieldbow and Infinity Edge. Rush steelcaps, add bramble if behind. Easy match-up. He does kind of outscale you, so try to build a lead early. 53.8%. The passive is called Living Battery and there is no need to set it manually on a Zeri Build. Import this build directly into your game client: Holding off from using your Q until the enemy has used a dash or their movement ability will make landing your Q easier. Rush steelcaps no matter what. Killing him pre-6 is basically impossible because even if you do manage to E him, he will simply root you and phase rush away. Another thing to note is, that if you're feeling as though a particular 1v1 with him isn't quite going your way, you have the option to flash INSIDE of him the next time he uses q, as to deny him a passive stack, damage and crucial healing. the Dark Child. If he is running away from you, just ult him and sacrifice the 1% stats because you still beat him. Try Q'ing the minion you think she will q next. If you're not crazy ahead, rush bramble, add steelcaps if you fell behind. Hecarim is a spectral fusion of man and beast, cursed to ride down the souls of the living for all eternity. You don't really outscale him, either. The starter items for the best Zeri Build on patch 12.20 are Doran's Blade, Health Potion, and a Stealth Ward as the trinket. A good Irelia player can make your life hell but this match-up is pretty straight forward. If he gets to ult before you, he has it for the rest of the fight, as it refreshes with every auto-attack, meaning you never get to ult him, meaning you lose. Post-6 is pretty much why this match-up is so easy. ALWAYS make sure to mask ult with your Q animation, so that he can't use his ult to cancel yours (Look at the Combos and Mechanics Tab in case you are confused). Try to get ahead in the laning phase to delay her powerspike and decide the game before that happens. Riven sucks vs armor and hp, so just rush a tank mythic. She even outscales you, so there's pretty much no point in the game at which you are genuinely stronger than her (assuming both are even in exp and gold). Dive into even more Cassiopeia builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. +6 Armor, +8 ability haste Wukong is a decently easy matchup. Go bramble if you're behind (somehow), oblivion if you're even or ahead. Rush mercs no matter what, they help a lot vs his q slow and e cripple. Trinity Force. She gets her perma BS speed up from q, which allows her to keep a safe distance from you AND dodge all your spells, seriously, hitting E on her is virtually impossible. Instead, he will spam short trades which consist of him spamming his abilities, then just kicking you away at the end, which then procs his phase rush and he's gone in the blink of an eye. The best Hecarim skins you can find below. Skill match-up, aatrox is slightly favored in lane. Now, whenever the Black Mist reaches out across Runeterra, he leads their devastating charge, reveling in the slaughter and crushing foes beneath his armored hooves. Swain. Don't ever all-in him post 6 unless you're super ahead. Itemising against shen is rather challenging as his damage split is roughly 50-50 between physical and magic damage. Just make sure to have anti-heal because she will get Divine and her healing will be insane otherwise. Level 3 onward you pretty much win every all-in, so go for these and bully her off the minions/poke her, don't sweat it though. His only means of sustaining hp in a fight this early into the game is his q, which will be counteracted by your ignite or bramble if it's not up. This match-ups difficulty heavily depends on what summoner spell he took along with flash. Based on ranked matches from summoners with a PLATINUM+ tier, Hecarim has a win rate of 49.8%, a pick rate of 8.6%, a ban rate of 19.4% and an average KDA Ratio of 0.0, which shows that the Fighter is in a good spot in the current meta of season 12. Lissandra. 57.4%. Win Rate. He will know this and usually just trade you for 3 seconds and then E you away. You beat him if you don't miss too many Q's with ult ignite. You can just perma Q poke him and even if he engages on you, you will win the extended fight with ignite. Even and boring match-up. Be careful when diving him, and don't sweat using the full shield, as he can dish out quite a bit of damage with q ignite ult and the tower shooting at you, not even mentioning that if he catches you by surprise and q's you before you w, you will die under turret, so when diving him, try timing your w JUST as he leaps onto you with q as to get max value off your shield while not "missing" it. This way you can often hit an e on him and maybe extend into an all-in. 58.1%. That being said, unless the Kayle is brain damaged, you will not kill her pre-6. When she damages an enemy shield she absorbs its energy, shielding herself. 48.2%. Respect his early game, otherwise you will die. He is pretty easy to kill in Brazil as long as you have anti-heal. Pre-6 you will most likely not kill her but after that, if you ever hit E on her, AA-Q-R her and she's probably dead. Dive into even more Kha'Zix builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. Fairly easy match-up. Copyright 2017-2022 lolvvv. Me :: League of Legends Blog Something to note in post-6 fights, is that you should use your shield before you reach approximately 30% hp, as he can kill you with ult if you're lower than 25% hp, EVEN if you have a 500hp shield. Generally speaking, you win every all-in, but whenever Gragas sees that a certain fight isn't quite going his way, he will use either Phase Rush, E or R to escape. Difficult match-up. You should look towards getting a lead early as he will outscale you otherwise. At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Burst Fire on Zeri.As the match progresses, it is best to maximise Burst Fire into Ultrashock Laser and at last Spark Surge. Very similar to Mundo, just chill behind minions and there isn't really much he can do. Mordekaiser's easiest matchup in my opinion, as you just completely negate her kit with your ult. That being said, try extending every short trade he tries to go for into an all-in, you will most likely get his flash, 75% of his health bar, or even kill him if he is dumb enough to commit to the all-in. The second he uses his max fury, ult him. Use it at the last possible second if you have to commit to using it. She can't do much against you. At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Rampage on Hecarim. Akali Build Vex If he farms in melee range spam poke him with q and e as he simply cannot retaliate. Very similar to kayle, you can't bully him without pushing the wave, meaning he gets to farm and stack. He's more of a counter against AD champions because of his passive. Cassiopeia. Berserker's Greaves are the most bought Kayle boots by Pros. One thing to look out is that his empowered w removes your shield, meaning you have to use it early, AFTER he W'd OR instantly consume your w if you see him waiting for you to use W. Feel free to ult him in team fights, although he might be a bit hard to kill. Rush bramble or oblivion. Jax is known to be a duelist champion, so ulting him in late game team fights is a rather poor choice, as it can go two ways: Either he will e you, then jump over a wall or just away from you, allowing him to just wait for Brazil to run out and walk away OR he will actually beat you in Brazil, as, at this point, he will probably have divine, bork and wit's end, which make him an insanely powerful duelist. Ornn is an insanely overloaded champ, he pretty much has everything you could ever want, good laning phase, insane tankiness, burst damage, cc for ages, utility, engage, late game, et cetera. Malphite counters AD champions, not AP champions. Mordekaiser Cassiopeia. This is a better option for when you are less confident in a specific lane or on Mordekaiser in general. If he took ignite be very careful pre-6, his damage output is already quite high early, but with ignite he can seriously chunk you down as you're rather squishy before your first back and level 6, TP makes him more of a threat to your team but not to you. I've peaked Rank 1 in EUW on. Win Rate. Seriously, if you ever walk up to the minions and they are slightly behind the center line of lane, he will just chuck Q's at you and run you down without any counterplay. A good tip to keep in mind is that you can cancel her hook shot (E) with your E IF timed right, but it's kinda hard to pull off. Dive into even more Kha'Zix builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. Flash and Ghost are the summoner spells, which fits this LoL Zeri Build the most. Vladimir Also, if he ever wastes his e to push the wave, trade him and maybe even kill him if he commits. Import this build directly into your game client: Avoid using your W at all costs as it costs you tons of health. Poke him a lot in laning phase, but make sure to stay out of his e range so you don't get forced into an early all-in, which will most likely go his way. My IGN is MasterOfMetaI, my peak is Master 86LP. Just don't use e before she parried, she can simply stand on top of it and parry as your e is super slow, most likely stunning you with it, unless you have flash (which is still not worth it). Hard match-up. Cassiopeia. Ignite is mandatory here, it helps against his healing and wins you a lot of early fights. He doesn't build a lot of health early so ignite is like a gift from god in early fights. Varathron - Glorification Under The Latin Moon: CD, Album, Ltd Pre-6, unless he actively walks into you, just Q him whenever the opportunity presents itself, or short trade him, but don't take free poke from him as he can quickly kill you if you are low enough. Deeply compassionate toward others, Zeri carries the love of her family and her home into every fight. You can guarantee a q-hit with flash. +10% Attack Speed Rush mercs. This match-up heavily depends on the skill of gangplank. Veigar. Especially dont Hook Q somebody who can engage or who has CC like Amumu. Though her eagerness to help can sometimes backfire, Zeri believes one truth to be certain: stand up for your community, and it will stand up with you. You outscale him but don't underestimate his ult in the late game. Highly dependent on Jayce's skill level. General Competitive Information: The amount of Courage Coins earned last season has been reset to 0. Tank up early, he doesn't really have a way to circumvent armor early on. Once he is low enough from your poke, go for an all-in. In-depth Build Stats. Win Rate. After that he won't really be able to kill you plus not heal with his W. He will usually keep his fury to get an empowered W after you ult him so he can cleanse it. If he ever E's your Q, E him and murder him. Pretty easy match-up, poke and play safe until level 3, at which point you will start beating him, in all-ins that is. Always run to the side of his w, NEVER to the top, as this will just guarantee it to pull you and give aatrox a free sweet spot. Zeri gains Move Speed whenever she receives a shield. Easy match-up. 56.4%. Every combo you need to master the champion! Learn more. Import builds, scout every player, and get in-game insights to win more with our FREE app. Azir. Pre-6 there aren't really many things to look out for, you win most 1v1s, just make sure to never settle for short trades no matter how badly they went and never let him escape when he comes into your melee range. Skill match-up. Berserker's Greaves are the most bought Zeri boots by Pros. You pretty much beat her in every aspect. Take ignite. Don't ult her later into the game, she's just too tanky to kill at that point. You can outperform him in teamfights and with randuins steelcaps he won't be able to dive you in a late game split push situation anyway, so this is your best bet. Hard match-up. Easy match-up, you win most 1v1s post-6 if you take ignite and kite him well, but watch out pre-6 because if you ever step up in this stage, you will get your skull caved in. I'm not playing ranked really often, but on a secondary profile i'm trying to climb also if really slowly, i play like 1/2 games per week (it's not smurfing since they are both on the same elo). Rush steelcaps, bramble if you're having major difficulties. Win Rate. Win Rate. If you hit an E post-6 you can AA-Q-R him and try to kill him in Brazil but he will also root you and phase rush away from you here. If you don't have e just q him and walk away from him until his e is over. If you do, however, get your ult out before him, he can cleanse it with ult but you will still keep the stats for 7 seconds. Generally, your first evolve will be your Q. Learn more. Keep trades short pre-3. The most supportive Zeri keystone rune is Lethal Tempo. There is no point in the game where you can beat vayne in a straight up 1v1, NOT EVEN in death realm. Hard match-up. Rush steelcaps, bramble if you're behind. Get the best Mordekaiser builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Entertainment and later debuted as the main vocalist of the South Korean girl group, M.I.L.K in 2001 and continued until the group disbanded in 2003. Rush mercs. Spam Q him before doing ANYTHING else. You win every all-in, he cannot beat you in an all-in, his best bet is always to get good short trades and get out until his cooldowns are back up. Strong Against. Every combo you need to master the champion! A rather easy match-up for Mordekaiser. Annie. Not only all this, but also, you can't even itemise vs this bitch, with roughly 2/5 of her damage being true damage (steelcaps are a decent buy nonetheless). Stand back level 2 and try not to get hit by his e. Levels 3-5 i don't recommend messing with this guy too much (granted he didn't majorly fuck up in any way) as he can deal surprisingly huge amounts of damage if he hits you with e and has at least 3 graves/ghouls. It is to be assumed that you won't ever kill him, so make sure to take Conditioning and Overgrowth. At the beginning of a match start to skill the ability Counter Strike on Jax.As the match progresses, it is best to maximise Empower into Counter Strike and at last Leap Strike. Generally though, as long as you're not behind, you should be good. Anivia Pretty hard match-up. Buy Varathron - Glorification Under The Latin Moon - Agonia Records - CD, Album, Ltd - ARCD219, includes Cultum Deus Aeternum (ntro), Ouroboros Dweller, Cassiopeia's Ode, Tenebrous, Saturnian Sect, His Majesty At The Swamp, Son Of The Moon, Unholy Funeral, Nightly Kingdoms, Lustful Father, Flowers Of My Youth, The River Of My Souls, The Tressrising Of You can take short trades IF you keep them short. Dive into even more Blitzcrank builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. Rush mercs no matter what. Super frustrating and painful match-up. Make sure to not ult her in teamfights, she can stall so well and maybe even kill you. Don't eat too many of these, they hurt. She outscales you and her damage is staggering in the late game so ulting her isn't really recommended in the late game, unless of course you are ahead. Dive into even more Vladimir builds stats with additional analysis from our friends at LoLalytics. You outscale him but ulting him late game is not that smart because he can e over a wall just to gain distance OR to dodge your e, he will have zhonyas at this point and his w healing is kinda insane, even with grievous wounds. The Star Forger. Rush steelcaps if you're behind or even, otherwise just go for your mythic. Post 10 minutes when he starts stacking mr and gets his hp for free from w, he can tank your damage in Brazil and walk out, so make sure to damage him before you ult. You can easily poke him with q and go for an all-in as soon as he is low enough. Discover the top Vex mains and one-tricks from different regions on the player leaderboard at OPGG. Ulting her in teamfights can be very useful, just make sure she already used ult so she doesn't spank you in Brazil. Hecarim Build Discover the top Vladimir mains and one-tricks from different regions on the player leaderboard at OPGG. Besides the Hecarim build you can select a skin for Hecarim. Rush steelcaps. The passive is called Warpath and there is no need to set it manually on a Hecarim Build. This is not insanely important but there's no reason not to do it, so might as well take the extra 1% stats. The upcoming LoL Zeri Adc Build is the most popular build picked by many Pros. Win Rate. And that's not even half of why this match-up is impossible, she gets a ground and a stun in addition to her q. If he walks up and farms in melee range, q and e him and always make sure to destroy his canister if possible. Ezreal Build You beat him in all-ins and short trades level 3 and onward. Rush steelcaps. Vladimir Bad matchup, not because laning vs. her is hard but because she will outscale you and there is very little you can do about it. Strong Against. In an all-in, you can just R after he R's and it will be gone. Swain. Level 6 you just beat him in Brazil, even harder with ignite (heavily recommended in this lane, wins you a lot of early fights as well). Take ignite. Three of his abilities make him rely on external units/minions during fights, meaning that he can't do much without maiden, ghouls and w. A VERY important thing to note here, is that you shouldn't ult him when his w is up, he can use it to keep you at a safe distance while waiting for Brazil to run out. Sadly this doesn't change after level 6 because he can just ult at the beginning of the fight and you won't be able to ult him. Also, if you ever happen to hit E otherwise, kill him, with ignite and steelcaps you obliterate him in every all-in post level 3. Personally though, i still like to play rather safe in the early levels, even if I took ignite, as this guy can seriously snowball out of control. lolvvv isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Ulting him in team fights may not be the best choice unless he used his ult already or if he's the only viable option as his ultimate allows him to stall super well. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and learn how to play Hecarim. Tank up against her as quickly as possible. Best Synergy (DUO) Mordekaiser. Learn more. Completely unplayable match-up. Try going for isolated Q's on him that don't hit any minions, although this is more of a general tip it is very important in this lane to NOT push the wave. Discover the top Vladimir mains and one-tricks from different regions on the player leaderboard at OPGG. You will always win a 100% vs 100% all-in if he is dumb enough to go for that, even in mega form. You might want to ult him later on into the game in a teamfight situation for this reason. Aurelion Sol. Don't try to punish him when he is proxying, unless your jungler is helping because you won't be able to kill him on your own and you will just end up losing cs. 55.3%. Even if you manage to kill him, he will still have prio again until your ult comes back up, unless you are like 4 kills ahead at this point. Always walk inside of her W to fight her or you can't hit her with E or Q. If at any point in the game, you manage to catch him, try to walk as close to him as possible, so that his E gets cancelled by you. Ionian Boots of Lucidity are the most bought Ezreal boots by Pros. Rush oblivion and take ignite. When laning against someone who can engage like Alistar, Leona or Nautilus, never try to Hook Q them. 56.6%. Try and Hook Q a squishy champion or carry instead. Kha'Zix General information. You even beat her pre 6 with ignite so she doesn't even have a chance to get a lead then. You can follow the initial Q with multiple Es afterwards for a favourable trade. Blitzcrank General information. TFT Set 3 champions. You can never win an all-in vs this guy, so you need to poke him down before you even try to kill him. Ignite is mandatory, it allows you to fuck up and still win and make early fights pre-6 very doable. Win Rate. Keep trades short early. Rush mercs. Ignite is very recommended as he will also be taking ignite and it just makes fights very hard to lose. Please login or register. Eclipse. Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Master players will receive special rewards at the end of the Season. You beat him in all stages of the game except for levels 2-5, where he can take insanely good trades. Spam Q him in lane while staying behind minions so he can't AA you. 53.6%. Rush mercs no matter what. If he has kick up, don't ult him in late game team fights or he will just kick you and run, OR just jump a wall with w. Hard match-up. Kassadin middle is a strong counter to Anivia, Ryze & Azir while Kassadin is countered most by Tristana, Cassiopeia & Ahri. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. Easy match-up. until level 3, at which point you can start fighting him, although even this would be risky as his damage is still extreme then. You remove her e spirit and on average around 4 tentacles that would have otherwise beaten the shit out of you if it wasn't for your ult. Yone. My IGN is MasterOfMetaI, my peak is Master 86LP. Immortal Shieldbow and Phantom Dancer. Win Rate. Veigar. She was scouted by S.M. Hello everyone! Plated Steelcaps are the most bought Pantheon boots by Pros. Her volatile power mirrors her emotions, its sparks reflecting her lightning-fast approach to life. Additionally, you can ult him just after he W'd you, for some reason this makes the W disappear and you won't get pulled. Probably the biggest problem in this match-up, however, is her shroud. Also he has passive so even if you get close to him, which is already unlikely, he will stun you and walk away. Lissandra. Rush mercs. You outscale him super hard but only ult this guy if there's no better option in teamfights as he's just way too hard to kill within 7 seconds. Ult him in teamfights because he will mess up your team otherwise. Kayle Build Olaf is a very early/mid game centered champion, after which he just falls off a cliff. Hard match-up. Go straight into your Mythic. Pre-3 you should be careful because her early damage is pretty high, but after that you're free to do whatever you want, just try to not stand next to a wall and do your best to destroy her passive shield when possible.

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