In these provisions references to the Union or the Member States shall not include the United Kingdom and references to national central banks shall not include the Bank of England.5. (3) On an application, the court may make an order if it is satisfied that the order is just and equitable, having regard to the scheme and intent of this Act and the interests of all persons that would be affected by the order. The Governing Council shall formulate the monetary policy of the Union including, as appropriate, decisions relating to intermediate monetary objectives, key interest rates and the supply of reserves in the ESCB, and shall establish the necessary guidelines for their implementation.The Executive Board shall implement monetary policy in accordance with the guidelines and decisions laid down by the Governing Council. 7, s. 301 (2) - not in force. 1998, c.19, s.43(2). Where the Civil Service Tribunal finds that it does not have jurisdiction to hear and determine an action in respect of which the Court of Justice or the General Court has jurisdiction, it shall refer that action to the Court of Justice or to the General Court. During the months of April, June and October, the Council shall hold its meetings in Luxembourg. After such review, the Commission may decide to maintain, amend or withdraw the proposal. T or F: A Class IV recall indicates that the use of the product will cause serious, adverse health consequences or death? It may, in certain cases determined by its rules of procedure, sit in full court or in a chamber of five judges or of a single judge.3. 1, s. 2. WSI may, by giving notice to IBM within 90 days of such event, as its sole remedy terminate the agreement in the event of a Service Level Termination Event as set forth in Schedule B without payment of the Termination Fee, and WSI will pay IBMs actual Wind-Down costs. (b) to replace the building with a different building, subject to this Act, the declaration and the by-laws. 1998, c.19, s.44(3). 1, s. 66 (1). 1. 1, s. 37 (3)). 5. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 79 (1) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. [26] Replaced, in substance, by Article 3 TEU. 2, s. 80 (11), 82 (3, 4) - 01/11/2017. The Presidency of Council configurations, other than that of Foreign Affairs, shall be held by Member State representatives in the Council on the basis of equal rotation, in accordance with the conditions established in accordance with Article 236 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. 1, s. 16. 1998, c.19, s.92(3). The European Union Civil Service Tribunal (hereafter "the Civil Service Tribunal") shall exercise at first instance jurisdiction in disputes between the Union and its servants referred to in Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, including disputes between all bodies or agencies and their servants in respect of which jurisdiction is conferred on the Court of Justice of the European Union. 2015, c. 28, Sched. 2015, c. 28, Sched. (4) Upon receiving money that is required to be held in trust under subsection (1), a trustee of a prescribed class shall hold the money in trust in a separate account in Ontario designated as a trust account at a bank listed in Schedule I or II to the Bank Act (Canada), a trust corporation, a loan corporation or a credit union. 1998, c.19, s.64(2). (a) notify the corporation that the unit is leased; (b) provide the corporation with the lessees name, the owners address and a copy of the lease or renewal or a summary of it in the form prescribed by the Minister; and. 1. In accordance with Article 127(5) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the ESCB shall contribute to the smooth conduct of policies pursued by the competent authorities relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions and the stability of the financial system. She is the founder of Wealth Women Daily and an author. None of the provisions of Title V of Part Three of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, no measure adopted pursuant to that Title, no provision of any international agreement concluded by the Union pursuant to that Title, and no decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union interpreting any such provision or measure or any measure amended or amendable pursuant to that Title shall be binding upon or applicable in Denmark; and no such provision, measure or decision shall in any way affect the competences, rights and obligations of Denmark; and no such provision, measure or decision shall in any way affect the Community or Union acquis nor form part of Union law as they apply to Denmark. (7) Despite the registration of a declaration and description, the person who holds money in trust under subsection (1) shall hold it in trust until, (a) the person holding the money in trust disposes of it to the person entitled to it, where the disposal is done in accordance with this Act and an agreement that the person who paid the money has entered into with respect to the proposed unit; or. They shall continue to enjoy this immunity after they have ceased to hold office;(b) together with their spouses and dependent members of their families, not be subject to immigration restrictions or to formalities for the registration of aliens;(c) in respect of currency or exchange regulations, be accorded the same facilities as are customarily accorded to officials of international organisations;(d) enjoy the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the time of first taking up their post in the country concerned, and the right to re-export free of duty their furniture and effects, on termination of their duties in that country, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the country in which this right is exercised;(e) have the right to import free of duty a motor car for their personal use, acquired either in the country of their last residence or in the country of which they are nationals on the terms ruling in the home market in that country, and to re-export it free of duty, subject in either case to the conditions considered to be necessary by the government of the country concerned.Article 12(ex Article 13)Officials and other servants of the Union shall be liable to a tax for the benefit of the Union on salaries, wages and emoluments paid to them by the Union, in accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down by the European Parliament and the Council, acting by means of regulations in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and after consultation of the institutions concerned.They shall be exempt from national taxes on salaries, wages and emoluments paid by the Union.Article 13(ex Article 14)In the application of income tax, wealth tax and death duties and in the application of conventions on the avoidance of double taxation concluded between Member States of the Union, officials and other servants of the Union who, solely by reason of the performance of their duties in the service of the Union, establish their residence in the territory of a Member State other than their country of domicile for tax purposes at the time of entering the service of the Union, shall be considered, both in the country of their actual residence and in the country of domicile for tax purposes, as having maintained their domicile in the latter country provided that it is a member of the Union. If it decides to do so, this measure will create an obligation under international law between Denmark and the other Member States bound by the measure.2. 9.1 (1) The following person or body shall appoint a person to be known in English as the Condominium Registrar and in French as the registrateur du secteur des condominiums for the purposes of this Act and may appoint a maximum of two deputy Registrars: 1. 1998, c.19, s.123(7). 1998, c.19, s.134(5). 1, s. 26 (1). A record of all reserve fund studies and all plans to increase the reserve fund under subsection 94 (8). This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. The Governing Council may decide to make the outcome of its deliberations public. 1, s. 12. 2. 1, s. 86 - not in force. 1998, c.19, s.34(4). It shall oversee the application of Union law under the control of the Court of Justice of the European Union. RECALLING that the common security and defence policy is an integral part of the common foreign and security policy; that it provides the Union with operational capacity drawing on civil and military assets; that the Union may use such assets in the tasks referred to in Article 43 of the Treaty on European Union outside the Union for peace-keeping, conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter; that the performance of these tasks is to be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States in accordance with the principle of a single set of forces. 1, s. 140). 1998, c.19, s.70(6). 26.2. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 122 (2) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. The net profit of the ECB shall be transferred in the following order:(a) an amount to be determined by the Governing Council, which may not exceed 20 % of the net profit, shall be transferred to the general reserve fund subject to a limit equal to 100 % of the capital;(b) the remaining net profit shall be distributed to the shareholders of the ECB in proportion to their paid-up shares.33.2. The Commission shall promote the general interest of the Union and take appropriate initiatives to that end. A decision requiring a qualified majority shall be adopted if the votes cast in favour represent at least two thirds of the subscribed capital of the ECB and represent at least half of the shareholders. The President or, in his absence, the Vice-President of the ECB shall chair the General Council of the ECB. [39] Replaces the current Article 30 TEU. The Court of Justice of the European Union shall, in accordance with the Treaties: (a) rule on actions brought by a Member State, an institution or a natural or legal person; (b) give preliminary rulings, at the request of courts or tribunals of the Member States, on the interpretation of Union law or the validity of acts adopted by the institutions; (c) rule in other cases provided for in the Treaties. Within the framework of the principles and objectives of its external action, the Union shall conduct, define and implement a common foreign and security policy, based on the development of mutual political solidarity among Member States, the identification of questions of general interest and the achievement of an ever-increasing degree of convergence of Member States' actions. The General Secretariat of the European Parliament and its departments shall remain in Luxembourg. If, by the end of the period of four months, the Council has not adopted a decision, a Member State may, without delay, request that the matter be referred to the European Council. Member States shall show mutual solidarity.When the European Council or the Council has defined a common approach of the Union within the meaning of the first paragraph, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Member States shall coordinate their activities within the Council.The diplomatic missions of the Member States and the Union delegations in third countries and at international organisations shall cooperate and shall contribute to formulating and implementing the common approach.Article 33(ex Article 18 TEU)The Council may, on a proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, appoint a special representative with a mandate in relation to particular policy issues. The Treaties may be amended in accordance with an ordinary revision procedure. The obligation to provide prior information shall not apply to measures which are merely a national transposition of Council decisions. 2, s. 75 (14)). 9, s.1 (1) - not in force; 2012, c.8, Sched. 1, s. 39 (3)). 1, s. 117. For all financial records of the corporation described in paragraph 1 of subsection (1), at least six years from the end of the last fiscal period to which they relate or such longer period that is prescribed. 1998, c.19, s.125(7). If the Court of Justice finds that the decision of the General Court affects the unity or consistency of Union law, it shall refer the case back to the General Court which shall be bound by the points of law decided by the Court of Justice; the Court of Justice may state which of the effects of the decision of the General Court are to be considered as definitive in respect of the parties to the litigation. 1, s. 12. The members of the Council shall lend him or her their assistance.Section 2Provisions to be applied as from 1 April 2017Article 4As from 1 April 2017, if members of the Council, representing:(a) at least 55 % of the population, or(b) at least 55 % of the number of Member Statesnecessary to constitute a blocking minority resulting from the application of Article 16(4), first subparagraph, of the Treaty on European Union or Article 238(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, indicate their opposition to the Council adopting an act by a qualified majority, the Council shall discuss the issue.Article 5The Council shall, in the course of these discussions, do all in its power to reach, within a reasonable time and without prejudicing obligatory time limits laid down by Union law, a satisfactory solution to address concerns raised by the members of the Council referred to in Article 4.Article 6To this end, the President of the Council, with the assistance of the Commission and in compliance with the Rules of Procedure of the Council, shall undertake any initiative necessary to facilitate a wider basis of agreement in the Council. (2) A performance audit shall be conducted before the first anniversary of the date of registration of the declaration and description for the corporation or such other time periods following the registration of the declaration and description that are prescribed. Ministers authority to appoint administrator, Status of board during administrators tenure, Condition precedent for exercise of certain powers, Disclosure of compensation and other payments, No personal liability, employee of the Crown, No personal liability, board members and others, Powers and Duties of Condominium Authority, PART I.2 CONDOMINIUM AUTHORITY TRIBUNAL, Payment under order for compensation, costs or a penalty, Easements described in declaration or phase, PART IV.1 SPECIAL RULES DURING EMERGENCY, Duty to register declaration and description, Modifications to Common Elements and Assets, Amendments to the Declaration and Description, PART X COMMON ELEMENTS CONDOMINIUM CORPORATIONS, PART XI PHASED CONDOMINIUM CORPORATIONS, PART XII VACANT LAND CONDOMINIUM CORPORATIONS, PART XIII LEASEHOLD CONDOMINIUM CORPORATIONS, administrative agreement means the agreement described in subsection 1.2 (1); (accord dapplication), annual general meeting means a meeting of the owners of a corporation held in accordance with subsection 45 (2); (assemble gnrale annuelle), approval authority means the approval authority for the purposes of sections 51, 51.1 and 51.2 of the Planning Act; (autorit approbatrice), auditor means a person licensed as a public accountant under the Public Accounting Act, 2004 who is appointed as an auditor of a corporation under section 60; (vrificateur), board means the board of directors of a corporation; (conseil), building means a building included in a property; (btiment), by-law means a by-law of a corporation; (rglement administratif), Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, the definition of by-law in subsection 1 (1) of the Act is amended by adding or a by-law made under subsection 21.1 (4) at the end. 1998, c.19, s.99(8). (1) Upon registration of a notice of termination under section 122 or 123, then, subject to the regulations. The ECB shall be subject to the liability regime provided for in Article 340 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. A corporation and one or more declarants. Member States which wish to establish enhanced cooperation between themselves within the framework of the Union's non-exclusive competences may make use of its institutions and exercise those competences by applying the relevant provisions of the Treaties, subject to the limits and in accordance with the detailed arrangements laid down in this Article and in Articles 326 to 334 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The amendment of an act referred to in paragraph 1 shall entail the applicability of the powers of the institutions referred to in that paragraph as set out in the Treaties with respect to the amended act for those Member States to which that amended act shall apply.3. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 132 (5) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. The European Council may end his term of office by the same procedure. 7. governing the circumstances and the manner in which the Corporations Information Act is to apply to corporations, including the time at which that Act is to apply; 7.1 governing any return or notice required to be filed under Part II.1, including governing their form, the manner of accepting them, the determination and confirmation of the date of their receipt and their period of retention and destruction; 7.2 specifying alternative methods of filing returns and notices under Part II.1 and governing their filing by each method, including governing the manner of accepting them and the determination and confirmation of the date of their receipt; 8. requiring that a description in respect of any class of properties contain a survey of the properties showing the units and common elements, in lieu of or in addition to the requirements of section 8; 9. prescribing the material required to be contained in the certificate as to the status of an amalgamating corporation for the purpose of clause 120 (3) (c); 10. prescribing forms described in this Act as forms prescribed by the Minister and providing for their use. (6) In order to make representations under subsection (5), an auditor shall send them to the person calling the meeting at least three days before the mailing of the notice of the meeting. 2, s. 75 (11)), (c) review all final reports on inspections that the warranty authority requires be carried out on the common elements and the real property that is the subject of the audit; and. 1, s. 12. 2015, c. 28, Sched. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, acting under the authority of the Council and in close and constant contact with the Political and Security Committee, shall ensure coordination of the civilian and military aspects of such tasks.Article 441. B, s.7(5). The Governing Council shall decide upon the proportion to be called up by the ECB following its establishment and the amounts called up at later dates. Declaration on the protection of personal data in the fields of judicial cooperation in criminal matters and police cooperation, 22. Declaration on Article 16(4) of the Treaty on European Union and Article 238(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union8. 1.12 The Minister may appoint a chair from among the members of the board of directors of the condominium authority. In the event of a loss incurred by the ECB, the shortfall may be offset against the general reserve fund of the ECB and, if necessary, following a decision by the Governing Council, against the monetary income of the relevant financial year in proportion and up to the amounts allocated to the national central banks in accordance with Article 32.5.CHAPTER VIIGENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 34Legal acts34.1. In the case of a bicameral Parliamentary system, each of the two chambers shall have one vote.2. The Council shall act by a qualified majority except where the Treaties provide otherwise.4. Declaration on Article 5(3), (4) and (5) of the Protocol on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union48. (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. 1, s. 67 (2)). - the Court of Justice of the European Union. 1998, c.19, s.7(1). (2) In the case of a notice of meeting of owners, the owners and mortgagees whose names, 20 days before the day of the meeting, appeared in the record of the corporation required by section 46.1 or were required by that section to appear in that record shall be deemed to be the owners and mortgagees to whom the notice is required to be given under subsection (1). (c) whether the corporation is a phased condominium corporation. 1.37 (1) Two or more persons who are each entitled to make an application may make the application jointly, subject to any provision in the rules of the Tribunal that authorizes the Tribunal to direct that one or more of the applications be considered in a separate proceeding. 123 (1) The registration of a notice under subsection (7) terminates the government of the property by this Act. Whether the potential defendant violated a duty of care and proximately caused damages to the party as a result. Articles 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to measures determining the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of the Member States, or measures relating to a uniform format for visas. 1998, c.19, s.21(1); 2000, c.26, Sched. When the situation so requires, the President shall convene a special meeting of the European Council.4. (c) the other consequences, if any, that are prescribed and that relate to the assets shall come into effect. (i) marked on a ballot cast personally or by a proxy, (ii) marked on an instrument appointing a proxy, or. The European Parliament and national Parliaments shall be notified of this application. (See: 2020, c. 36, Sched. 1, s. 22 (2). 3. 1. HAVING NOTED the position of Denmark with regard to Citizenship, Economic and Monetary Union, Defence Policy and Justice and Home Affairs as laid down in the Edinburgh Decision. major repair means repair as determined in accordance with the regulations, if any. Declaration on Article 107(2)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union30. 1998, c.19, s.134(4). 30.4. 32.3. The Bank shall borrow on the capital markets the funds necessary for the performance of its tasks.2. 1, s. 116 (1). Members of the European Parliament shall, in respect of customs and exchange control, be accorded: (a) by their own government, the same facilities as those accorded to senior officials travelling abroad on temporary official missions; (b) by the government of other Member States, the same facilities as those accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions. Those Member States, in association with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, shall agree among themselves on the management of the task. 1, s. 62 (2)). The Client will be invoiced when the Services are complete. (10.1) If, under subsection (9), a corporation terminates an agreement, the corporation and its directors, officers and owners are not liable for. BEARING IN MIND that the Treaties establish an area without internal frontiers and grant every citizen of the Union the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States. (4) A judgment for payment in favour of the corporation in an action that the corporation commences or maintains on its own behalf is an asset of the corporation. (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection (2) is repealed and the following substituted: (2) An index of the corporations created by the registrations shall be kept. CONSIDERING that, in accordance with Article 343 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Article 191 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community ("EAEC"), the European Union and the EAEC shall enjoy in the territories of the Member States such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the performance of their tasks. The objective is to gradually achieve a budgetary surplus in good times which creates the necessary room to accommodate economic downturns and thus contribute to the long-term sustainability of public finances.The Member States look forward to possible proposals of the Commission as well as further contributions of Member States with regard to strengthening and clarifying the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact. The Court of Justice may at any time entrust any individual, body, authority, committee or other organisation it chooses with the task of giving an expert opinion. Find Free Printable Samples of Simple Business Partnership Agreements, Business Partner Agreements, HIPAA General Agreements, Operating Agreement, and User Agreements, and Any Written Agreement on Our Website. Other acts shall be adopted on the basis of a Commission proposal where the Treaties so provide. REAFFIRMING that references in this Protocol to the operation of specific provisions of the Charter are strictly without prejudice to the operation of other provisions of the Charter. All these tasks may contribute to the fight against terrorism, including by supporting third countries in combating terrorism in their territories.2. electronic means means any means that uses any electronic or other technological means to transmit information or data, including fax, e-mail, computer or computer networks. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 125 (1) of the Act is amended by adding in accordance with the prescribed requirements, if any after agreement. (2) A renewal of the leasehold interests shall be for at least 10 years or the greater term specified in the notice. (5) An agreement binds the owners unit and is enforceable against the owners successors and assigns. (4) The cost of the services that are invoiced directly to the unit owners under clause (2) (c) shall not form part of the common expenses, despite anything in the declaration. (3) The notice shall state that the person is entitled to a hearing by the Licence Appeal Tribunal if the person mails or delivers, within 15 days after the notice is served, a notice in writing requiring a hearing to the Registrar and the Tribunal. CONVINCED that a more assertive Union role in security and defence matters will contribute to the vitality of a renewed Atlantic Alliance, in accordance with the Berlin Plus arrangements. The application shall contain the applicants name and permanent address and the description of the signatory, the name of the party or names of the parties against whom the application is made, the subject-matter of the dispute, the form of order sought and a brief statement of the pleas in law on which the application is based. This provision shall also apply to a spouse, to the extent that the latter is not separately engaged in a gainful occupation, and to children dependent on and in the care of the persons referred to in this Article. Competitors may claim infringement of intellectual property rights. 1.36 (1) Subject to subsection (4), a corporation may apply to the Tribunal for the resolution of a prescribed dispute with one or more of its owners or one or more occupiers or mortgagees of a unit. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the fact that Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland do not participate in all the provisions of the Schengen acquis; that provision should, however, be made to allow those Member States to accept other provisions of this acquis in full or in part. It shall exercise coordinating, executive and management functions, as laid down in the Treaties. An indemnity clause or indemnification clause is a clause where a person demands to be compensated for any A hold harmless agreement is the mutual understanding between two or more contractual parties as to a statutes where the law prohibits hold harmless provisions in certain specific situations such as working in construction. 2015, c. 28, Sched. The members shall perform their duties on a full-time basis. In the cases governed by Article 267 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the decision of the national court or tribunal shall, moreover, be notified by the Registrar of the Court to the States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also to the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement which may, within two months of notification, where one of the fields of application of that Agreement is concerned, submit statements of case or written observations to the Court. 1998, c.19, s.165(4). 1, s. 1 (1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15) - 01/09/2017; 2015, c. 28, Sched. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to money received, (a) on account of the purchase of personal property included in the proposed unit that is not to be permanently affixed to the land; or. A certified copy of such translations shall be provided by the Member States concerned to be deposited in the archives of the Council. 1, s. 84 (1)). 1. 3. (c) if the sale is for only part of the common elements and includes common elements that are for the use of the owners of certain designated units and not all the owners, the owners of the designated units consent in writing to the sale. (4) Repealed: 2015, c. 28, Sched. 1998, c.19, s.138(3). Regulations concerning the calculation and determination of the required minimum reserves may be established by the Governing Council.

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