Without that revival, I wouldnt be the person I am today. Nine Characteristics of the Great Old Testament Revivals - Counseling Money! People dont want to see their sin. The events on Mount Carmel provide a classic example of what the missionaries call a "power encounter", to demonstrate the Lord's superiority. Because people worked six days a week, and because they recognised the value of being able to read, the Sunday School was an evangelical tool which enabled vast numbers to begin to profit from reading good books, and which more people could now afford to buy, or could borrow from local or church libraries. This period seems to have been a time of revival, and there is little doubt that many people truly turned to God, and worshipped Him sincerely. Russia had a great Christian movement at one time. In Nineveh, Jonah proclaimed the word of the Lord and the whole city turned to the Lord! Describe how they were instructed to set priorities for the work of God. Describe the various stages in the process of events in chapter 29, recounting how Hezekiah led the people in restoring the public worship of God. 4. What did he do in the eighteenth year of his reign, to purify the land, and to rebuild the house of God? Seeker Sensitive. The Spirit Not Striving Always. What are some of them? You love your business, and you are more interested in your business than you are in God. But more so, pray, God, deal with me. You say that is selfish. 2. In almost all cases, those movements of the Spirit were most evident among young people. You would be criticizing him, thats what you would be doing. What I mean by peeling an onion, is that you make a decision, and then you make another decision, and then way down there you make another decision. As we shine His light into the vast darkness, we pray that our readers will be drawn closer to God through our blog messages so that they will be used to reach many hearts around the world to further His kingdom. Revival awakens the saved from a state of spiritual slumber. It might be something that nobody else in the world would call sin. I love to share the message of freedom in Christ and that we are redeemed. So, major changes were effected by this spiritual movement. You took the cigarettes and crinkled them up and flushed them down the toilet. You want to go soulwinning; you make time to go soulwinning. Point out the verses which highlight how the revival produced the financial needs for God's work to be carried out. However, Ezra was a priest, while Nehemiah was a high-ranking officer to the king of Persia, Artaxerxes, Children in Revival Throughout History - The Coming Revival People seem to worry more about the approval of some preacher and his traditions than having God move in their lives. Sermon Manuscripts & MP3s (By Scripture) Sermon on the Mount. 7. Sermons and Outlines I never have been. Apply it to yourself. Index of Sermons Texts: Old Testament - Gospel Truth Amen. When we sing as a congregation, we should be thinking about what we are singing. Anything is wrong if it comes between you and your Bible, your church, your communion with God. There are at least ten revivals in the Old Testament each with a lesson. 3. We are so used to wanting to look good and wanting people to think well of us. He, in turn, spread revival to the drowsy Christians around him. Revival. Revivals bring repentance and renewal. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. Revival pt 1. Also Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, the Levites,[a] helped the people to understand the Law, while the people remained in their places. As the people listened to Ezra read the Law of God they began to feel deep conviction. You are going to hear me say this until Im no longer your pastor. 6. Discuss the main areas where a better degree of justice is most needed in our society, today. John Wesley rightly saw the importance of this for spiritual life and growth. You are undone. Queers have more rights than Christians. Imagine that there had been a spiritual revival of piety and character transformation in Asa'a time from the bottom up, such as a grass-roots spiritual surge eventually affecting the ruling classes. (chapter 30: 21 - 27). So he was contemporary with Elijah and Elisha, although these two prophets belonged to Israel, and not to Judah. He promises that His presence will go with the people into the promised land. What do you think of this? Jealousy will stop revival. I think we are worse in this area now. Any "measures" are allowable, provided they are decent and orderly, that will lead believers to penitence and duty. 3. You have to come down and say, God, Im a sinner. TITLE OF SERMON or LECTURE. His ability to recognise the leading of God is amazing, especially when we remember how many mistakes people make today in trying to hear what God is saying to them. The 400 Silent Years (Notes from a Johnny Ramsey Sermon) Midian, Gideon, & God Hope In God David & The Ark . If we dont trust God, then money will put its hands around our throats and kill us. He had revivals often lasting for weeks. The first revival involves Jacob in Genesis 35: 1-15. What impact does it have here? We are now able to recognise very easily the very great negative impact of all this upon spiritual quality of life for the average person throughout the ancient world, and through the Middle Ages. Look at revival in Jehoshaphats day, in II Chronicles 17:3 and 4, And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim; But sought to the Lord God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not after the doings of Israel. You see? 28.). You become undone when you see a holy God. Old Testament Sermons. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. We have a little problem come into our lives, and were just hurting. Students come to Bible college at 20 years old, and theyll disagree with our style of soulwinning. Read your Bible. B. The onion starts growing again, and the sin starts being covered up. We murder babies; they murdered babies. Tradition stops revival. Survey of the Old Testament (MP3 Lecture Series) Web Page by Stuart Olyott. I would like to share with you about a great revival that happened in my hometown back in the 90s. They would have to go to an offended brother or sister and apologize. I'll begin reading in verse 13. Diana, I never thought about these 10 Old Testament happenings as revivals, but youre quite right. The Old Testament book that precedes this onethe Book of Ezratells the story of how the people began to return from captivity. Old Testament Expository Sermons - George O. Wood Free Access to Sermons on Revival, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Revival, and Preaching Slides on Revival. There is just an anxiety over sina hatred for sin. 3. IN EVERY GENERATION GOD HAS BEEN FAITHFUL to bring revival to His people and spiritual awakening to nations. . I rarely hear anyone preach on it. 00:00 / 00:00. Josiah came to the throne at eight years of age and ruled for 31 years. <3. When an invasion threatened (chapter 20), the people of Judah sought guidance from God. The people of Israel are all gathered in one place and have asked for Ezra to read the Book of the Law. In the last days God will do it again. You might say, Well, they didnt have productive fields. You have to understand that some of those areas were the breadbasket of eastern Europe. Most of us know II Chronicles 7:14 by heart. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, says And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.". Many accept Jesus as his or her savior and some rededicate their lives. Its not a professional heart. kare 11 meteorologists - vevq.ruplayers.info It comes from Him. Im not trying to get you to doubt your salvation, but Im saying that if we never repented of our sin in the first place, we dont know what it is to repent now. It was at that point that the most significant of the revivals of this period took place. This revival at Bethel provided time to renew a relationship with the one true God. As you know my father was a pastor, however, evangelism was what he loved. (d.) What is fasting, and what does it achieve? What value do you think there was in the covenant that they made to seek the Lord? What indicators are there that Jacob was deeply concerned about being attacked? Rejoicing that in a small way I could stand for God. Asa also made laws to pressure people into obeying God's laws. Then those of Israelite lineage separated themselves from all foreigners; and they stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers. 296) Delivered on Sabbath Morning, January 26th, 1860, by the. Free Sermon | Old Testament | Page 1 of 7 - MLJTrust.org Im not saying that hunting and fishing are wrong; but if you put it before God in any way, shape, or form, it is an idol. The Ashtaroth was a female goddess whose worship included the areas of fertility, love and war. Amo 9:13. Do you worship Him as you should? Thats my prayer. As a family, we need to teach our children and our teens with this Book. Thank you for commenting. REV. 1. Samuel called upon the Israelites to show the reality of their turning back to God by getting rid of all the idols, and worshipping and serving God alone. I love seeing new things! 1. Furthermore, there was such a sense of unity that it says the people "gathered as one man", they all came with the same agenda to hear the word of God. The climax, however, was reached on Mount Carmel where the strangest series of events took place. You cant rest on something years old. Then he said to them, Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for, holy to our Lord. Blessings Diana, Your email address will not be published. As a nation, America sorely needs a revival now. The next characteristic of revival is great prosperity and productivity. Thats why you have them. In this way we can recognise examples of His graciousness to a very unworthy man. 5. Samuel interceded for the people at Mizpah. Revive Us Again: Revival and the Great Commission 135.) Prepare your messages on revival with sermon outlines or an entire sermon series. Old Testament Expository Sermons Genesis More Than A Man Can Make (Audio) Download File Man On Earth (Audio) Download File Basic Human Needs (Audio) Download File Temptation (Audio) Download File Who's Responsible For The Mess You're In (Audio) Download File The Second Sin (Audio) Download File The Children of the World (Audio) Download File "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt."-. In fact, the first people with whom I was ever associated were Russian Christians. To what extent are these evils a problem in our society, today? Father God, revival or renewal, I pray for those reading this post that You will draw them close to you. (see chapters 32: 22 -32 and 35: 9 - 12.). Revival is when the love of sin is turned to a hate for sin. our Lord, and His ordinances and His statutes: The rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple servants, and all who have separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, their daughters, all who have knowledge and understanding. Billy Graham made revivals popular. Welcome to Our Blog Site ~ He Knows My Name! Haggai 1:5-6, Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways. How would you describe his relationship with God at that time? 9. There is sin that we need to flush down the toilet tonight. Audio Sermons - Sermon Notebook If youre not revived, you will destroy yourself. Haggai asked the people if they noticed that when their spiritual temperature went down, so did the productivity of their fields. In Exodus 32, we read that Moses is meeting with God on the mountain and while this is occurring the people grow tired of waiting for him to return so they implore Aaron to make a golden idol for them to worship. They read from the book, from the Law of God, clearly,[b] and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading.". We dont have to worry about ourselves except to give ourselves to God. How would you describe what might have happened? Well in prayer this is what God showed me, this was during the Old Testament, Jesus had not come yet. Bible Text: Isaiah 57:13-15 | Preacher: Roger Voegtlin | Series: Transcribed Sermons This evening I'd like to preach on the elements of Old Testament revival. When we tell people how to be saved, we better talk about sin. You say, Theyll stop before they go too haywire. No, they wont. The booklet, however, has been prepared to serve a purpose linked to special circumstances. Revivals always came on the heels of a time of national disobedience. Describe the amazing response to Jonah's preaching. Here is just a brief outline of revival in history. to revive the spirit of the humble Revive the spirit of whom? Seventh, in every revival there was compounded joy and gladness. The older I get, the more I want to be with God, and Im not talking about heaven. It does not come from dynamics or ability of some preacher. We have a terrible stumble, and we fall into sin, and we say, Im yours, God. What are today's idols? I dont think that I am taking this too far here, and Im not preaching the health, wealth, and happiness message of the Pentecostals today. The following two tabs change content below. They had started to rebuild. I serve on a Freedom in Christ ministry team where I am a trained encourager. 6. Topical Sermons - Old Testament Right-click on the sermon titles to download Genesis 6:5-9 - "Noah Found Grace" - (Brooks) Genesis 7:16 - "When God Shuts The Door" - (S. Alexander) Genesis 18:11-14 - "Is Any Thing Too Hard For The Lord?" - (Stroud) Genesis 18:20-23 - "Wilt Thou Also Destroy The Righteous With The Wicked?" - (Stroud) Every revival in the Old Testament came from a strong renewal of the peoples faith in the Bible. 3. Sermons are so true and I see God working through you. Sermon Manuscripts & MP3s (By Scripture) Sermon on the Mount. Think about it as we close. We read in Exodus 33 of the repentance of the Israelites. That is, clearcut conversions to Christ provide the normal "power encounter" situation today. At Exeter Hall, Strand. Known as the American Spurgeon, Talmage was born in New Jersey. O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water. Lets get back to hating sin. We should trust God. Then Jesus could come. 44 Bible verses about Revival, Personal - Knowing Jesus Gods presence would come into the Holy of Holies. 2. And this was not just one person, or a few but the Israelite people coming together and individually repenting. We just read the description. Your emotions are undone, and you dont have to make yourself say amenyou just say amen. And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people. STEPS IN REVIVAL - Nehemiah 8:1-18 Bethany Bible Church Elijah had a tremendous revival. Our problem is that we honestly think that if were right with God, everything will be rosy. Which of these are healthy? The Bible studies in this booklet seek to open up some of the treasures to be found in the accounts of revival movements recorded in Biblical times. Just take the Bible and apply it to yourself. A discovery made brought the King to tears, the Word of God was discovered. By Topic. Sermons: A TOUCH OF REVIVAL! - R. L. Hymers, Jr When we talk about "revivals" in the Bible, we naturally tend to think about Biblical events which were, perhaps, like evangelical revivals such as we have known in the last few centuries, especially in Western Protestant Christianity. There was a deep, uncontrollable breaking. Injustice is the corresponding vice or negative quality. In Elijahs day, we see a people who could not choose between Baal and God. The struggle to encourage good teaching and doctrinal knowledge is much harder under these restrictions, and people are much more prone to adopt strange doctrines derived from ignorance and a vivid imagination. You say, Preacher, arent you satisfied? Im not satisfied at all. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Understand, God has allowed this to come into your life for a purpose. Something is wrong. Get your eyes off of IU or whoever it is, Illinois, now. The Christian life is not all down, its rejoicing. These two chapters from Second Chronicles reveal one of the great periods in the history of the southern kingdom, based in Jerusalem. 3. . When a preacher is preaching like this, you are saying, God, show me my sin. In revival, people want their hearts to be broken, and God breaks them. What was the role of prayer in this story? Sermons about Revival - SermonCentral.com When was the last time, reading Gods word brought you to tears? This story also provides us with a major lesson in what happens when people cannot read for themselves, and the Scriptures are not readily available. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. We have people here in this auditorium right now who were born and raised in Russia or Communist-bloc countries, and I think that they would agree with what I am saying. I saw their factories. Great post, Diana. Point out the instances which show how the revival was linked to obedience to the Scriptures. After the time of King Solomon the nation of Israel was split in two. Old Testament Revival - Faithlife Sermons Or get 30 FREE now! Revivals in the Bible - The Old Testament (Lessons 1-9) Sacraments. Its the only way you will get revival. Thats my goal. Can you imagine being in charge at the age of eight? Allowing filth to be set before us. It is not clear precisely when Jonah would have lived. Guide me. Take time alone with Him for guidance and fellowship. Thank you so much for sharing Diana! Discuss how present-day society might be different if a much greater degree of Christlikeness, love, peaceful relations, and justice were practised. In his many sermon notes, he shared a list of ten Old Testament revivals. 2And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. Isaiah 40: 1 - 8, Malachi 3: 1 - 6, and 4: 5 - 6. Their hearts had been gripped, but were able to take joy that they had heard and understood the words that had been spoken. God moves, we read, into a contrite heart. Explain what Elijah meant when he said it was Ahab and his family who troubled Israel. Sanctification. What does the prayer (verses 6 - 12) tell us about the character of God? There was a real desire to separate themselves from sin and what caused that sin. The book of Nehemiah describes when the Jewish exiles were allowed to return to their homeland from captivity in Babylon and Persia. Pray, God, show me my sin. We dont want that. We must have revival. We will see that when the people gathered in unity this lead to the peoples conviction, which lead to their confess, which allowed them to enter into covenant with God. Elijah was tested because he had to rely upon God to supply every need, including food, water and protection. Despite Asa'a good efforts, there were many serious spiritual shortcomings, illustrated for us in chapter 15: 5. This study reveals a most interesting example of the impact of the public declaration of the Word of God. However, Ezra was a priest, while Nehemiah was a high-ranking officer to the king of Persia, Artaxerxes, that allowed God to use him. That is our problem. That is what revival is. You put your mate or your child before God, and it might turn sour. Isnt it unbelievable? Describe and illustrate how this prayer is an attempt to "Stand up and bless the Lord.". I cant work up revival. In what ways are these factors a problem for us today? We dont want to uncover it. Listen to me, we not only need to have devotions, but theyve got to be real. When revival came, it was a time of social, political and spiritual change. How can we know whether God is leading us to take part in such an encounter? This is how we are going to close our service out tonight praying for God to do this again. Say you want them. I started in chapter one and got to this pretty quick, and I was rejoicing. Let me read Finney again. . 3. And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses said unto the people, Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the. We should be consumed with that worship throughout our lives, but especially when we get into the Book and have our personal devotions. In America today, we are in a state to be revived. Discuss how this happened to Jacob in chapter 35. "favourable" means to be pleased with, to satisfy a debt, to be accepted or acceptable, The Lord Is Showing. Before Jesus came the first time he sent a revival that brought thousands together, that heard and understood his word, this brought them to conviction, which after confession and repentance brought them in right covenant with Him. But if God deals with our heart, it just should come out. Each time, although in different ways, the initiative is clearly taken by God. 2. Anything that comes before revival. After this sermon, I may leave you with more questions than answers, but it is impossible to cover revival in the Old Testament in one sermon. His web site can be found at www.tomgilliam.com.These sermons were preached at Calvary Baptist in May of 2008. 5. This movement in Asa'a time was more of a reformation imposed from the top down. And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people answered, Amen, Amen, lifting up their hands. God and the Ideas of Man. Today we seem to see our need to some extent, but we dont want to hate the sin that is holding things back. Describe in your own words what happened. But I will beg of you, read the Bible! Revivals occurred under Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah. Satisfaction equals stagnation. An idol is anything that is more important than God. The title of the series is Prayers Worth Praying Again.We hope you enjoy these messages! And they stood up in their place and read from the Book of the Law of the. God kept His covenant with Abraham, and met Jacob at several important stages of his experience. When he was in the eighteenth year of his reign, he began to restore the temple in Jerusalem. How important was praise in this situation? What do you think might have been the reason for linking it to failing to keep this promise to God? That Jacob was deeply concerned about being attacked nation of Israel was split in two working! Turned to a hate for sin, Jonah proclaimed the Word of the of. 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old testament revival sermons
