There has been a lot of talk lately about femininity and what it should be, what it should look like in the modern day, and whether or not weve strayed from the so-called feminine traits of old. The night is always darkest before the light returns., the permanent healing of our bodies comes from our awareness of our emotions, our willingness to feel what comes up in each moment, and this can only be healed by giving our bodies constant Presence.. I dont see the feminine becoming empowered by participating in a novel demonstration like writing slut on her half-naked body and walking down the streets as an act of protest against the patriarchy, or dressing up as a butterfly and declaring herself a Queen at a Spiritual Festival. Of course, women are generally more outwardly emotional and that links into sensitivity too. When I chronically played the victim of life, I made it so that others had to rescue me. Learn its language. She knows that her natural birthright as a daughter of Earth and Cosmos, and a mother of life itself, is to shine her unique light. I not only see this wound, but I embrace it as a catalyst to bring a more complete healing to the fragmented feminine. The nature of emotions is to be in motion, and it is your healthy inner masculine that will bring movement into your emotions. This distorted shadow inner feminine has a compulsive need to receive more and more. It is not a negative aspect - but it is a dark, shadow, fiery, and transformational aspect of womanhood. An example of the Priestess archetype is the priestess Pythia. Mentally say to yourself with strong intention: Im now bringing back to myself all my energy, my power, and my projections, and I return to this person all of his/her energy, power, and projections that are not mine and belong to him/her., C) Practice graceful separation. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Femininity is about flow, and movement is what allows the expression of that flow. There is extraordinariness to be found in the fundamental ordinariness of our lives. Synonyms for SHADOW: dusk, penumbra, shade, shadiness, umbra, black, blackness, candlelight; Antonyms for SHADOW: blaze, brightness, brilliance, day, daylight, glare . Her emptiness is at the core of the never ending quest for fullness that leads to addictions be it to drugs, sex or money. The ultimate healing that we need to experience in order to free ourselves from the distorted feminine is to recognise and the trauma wounds and emptiness of the distorted feminine. You probably think that you exhibit both feminine and masculine traits, and thats actually a good thing. Do you agree? Relying upon female traits to get you through life may not be the most successful route, however. This state is often confused with genuine love feelings and our media and music industry promote this version of sexual obsession and romantic fantasy as an idealised love state no end see Cant Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue as a perfect example. [Read: Masculine traits 21 healthy and unhealthy manly traits to know about]. This doesnt necessarily mean that in order to exhibit feminine traits you must be a woman either, because men, women, non-binary people, and everyone else can all have feminine traits. She invests heavily in making a display of her beauty in externalised forms. C) influence of learning on personality development. And, as mentioned previously, people with this kind of shadow feminine seek a validation and a mirroring of their core self. But your Shadow also holds deep & profound beauty. Women arent blindly devoted, they give their devotion to those who earn it. You cant see everything thats happening right now. They are not only caring and empathetic, as weve already mentioned, but they like to see people reaching their potential and its that maternal side that often breaks through. Continue to do this for at least ten minutes with the intention of creating movement with your breath. Instead of seeing women as equals and co-creators in the experience of life, they see them as objects of sexual conquest (often resulting in sexual assault). Thats how you know its working when you begin to feel like you have come home to what you truly are. And sacred. The Sacred Lovers Within, Adorata, and all paintings and other contents copyright 2016 Tiziana DellaRovere. Reply from Julie Santiago Inc. May 9, 2022. I have experienced that painful situations are necessary gateways for a rebirth to happen. Its the ability to want people to be happy and to help them out whenever possible. You are sovereign. click here, Today is Samhain, friends. This short, 15-minute, guided meditation introduces you to your Shadow Feminine & opens you up to thegifts & wisdom she has to offer you. Her beauty is unique and can never be defined by narrow societal norms and standards. She just wants me to let her out. When we shine our light on these aspects of ourselves, we have the opportunity to rewire ourselves into a new way of being. Most importantly, we no longer transfer to our children the trauma and wounding created by this shadow. What we dont own, owns us. Many women these days who identify themselves as feminists are not really interested in social progress for women as much as they are interested in seeking revenge on and gaining power over whatever they deem as the patriarchy. Communication is definitely a quality of the Divine Feminine. If men and women face together each of us our inner demons, or faults and defects to put it another way, we can find the real meaning of love. This type of seduction is woven through the astral plane, often involving pineal-gland manipulation, mind control and entrapment. Therefore, the toxic masculine cannot exist without the toxic feminine, just like a victim cannot live without a perpetrator. Consequently, because your inner masculine is not there to take the initiative and move you through the emotions and out the other side, you remain stuck in your emotional turmoil. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Its hidden. Its important to remember that these are stereotypical traits that have been around for a long time. Thanks, an interesting article. She knows that by tuning into her natural gifts and passions she will embody the unique and vital role that gives her joy and fulfillment. Ideally, a man is fully masculine while also embodying traditionally feminine traits. She may make your life a highly adrenalized journey where you are continually engaged in plugging the holes in the proverbial dike that is always threatening to break and swallow you in a deluge of water. If you realize you are enmeshed, do not withdraw; instead, take a step backphysically or figurativelyand stand your ground. She emits a beautiful radiance at whatever age, and the light and harmony within her being in fact cause her to age gracefully, maintaining her natural beauty, health and strength. The usual feminine traits are always pushed in our faces, whether we want to listen to them or not. 8. Put your hands in the soil Dark Feminine energy lives deep in the rich black soil of our Earth. The hostile occult forces* that act through her using her toxic feminine energy as a way in then feed off the drama in what she creates in the lives around her. I believe that order to get to where we are going first, we have to see where we are at. [Read: How to look cute 25 ways to exude cuteness and melt any guys heart]. Female Energy is cyclic, like a circle. Sign up here for free articles and news from Sacred Woman Awakening, Sign up here for your FREE VIDEO GIFT: The Self Love Miracle for Body, Mind and Relationships, Getting Ready for Sacred Union or Conscious Relationship, Attract Healthy Masculine Energy into your Life & Relationships, 6 Signs of the Distorted Feminine and 5 Ways to Restore Your Natural Woman. Our sexual energy is our most precious energy. And then we said goodbye. When your healthy inner feminine is connected toand collaborates withyour healthy inner masculine , you feel your emotions, painful or joyful as they may be, and you resolve them by moving through them with the motion of your inner masculine. Toxic femininity is an abuse of that power, in which hotness is maximized, and victim status is then claimed when straight men dont treat them as peers. She was really insistent. It is important that you do not repress your emotions, they are the language of your inner world doing its best to communicate with your conscious self. Join my SPECIAL coaching program here - so many women are experiencing AMAZING results!5 FEMININE TRAITS Men Find I. It holds theparts of yourselfyou think arent good enough. But anyone who does true spiritual work on themselves will eventually discover is that you cant have one side of your internal/external masculine/feminine nature being imbalanced without throwing off the other side. Thats the great thing about these traits you can use them when you need to! Im not saying that I deserved it either, and this is not about shaming anyone who experiences sexual abuse. Her love can be healing, but she can also use her feminine power to get what she wants. A person with this kind of shadow inner feminine will talk over others in a seemingly interminable stream of unfiltered and unstructured details, meandering from one subject to next. Spend some tim, Today is the first day of autumn. for free articles and news from Sacred Woman Awakening, for your FREE VIDEO GIFT: The Self Love Miracle for Body, Mind and Relationships. I am so glad you enjoyed this meditation. The most dangerous thing about the toxic feminine is that we empower her further by denying her existence. The distorted feminine cannot connect to or feel the beauty of her soul, or her presence. Set an intention and invite the Dark Goddess in. She is the decay and dissolution of matter. Thats probably what that title should be. The shadow exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings. And gorgeous. Women are naturally nurturing and want others to do well. There are victims in the circumstances, and its important to recognize when we have been betrayed so we can process those experiences fully. She has a passion for life, she is magnetic, and she loves being the centre of attention. After the meditation I encourage you to spend some time journaling & record any wisdom or insight you received during the . Are you feeling the emotions of the other person, which are not your own? In this sense she is bottomless, and what comes in is not processed, retained, or utilized for emotional and spiritual sustenance. She is empty hollowed out by her own suffering and invisibility. The Natural Woman is deeply connected to her natural evolution and embraces the ages and stages of her life with the beauty that they bring. I can admit that we all have or have experienced some of these traits and are surrounded by them within and without, so be patient if you notice this in yourself or others. The other person might be an intimate partner, a son or daughter, your coworker, your boss, or a friend. You are free. In keeping with the modern classification of archetypes offered by psychoanalysts, I have decided to retain the 12 major archetypes readers may be more familiar with. The distorted feminine, feeling empty and unworthy of love, is genuinely terrified that her inner emptiness will be uncovered therefore, The distorted feminine feels her emptiness so keenly. That doesnt mean to say that as a man one should just blame women. Each of us has our damaged part and each of us can play the victim. These shadow work prompts, or shadow journal questions, are specifically designed to help you heal, grow and recreate yourself again. She actively participates in the inner work of awakening and maturing the multiple archetypes of womanhood. We can choose to heal the distorted feminine patterns within us, enabling us to far more healthy version of ourselves. We also heal the lineage of our ancestors, who are now freed from the spiritual consequences of the damage they have passed on to their descendants. You see, we need a mixture of traits to deal with any situation that comes our way. The Natural Womans energy, self love and light are effortlessly expressed through physical health and vitality which give her natural beauty. For the first time in a long time someone understood me in my darkest moments and that to me is priceless. Despite years of progression, it seems that society is still keen to fit women into a specific box with a label on it. And wisdom. She effortlessly draws this to her, and enters joyfully into the dance of love. The most common feminine traits are considered to be things that all women must possess in order to be considered feminine, but what if you lack one? The first step is to become aware of the sensations in your body, as well as the emotions you are feeling, that cue you to the fact that you are abandoning yourself and enmeshing with someone else. It means that youre able to be sensitive to the needs of others and that you can read other people well. This is, A Tarot Spread for Samhain It is imperative if you find yourself trapped in the dark swamp of your shadow inner feminine to connect with your masculine nature so you can create a flow, a movement, an expression that is healthy and life-affirming. If he were connected to your inner feminine, your inner masculine would be automatically healthy. She felt like a dear friend that I havent seen in years. I was using my sexuality to gain power over others and ultimately it backfired on me. Many of us, as an automatic reflex to painful experiences, shut our hearts down a little bit more; making these knots [around our hearts] tighten around the expression of our soul. You love shopping. As a bridge to your inner guidance, these feelings are indicators of the actions and direction you must take to keep your life in balance. We are at a crucial turning point in human history, where recovering embracing our feminine energy is perhaps the most important aspect of our evolutionary journey. The season of darkness is upon us; the time of year when the days are short & the nights are long. But, in order to feel more love, we must also feel more pain - we must feel everything. . When you walk, place one foot in front of the other, this will give you that feminine hip sway. The All-Devouring Shadow Inner Feminine Creates Drama and Undermines Structure The all-devouring inner feminine represents the extreme shadow aspect of the fluidity that generally characterizes the feminine. Shadow traits, the stumbling blocks and blind spots in our personal and professional lives, are underdeveloped and emotionally memorized strategies that we default to when uncomfortable or stressed. That you are doing it! Everything you want. The Natural Woman is a conscious co-creator with Life, Earth and Cosmos. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. She is not seduced by wealth or status or superficial symbols of success per se, but knows that she deserves and can receive security, abundance and recognition on all levels as part of her natural birthright and in return for the gifts she brings to the world. You probably have a very good radar that allows you to work out who you can give this kindness to and who you should withhold it from. Shadow Work Journal: 240 Daily Shadow Work Prompts contains inner work exercises related to relationships, anger, anxiety, self-love, healing trauma, abandonment issues, depression, forgiveness, etc. This will rub off and help balance out your marriage. I stared deeply at her. It must carry all the feminine traits and characteristics. However, ironically, she is more often than not glamorizing and propagating the energy of the distorted feminine, be it glamour, or the quest for eternal youth. Stop yourself from immediately taking another bite. ~ Erich Neumann, Essays, Fear of the Feminine. She embraces all the facets of her life journey and welcomes the creative power and self-knowledge that comes with age. Whatever type of relationship youre in, you will no doubt fight for your partner with everything you have, as long as theyre not giving you a reason not to. Femininity becomes toxic when it cries foul, chastising men for responding to a provocative display. Heather E Heying, Toxic femininity is when women use their gender to obtain certain privileges. We are all familiar with the toxic masculine, Im sure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Shadow Self. Everything is happening on a cosmic level. Perhaps you simply prefer to fly by the seat of your pants, be who you are, whatever that is, and refuse to adhere to so-called norms.. I had never caused more pain to myself, or felt more pain from my sisters, than when the toxic feminine patterns of relating showed up in our connection. While theres no denying the catastrophic effects of toxic masculinity throughout history, the rampant propaganda and distortion in mainstream feminism have made it hard to take seriously in recent times. Therefore her overall effect in the world is to actually alienate herself and others from their natural feminine power and self love and personal sovereignty. As soon as you realize that someone wants to leave and you are finding excuses, or conjuring up some reason to detain them because you feel anxiety and want to hold on to them, let them go immediately with blessings and appreciation in your heart. Whether you agree or not, its a trait thats often mentioned in the same sentence as traits and feminine. Once you become fused and the other person leaves, even for a short time, you may feel like a part of you leaves with them. When talking about feminine traits, a generally caring nature is one of the most common youll see mentioned. To the outside observer she may be viewed as exemplar of modern-day feminism and a promoter of sexual equality. Women have been deeply and systematically oppressed so they have had to hone their skills in subtler but also devastating forms of warfare.Asavari Singh. However, the return and integration of the feminine into our lives is not just about rebalancing, but also requires purifying and healing the feminine energies within us and in our world. Liked what you just read? She can only measure her value through competition and comparison with regards to others. She knows that she is complete within and of herself, and holds a clear balance of masculine and feminine energies within her. She employs all the ways and means to remain forever young provided by our societys youth-obsessed culture, including plastic surgery, expensive creams, and botox injection that will to stave of the dreaded ageing process. 4. She dresses and adorns her body in ways that celebrate and enhance her natural beauty and respect the Earth. She is, therefore the mistress of magic, seduction, glamour and guile. Here are some suggestions for how to do that: This article is Part 4 in a 4-part series on the shadow. The Natural Women embodies divine love from a deep fullness in her womb and heart. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Because the distorted feminine is so pervasive we can actually confuse the healthy and distorted energies and for this reason it is important to lay out clearly the difference between the two. The survivor of a traumatic childhood, Salander is an androgynous, introverted and asocial computer hacker with a sadistic appetite for vengeance. Start with Part One. Yes. When life is approached like this, every moment we experience with complete openness can be used as a means towards our own transformation. Walk your dog. Nothing has hurt me more in this life than the toxic feminine, and because I used these dark lessons for deeper healing, nothing has also healed me more than the toxic feminine. Of course, its a balance. Takes a small occurrence and turns it into something much more significant. The distorted feminine is exactly this an unnatural and twisted version of our true feminine nature that in this world actually competes with and subverts our true, authentic or natural feminine nature and attributes. Trust it will get better. Do not be afraid to surrender into your pain. Sign up forthe Seasonal Souletter below. If you noticed a gold and blacked spotted Jaguar in your dreams you are in for a surprise. There are going to be times when you need to be tough. Or mother is very distant from the father and seeks the male companionship from the son - stunting the son . Whenmy Shadow Feminine first arrived at the fire I couldnt see her clearly. She is obsessed with eternal youth, and all the possible means of attaining it, because her attention and obsession are on her external appearance only. The feminine is life force energy. You can compare her to someone who is obesely overweight while paradoxically starving from lack of nutrients. It's directed inward, it nurtures and has a receiving nature. Aka the shadow self. She's also the gateway to accessing the deepest layers of his psyche. This makes you rotate your hips for a feminine walk. This aspect of the distorted feminine shows up for women across the board, but for the younger generation of women (the Instagram generation) particularly, the pressures of social media, digital image manipulation and web pornography make the pressure to conform to outer perfection unbearably heavy. To regenerate fragments of a broken soul into something extraordinary, is pure dark feminine magic. It is a tumultuous sub-world of the psyche where you store the most primitive part of yourself. We all carry a shadow side, these are the negative aspects and vulnerabilities of ourselves that we'd rather pretend don't exist. Set an intention to work with the Goddess and invite her in. Here is a list of the top 25 attributes of the Shadow Masculine: Fear of surrendering to the feminine Rigidity Controlling tendencies Hatred (of self, other, an organization, of God/dess) Entitlement issues (especially when insecurities arise) Narcissism Anger Jealousy Insecurity Competition (coming from separation) Greed She Is obsessed by her make-up, hair and the latest trends. Shadow Work Journal: 240 Daily Shadow Work Prompts contains inner work exercises related to relationships, anger, anxiety, self-love, healing trauma, abandonment issues, depression, forgiveness, etc. The gift our Shadow gives us is Everything. I see these as statements, not as destinations; stages which are demonstrations of where the collective feminine is at in regards to her expression of her experience. Its the time for diving deep &reflecting on your shadowsyour own inner darkness. Many classical Jungian definitions of masculine and feminine are narrow, outdated, and sexist. Can you even feel your body? According to Carl Jung's analytic psychology, the shadow archetype represents "the dark side" of your personality . This healing allows us to embrace and embody a far more healthy and natural archetype of our human selves, what we might call the Natural Woman. She wants to overflow without impediments, and without limits. She has restored herself to the innocence and inherently sacred nature of her being. She is seduced by the status, recognition, money and power offered by getting to the top of the patriarchal order of our modern day. Date of experience: May 07, 2022. Thank you Juli Santiago and the Awaken Team!!! This is the state of the open untied heart one that is completely open to receive All., Showing up as who you truly are is giving others the permission to be as they truly are as well - not to replicate you, but to be their weird authentic selves too; for we are all expressions of one experiencing itself in an infinite number of ways., never underestimate the power of a sincere prayer spoken directly from the heart, meaning - ask for help from divine forces, and also accept that you are not perfect and work on your shit, like be really honest about what you need to change and then take action and change it. If you realize that you are caught in the undertow of the dark swamp of the all-devouring shadow inner feminine, immediately activate your healthy inner masculine to create movement and flow in your emotional landscape. Huge amounts of our personal energy can be invested in feeding the never ending energetic needs and unrealistic demands of the distorted feminine energy within us, meaning that we are compromised and unable to focus on our inner evolution and our unique personal journey from a place of compassion, peace and confidence. Laura sat with me and talked me through this new practice which has already had an impact on my life allowing me to sit quietly with myself and investigate any issues that I have buried for healing if they arise. And we embraced in a very deep, very loving, long, familiar hug. We do this by resolving the soul fragmentation and disempowerment resulting from our individual and collective traumas. As you may know from my previous article, How the Sacred Lovers Within Play a Crucial Role in Your Life, the central function of our feminine nature is to open, receive, and travel into the inner world of feelings and emotions. Another common feminine trait is the ability to be supportive to those who need it. 3. Lightness. It's common for successful people to brag about how much they know and that they have all the knowledge that they need to earn their wealth. The Dark Feminine is the expression of the dark, positive, and necessary energy that captures the mysteries of womanhood and magic, the chaos of creation and destruction, death and birth, transformation, rage, fierce compassion, seduction, and pure spiritual ecstasy. Each weekwell look at the energy of the season& engageindifferent exercises, meditations, self-reflections,& more Nor does it mean that you drown in them. *Also available for the Southern Hemisphere! Am I trying to manipulate my image and is that serving me in developing intimacy with those around me? So, this shadow is one that I have to check myself on as a continuous practice. While seduction (above) is one way to bring in energy and attention to feed her being, she also thrives on sexual and emotional entanglement to gain much needed personal power and energy from others. Start your journey. We are at a crucial turning point in human history, where recovering embracing our feminine energy is perhaps the most important aspect of our evolutionary journey. She does not need to prove or do or demonstrate anything to corroborate her value it is enough to be who she is. This pattern creates problems in your relationships because you become demanding and draining of others with needs that cannot be satisfied. When we try to skip steps in addressing our shadows by making ourselves act a certain way through creating social masks without first discussing what is hidden in the deep somatic regions of the body and what is really alive in us by facing our traumas and ancient fear programming we end up creating disembodied experiences. 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shadow feminine traits
