That includes healing a broken heart. In fact, one of them accidentally went to Victorias house, not knowing she lived there much less the situation she was in. If were not careful to guard our minds with Gods truth, we can find our thoughts spiraling out of control. I pretended people were different than they were. The main thing that happened is that God started healing my broken heart. Hope reminds us it wont be like this forever. I had ovarian cancer. We pray this testimony is an encouragement & inspiration to you and all of yours. If you enjoyed todays video, please be sure to like and share with a friend because you just never know who may need some Beloved encouragement today. -Kent W. Twelve years ago the doctors gave me three weeks to live. In an effort to appear strong, we may act like were not weak. In addition, I was told that I had internal bleeding, and I was scheduled for a colonoscopy. It was easy to get out of doing anything. The Psalmist stated, "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." 1 The healing is a divine miracle; the wounds are the common lot of all mankind. It is designed to bring you new hope, heal broken hearts and open your . God uses Christian books and websites to heal broken hearts, 5. Forgiveness is a process. Dont sit around waiting for a man when you have healing that needs to take place. They couldnt hurt me. Some of these healing and deliverances have been very dramatic and we feel that you can take the same battle advice that was given to many of these people and use it to . This preaching was for me. Christina Pattersonis a Bible teacher, author, and speaker passionate about empowering women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of Gods Word. In fact, it is the heartbroken who God is near to. I live on a small farm with beautiful sunsets, fluffy chickens, adorable baby goats, entertaining guineas and two trusty guardian dogs. Before you go, I want to invite you to this years, , an online event filled with speakers, worship, fellowship, and more to replenish women like us who do so much for our families, churches, and communities, so we can continue to build better futures for ourselves and those we love and serve. All this is a big part of my emotional and mental healing. Thank you that you are meeting my needs. Scripture says that we are to encourage and comfort one another. This section is a collection of personal testimonies of healing and deliverance that this ministry has been personally involved in. Learn more and join us at Click on this Healing and Deliverance Testimonies to read about other testimonies of the Lord using me as His vessel through using . She said she wanted to encourage those in attendance that God does heal. This was often worse than his verbal anger. We can slowly take our focus off the pain alone and see Gods love and goodness to begin healing. Deep in my heart I believed Him. It ended in divorce for the safety of Bella and her son. My past is where it belongs, in the past. It is never too late. We once had someone bring a dog through our healing line in a meeting at a church. Learn how your comment data is processed. The One who listens to me 24/7 and the One who never tells me time is up. When she is not folding laundry or playing blocks you will find her with her head deep in her Bible or a commentary. I was a good actor. (function(d, s, id) { You just have to make yourself available. At Be in Health , our focus is not just on physical healing but healing in every area of our lives. My life wasnt as bad as I made it out to be. Because Chrst knows suffering to the fullest, He completely empathizes with our pain. If you're feeling worthless or empty after a break-up, click play below and rest peacefully in the knowledge that God has called you and made you worthy. I think of Naomi in the book of Ruth who traveled from Moab to Israel when her husband and sons died. Gods plans are good so follow His direction. God Heals Broken Hearts will give you many hours of coloring, as well as reminders of Gods healing power. She also took advantage of Divorce Care. It doesn't make us less of a person. Psalm 27:14 ESV. What a gift to pass on to someone else when they need it. When we trust God to bring us to healing and wholeness, we become a beacon of hope to others navigating the same dark season that they too can make it out. He physically healed many who needed it. When our hearts are broken, life can feel like a waste. After I moved to the United States, I started to develop a lot of health problems. Oct 9, 2021 - Real women share their testimonies of God healing broken hearts. But when we take time to pause and really see how God was and is moving and protecting us, even in our heartbreak, we can move our hearts towards gratitude. Your faith doesn't "create" the gift. We have no idea what God is doing behind the scenes. Lets lift one another up in the comments. When we can quiet our souls and really pay attention, we can find healing in knowing God is always with us and He will never leave us. "For He inflicts pain, and gives relief; It's exhilarating and heart-wrenching, beautiful and ugly all mixed together in an unpredictable roller coaster ride. They also told me that I had high mercury and lead levels, malabsorption, and leaky gut syndrome. I had won the American Legion Medal in the eighth grade. I wasnt accepted so why should I accept others? Olivias broken heart was healed through Bible reading, help from friends, and counseling. The first way God heals a broken heart is with truthful vulnerability. Dr. Henry Wright says that health comes as a bonus. There are too many misconceptions about what forgiveness really is. Its Christs ultimate sacrifice on the cross that proves Gods love for us. God's way of healing a broken heart can also lead to physical healing - Angelica's testimony. . God will fight our battles for us. Jeremiah recounts the way God aches over our rejection of his love: "They broke that covenant, though I loved them as a husband loves his wife" (Jeremiah 31:32). (Hebrews 4:15). He has come to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1. God is not like man. No email is required. When we can quiet our souls and really pay attention, we can find healing in knowing God is always with us and He will never leave us. Hope gives us the will to keep walking in the dark until we find the light, because we believe there is light at the end of this tunnel, even if we cant see or feel it right now. I was set free of all these prisons, including my self-made ones. Then a friend who knew about my struggles asked me if Id heard about For My Life. Simply download as it is free. I became the god of my little make-believe world. At Be in Health, our focus is not just on physical healing but healing in every area of our lives. No matter how bad the situation that caused our broken heart, we can honestly take it to God knowing He can handle it with love, grace and gentleness. I pretended all the time that life was different than it actually was. Let Go of Someone You Love Mary, Mother of Jesus. In order to get over a breakup, you need to hope and patience. Millions of people around the world from all different backgrounds find miracle healing, forgiveness and love through Jesus in our day! He treated me like my dad did. Our faith in His healing power began to take hold in our hearts. It covers: * Psalm 34:18 * Psalm 147:3 * Psalm 73:26 * Psalm 55:22 * Jeremiah 29:11 * Romans 8:28 This is a companion book to an article in the Creator's Classroom titled, "Testimonies Of God Healing Broken Hearts". Explore. The sixth way God heals a broken heart is with His presence. He will give you rest, let Him lead you, and He will direct your steps. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As always, thank you so much for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed, and be loved. Hannah was very upset. Now you may be wondering: how can letting that person off the hook help me heal? Through that webinar, God started to move in our hearts. Looking forward to the day when your broken heart is healed and you will be able to encourage others who need it. God will fight our battles for us. God showed me how to use biblical principles to move on from heartbreak, become a faith-led woman, discover my true identity, and find purpose. He gives us reason to wake up in the morning and to continue to believe for the best. The first way God heals a broken heart is with truthful vulnerability. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We can lay all our broken pieces at His altar and allow Him into the most fragile parts of our hearts. The most popular video on myYouTube channel is called Gods Promise for a Broken Heart. I created that video as part of a Bible study series through the book of Psalms, not knowing that it would resonate with so many people. These cookies do not store any personal information. When we plant seeds of hope in others, we will eventually reap a harvest in our own souls. This most important relationship helps guard our vulnerable hearts. There was only one time he was ever proud of me. This way I could say my dad was right about me. Keep those marriages saved testimonies coming in. May the Lord richly bless you. Outwardly I was doing what normal people did, like dancing, roller skating, going to the movies and so on. Download the Beloved women app today in the Apple or Google Play stores to renew your mind, encourage your heart, and satisfy your soul. (Romans 12:19) Its better to allow Gods justice to prevail than to seek out our own revenge. Prior to this, she had been married for a short time. Cary, and my daughter, Roseanne, God's blessings to me during good times and bad, whose unconditional and steadfast love for me has allowed me to see Christ living in them and through . Forgiveness helps you to let go of the offense so you can heal and carry on with your life. "Let everything you've said happen to me," said Mary. In North Carolina, where we had been living, it was very humid, and so there was a higher chance of exposure to mold. God had done something at the spiritual level to change, purify, and cleanse me. Sometimes the forgiveness we need to extend is not to another person, but to ourselves and Gods grace is available for that too. Not only can God heal us, He often then uses our testimony to help others. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In fact, it is the heartbroken who God is near to. And God is that light for us. If you want to learn more about the For My Life Retreat, click here! Her rival would provoke her severely so . Unforgiveness on the other hand, breeds bitterness, resentment, and prolonged anger that only further harms us. Bella will be using what she learned through her healing process to help and encourage young single moms who have aged out of the foster care system. Additionally, if you like to color, there is a 14 page Bible verse coloring book available that was inspired by this article. I learned to keep my thoughts to myself. I was blind for I couldnt see the truth. Learn more and join us at, offers hundreds of Biblically encouraging videos, bible study series, and authentic sisterhood. If I can help just one person, it will be worth all the problems I had faced for such a long time. I know there are others who have had similar experiences or even worse. Jesus tells us its the truth that will set us free (John 8:32) and 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that love rejoices in the truth. My iron levels were so low that I was close to needing a blood transfusion. I spent many years in a pit of despair believing this is just how life goes. Either way, when your heart is broken, it often feels like it can never be repaired. Likewise, there are many great websites and their sister Facebook pages/groups that have helped many women. He heals attitudes, bodies, corrupted hearts, marriages, relationships, and the list goes on. Because Chrst knows suffering to the fullest, He completely empathizes with our pain. Through sound biblical teaching and a true passion for womens ministry, Christina is compelling women to find freedom, wholeness, and satisfaction in Jesus Christ. BAD. God uses forgiveness to heal broken hearts, 7. Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. But we must remember that God can turn our brokenness into beauty and our pain into purpose. Falling in love with Jesus requires time to get to know Him through Bible reading and prayer. -Katherine My wife was diagnosed with renal cell cancer and acute myeloid leukemia. I have been delivered from the bondage of my own prison. We may think what good is it when were experiencing so much pain. Angelica came to our For My Life Retreat hopeful of being healed from her many ailments and diseases . He knows that our hearts are fragile and never scolds us for the messes we end up in. You are not the only one who is experiencing this type of heartache and you wont be the last. My most popular video on YouTube is called Gods Promise for a Broken Heart. I created that video as part of a Bible study series through the book of Psalms, not knowing that it would resonate with so many people. The pain, hurt and anguish may be so deep youre tempted to think youll never be happy again and you will be forced to make it through the rest of your life with this heavy burden of carrying your heart around in a million pieces. The more we make much of God in our hearts and believe that His presence is more than enough, we find hope despite anything we may have lost on this side of eternity. I studied and tried so hard to make it. Proverbs 31:8 tells us, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.". Grief compounded upon grief. Im not going to pretend to know why God has you going through a particular heartbreak, but I do know that when we lean into Him for healing, He has the power to turn any situation around for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28) because His Word says so, and His Word is always true. The hardest heart can melt. The gift that God grants us in our relationship with Him is the ability to be honest with ourselves and Him. She would do it herself instead of taking the time to make me do it until I got it right. While Jesus was referring to spiritual matters in this verse, He also was deeply concerned about the physical and emotional needs of people. It helped me to forgive him. It is also a place to record what we are learning about ourselves and about God. That includes healing a broken heart. When you allow God to heal your broken heart, you . Bella tried to fill the hole in her heart by going out, meeting guys, drinking, and just staying busy. (Hebrews 4:15) No matter how heartbroken we are, we are never alone. My relationship with Him is so much better I never had that before. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34: 18 ESV). I was even compared to the neighbors kids who were the same age as I. I was asked: It wasnt good enough that I got on the honor roll. She was caught in this nightmare for 7 years. 65-year-old woman with heart disease feels like a thirty-something after healing at a distance. It wasnt pleasant. Copyright 2022, Hope helps us not to stay stuck, but gives us reason unseen to believe the best and keep walking towards the light. Bitterness can cause us to miss how God is blessing us even in the midst of a broken heart. "Now the Lord had closed her womb. Confiding in other women who love Jesus helps us gain perspective about the reality of our situations. Verse Concepts. You are not the only one who is experiencing this type of heartache and you wont be the last. In 1 Peter 5:6-7, we are encouraged to cast our cares on God. He gives us reason to wake up in the morning and to continue to believe for the best. These are a few songs that women did list as being therapeutic to them. I give Him all the praise and glory. Let's lift one another up in the comments. And God is that light for us. I thought forgiveness was not the issue, for I had forgiven. In her bitterness, Naomi failed to realize that God blesses her with a faithful daughter in law Ruth who stayed by her side (she was not alone), it was harvest season when she arrived in Israel (she was not hungry), she had a home to go back to, (She was not lost) and God had a plan even when she couldnt see it yet (Her God was still faithful). So I interceded for my broken-hearted children and asked the Lord to protect them from the sins of their father. Gods Word still holds true. I bring it up, hoping maybe that someone reading this will see that God can do the same for them. Eventually, I went to a holistic clinic, and there I was diagnosed with severe allergies to mold and yeast. Victoria found that when she became single she could go on trips to be a translator for groups going into Mexico. In doing research for this article there are 7 main things that God used to heal broken hearts just like yours. I think of Naomi in the book of Ruth who traveled from Moab to Israel when her husband and sons died. God uses journaling to heal broken hearts, 6. That is the topic of this article. It wasn't cancer. We praise God, and extend a heartfelt "Thank You" to our ministry team, prayer and ministry partners for your compassion, generosity, prayers and support. Psalms 34:18 - The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. However, she knew healing was taking place when one day she realized that she did not need a man to walk alongside her because she had Jesus. My husband and I stayed home to watch it. Key Verse: Mark 5:34, ESV And he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease." A Personal Testimony of God's Healing Power. He gives us reason to wake up in the morning and to continue to believe for the best. The verses read: Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV). That is why we have Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus. She admits that what did not help her was talking about it too much. Im not going to pretend to know why God has you going through a particular heartbreak, but I do know that when we lean into Him for healing, He has the power to turn any situation around for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28) because His Word says so, and His Word is always true. None of that helped. Here are a couple of testimonies of the Lord healing me from a word of knowledge being given through Pat Robertson on the 700 Club. Your email address will not be published. It doesnt make us unwanted or unloved. We can slowly take our focus off the pain alone and see Gods love and goodness to begin healing. Download the Beloved women app today in the Apple or Google Play stores to renew your mind, encourage your heart, and satisfy your soul. God uses Christian music to heal broken hearts, 3. We are loved and there is nothing anyone can do or say to ever take that away. 5 Truths to Help Us Live in Peace and Not Fear, 6 Tips for Raising a Highly Sensitive Child, 10 Verses to Settle Your Heart and Soul This Thanksgiving, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The scripture that was especially meaningful to her was Jeremiah 29:11. Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth 3 John 1:2, Copyright 2022 Be in Health LLC | Hope of the Generations Church | All Rights Reserved | Website maintained by. Remember: All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify God. I didnt see until now that she was hurting inside, too. Maybe you lost love in one way or another. Originally published Monday, 28 June 2021. Wait for the Lord in hope: "Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!". If you enjoyed todays message, please be sure to like and share with a friend because you just never know who may need some Beloved encouragement today. Do you need some hope? Why is pouring out our hearts to God and casting our cares on Him important to our healing heart? She felt embarrassed because she was called damaged goods. Forgiveness helps you to let go of the offense so you can heal and carry on with your life. It didnt happen all in an instant or maybe it did, and the recovery process just took time. She developed a martyr complex. The fourth way God heals a broken heart is with love. But I developed severe anemia. And saves those who are crushed in spirit. It only makes us re-live over and over the very thing we want healing from. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah, and when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. The fifth way God heals a broken heart is with purpose. (Romans 12:19). Then the verse says He " bandages" their wounds. Embrace Your Worth. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. If God has given you breath today, you have hope for tomorrow because that means Hes not finished with you. There are endless service projects available that can give an opportunity to share Gods love with others. All rights reserved. In her bitterness, Naomi failed to realize that God blesses her with a faithful daughter in law Ruth who stayed by her side (she was not alone), it was harvest season when she arrived in Israel (she was not hungry), she had a home to go back to, (She was not lost) and God had a plan even when she couldnt see it yet (Her God was still faithful). This he has done for me. The gift that God grants us in our relationship with Him is the ability to be honest with ourselves and Him. My Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Protector, my Love. At this juncture of this story, it might be helpful for you to read my born again testimony of how God invaded this insanity I was living, (which can be found on our ministry web page under the Born Again Testimonies section) and how a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe was the ONLY purpose HE had in mind for me . God Cares About the Small Things These sorts of testimonies remind me that God listens to and cares for His people. We are so blessed to serve a God that walks with us through our valleys. Hope reminds us it wont be like this forever. Being single can actually be a blessing. I heard the same preaching in this generation as they did way back then. Their testimonies of God healing broken hearts should encourage you. We can find the courage to forgive when we keep a few things in mind: God called us to forgive just as we have been forgiven. Article Images Copyright 2022 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord 's favor, and the day of . He was treating Victoria and their children disrespectfully. How does He do that? We must know what Scripture says and what to avoid. Nichole, MSR, married 1 years, Texas. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Bern Zumpano Healing the Broken Heart and Wounded Spirit 3 Dedication This book is firstly dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, at One with the . We avoid vulnerability to protect ourselves from further hurt. I have been able to forgive my parents and realize maybe they did the best they could. Two years later another son told her that he was a homosexualit was the day after his graduation from college where he had been voted the most outstanding student. (Read More.) (1 Corinthians 13:6). Unforgiveness on the other hand, breeds bitterness, resentment, and prolonged anger that only further harms us. I just hope they dont wait as long as I did to receive the new life God wants for all of us. Hope helps us not to stay stuck, but gives us reason unseen to believe the best and keep walking towards the light. Im not going to pretend to know why God has you going through a particular heartbreak, but I do know that when we lean into Him for healing, He has the power to turn any situation around for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28). God grants us the power to forgive those who caused our brokenness. No matter how different we are, chances are if you have a heart, at one point in your life, it has or will be broken. Embrace this opportunity! The fourth way God heals a broken heart is with love. (Hebrews 4:15) No matter how heartbroken we are, we are never alone. Hope reminds us it wont be like this forever. Learn more and join us at I was told to remove all of my house plants and not to work in my garden anymore. Songs that were especially meaningful to Victoria were Through it all, and There is Coming a Day.. This Biblical woman healed her broken heart God's way, and teaches us how to trust Him to wipe away the past and create a fresh new future filled with light, hope, healing, and joy. Shortly after that, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, gastritis, and an H-Pylori bacterial infection. God is always able and willing to come and massage our hearts after they have been battered and swept away in grief by the latest emotional cyclone. Now you may be wondering: how can letting that person off the hook help me heal? But only God can heal a broken heart. Nine years later after I got married, he was in the hospital again, dying of cancer. In todays video, Im sharing 7 ways God heals a broken heart that you may find wholeness and joy once again. Even today, when the devil attacks me by telling me how bad I was treated, I remember that. Its Christs ultimate sacrifice on the cross that proves Gods love for us. The most stubborn person can soften. When we tried to treat it, I started to develop anxiety and depression issues. Get busy. I could never please my father. The following 7 Bible verses reveal perfectly what God thinks of your emotional needs. Ignoring red flags, she took the first step towards a broken heart by getting married. We just need to call out in all honesty to Him for this aspect of salvation to work in our inner lives. I praise the Lord every day. God grants us the power to forgive those who caused our brokenness. Your circumstances may or may not change but who you are can. It becomes solid evidence that we are moving towards healing. He was stern, unforgiving and unloving. He knew I didn't need any medication because what He prescribed was free! Not only can God heal us, He often then uses our testimony to help others. We can find the courage to forgive when we keep a few things in mind: The third way God heals a broken heart is through gratitude. Isaiah 61:1-3 ESV / 2 helpful votesNot Helpful. The point of service is to get our minds off ourselves and how miserable we feel. 10. My real life was in my own universe. And besides, she didnt want to face life without a partner. stores to renew your mind, encourage your heart, and satisfy your soul. We can lay all our broken pieces at His altar and allow Him into the most fragile parts of our hearts. If youve read the book of Ruth, you know the Lord miraculously provides for Naomi and Ruth, even in their heartbreak. I was starved for affection. When we can quiet our souls and really pay attention, we can find healing in knowing God is always with us and He will never leave us. It is Gods desire that we remember we too need forgiving and extend that same grace. When someone says that God heals broken hearts, are you a little skeptical? Bible verses related to Healing A Broken Heart from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. When I say the truth, I mean our ability to admit to God that we are hurting and broken in the first place. How many out there have testimonies of animals being healed? As God heals your heart through the insights in His Word and restores you to relationship with Himself, yourself, and others, He will also bring healing to your body. The sixth way God heals a broken heart is with His presence. It got so bad that I had to hold my head up with my hands if I wanted to sit in church. The more we make much of God in our hearts and believe that His presence is more than enough, we find hope despite anything we may have lost on this side of eternity. The fifth way God heals a broken heart is with purpose. at . Bella would like you to know that it is ok to be single. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. God uses Scripture and prayer to heal broken hearts, 2.

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testimonies of god healing broken hearts
