Therefore, a good stating point for NFC API analysis would be to consult the Android Developer Documentation to get some ideas and start searching for critical functions such as processCommandApdu from the android.nfc.cardemulation.HostApduService class. In the following example we'll be using UnCrackable App for Android Level 1. Reverse Engineering is the practice of reversing codes without authorisation, it's done with the aim of removing ads or upgrading to premium from Android application without paying anything. Again, you can get this address from /proc/kallsyms. If you're only interested into the modules (binaries and libraries) that the app has loaded, you can use the command \il to list them all: As you might expect you can correlate the addresses of the libraries with the memory maps: e.g. Even on standard retail devices, it is possible to do things like activating developer mode and sideloading apps without jumping through many hoops. Note how, by default, only the arguments passed to the function are shown, but not the return values. Determining the presence of these libraries in an application can give us valuable information about its nature. Clicking any of the methods in the profile panel highlights the selected method in the timeline panel. It is important to note that this binary is PIE-enabled, and Cutter chooses to load the binary at 0x0 as image base address. Use App Coins. Although regular Android apps are hopelessly restricted and sandboxed, you, the reverser, can customize and alter the behavior of the operating system and kernel any way you wish. Apktool - A tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Conveniently, the stock Android kernel on both Lollipop and Marshmallow include ftrace functionality. When you start the crackme app on an emulator or a rooted device, you'll find that the it presents a dialog box and exits as soon as you press "OK" because it detected root: The main method (decompiled with CFR) looks like this: Notice the "Root detected" message in the onCreate method and the various methods called in the preceding if-statement (which perform the actual root checks). This makes starting times pretty heavy, compared to just loading the headers and strings information like its done by default. The following shows only a subset of them: You can adjust your search by using the search settings \e~search. In-memory search can be very useful to quickly know if certain data is located in the main app binary, inside a shared library or in another region. See the section "Reviewing Decompiled Java Code" below to learn on how to proceed when inspecting the decompiled Java code. In the disassembly above, you can see how the input string to the function (in register R0) is stored into a local stack variable 0x0000176c str r0, [var_20h]. What exactly does this particular a do? Elfmaster's system call hooking method causes a Kernel panic on stock Lollipop and Marshmallow because the sys_call_table is non-writable. Note that searching for the wide versions of strings is sometimes the only way to find them as you'll see in the following section. With that in mind, let's have a look at each line of assembly code. If you have any problems, a first step would be to enable the debug flag -d when running objection or, if that doesn't help, file an issue in objection's GitHub. To convert a release build into a debuggable build, you need to modify a flag in the Android Manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml). Android apps support two different types of debugging: Debugging on the level of the Java runtime with the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP), and Linux/Unix-style ptrace-based debugging on the native layer, both of which are valuable to reverse engineers. You can calculate everything else with offsets taken from the kernel headers (hopefully, you didn't delete them yet). Wrap your code in the function setImmediate to prevent timeouts (you may or may not need to do this), then call Java.perform to use Frida's methods for dealing with Java. Install the tool and run the following command on your boot image: This should create the files bootimg.cfg, initrd.img, and zImage (your original kernel) in the local directory. At the time of writing, the most recent version was apktool_2.4.1.jar. maddiestone/AndroidAppRE: Android App Reverse Engineering Workshop - GitHub You can bypass this with a little runtime tampering. Moving down a level in the OS hierarchy, you arrive at privileged functions that require the powers of the Linux kernel. android - Reverse engineering app modifying the apk to accept the Unicorn CPU emulator framework (ARM, AArch64, M68K, Mips, Sparc, PowerPC, RiscV, S390x, TriCore, X86), GEF (GDB Enhanced Features) - a modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging capabilities for exploit devs & reverse engineers on Linux, Exploit Development and Reverse Engineering with GDB Made Easy. This instruction loads the function pointer from offset 0x29C into the JNI function pointer table pointed to by R2. The workflow can be further improved by using r2ghidra-dec, a deep integration of Ghidra decompiler for radare2. To support both older and newer ARM processors, Android apps ship with multiple ARM builds compiled for different Application Binary Interface (ABI) versions. Reverse Engineering IoT Devices - Ayan Pahwa You've now reached a call to setCancelable with the argument false. Dalvik and ART both support the Java Native Interface (JNI), which defines a way for Java code to interact with native code written in C/C++. Tracing functions by address when no function name symbols are available (stripped binaries), e.g. As of now, if you are lucky, you can dump the classes and method names of a flutter app using darter or Doldrums if the app was built with a specific version of Flutter SDK. The app is now going to exit. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. command for all @@ hits matching the glob hit0_*: Additionally, you can search for occurrences of the wide version of the string (\/w) and, again, check their memory regions: They are in the same rw- region as one of the previous strings (0x0000007d30a00000). The instructions in the function Java_sg_vantagepoint_helloworldjni_MainActivity_stringFromJNI are already discussed in detail in previous sections. Deploying a kernel that abuses this trust and unabashedly lies about itself and the environment, goes a long way in defeating most reversing defenses that malware authors (or normal developers) can throw at you. If you are looking for the Apktool website. The Android Studio user guide contains more information about Traceview. This pointer contains a table of functions that allows native code to access the Android Runtime. First, we'll look at some simple ways to modify and instrument mobile apps. Now you have everything you need to overwrite the sys_call_table entry. Go to Developer Options -> Select debug app and pick HelloWorldJNI, then activate the Wait for debugger switch. You can easily download the apktool from this link. Copy the gdbserver binary to your device: The gdbserver --attach command causes gdbserver to attach to the running process and bind to the IP address and port specified in comm, which in this case is a HOST:PORT descriptor. Afterwards retrieve a wrapper for MainActivity class and overwrite its a method. Before re-signing, you first need a code-signing certificate. the regions provoking memory access violations. For file-hiding, you'll need to hook one of the system calls used to open (or check for the existence of) files. Finally, you need to re-sign the application before using it. This takes you to the method definition. Reverse Engineering: DIVA application | by Mr. Robot | InfoSec - Medium // Get list of loaded Java classes and methods, // filter out Frida related special properties, "This is unacceptable. Even before you perform any dynamic analysis (e.g. Reverse Engineering (APK) | Memo - In this case, the generated script which traces all calls to the open function in is located in is __handlers__/, it looks as follows: In the above script, onEnter takes care of logging the calls to this function and its two input parameters in the right format. In the output above, the most relevant fields for us are: Another alternative is to use the netstat command, which also provides information about the network activity for the complete system in a more readable format, and can be easily filtered as per our requirements. Code analysis is not a quick operation, and not even predictable or taking a linear time to be processed. Next, we are able to find the "Hello from C++" strings with radare2: Alternatively you can use Fridump. These functions are available to normal processes via the system call interface. In jdb, set a breakpoint at the java.lang.System.loadLibrary method and resume the process. Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project Android App Reverse Engineering 101 | Learn to reverse engineer Android Once execution reaches a location where the su binary would be detected, modify one of the variables holding the file name or directory name by pressing F2 or right-clicking and choosing "Set Value". Open the command prompt from directory and use the following command: Or from any directory open the command prompt and use this command with path to keytool: Password for key signature can be cracked with any password cracker. Some generic keywords which can be a good starting point are - password, key, and secret. Library injection is desirable in many situations such as: In this section, we will learn about techniques for performing library injection on Android, which basically consist of patching the application code (smali or native) or alternatively using the LD_PRELOAD feature provided by the OS loader itself. You can then deactivate this protection and make many other useful customizations that simplify reverse engineering. Within the Process command the function enumerateModules lists the libraries loaded into the process memory. Going through the complete list, specially for big binaries, can be very cumbersome. Searching for occurrences of certain data. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Other useful keywords specific to the context of the app can be obtained while you are using the app itself. GitHub - RahulRathi46/Apk-Reverse-Engineering-Service: t can decode resources to the nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications. Flutter Reverse Engineering Framework The openat system call is defined in unistd.h, which is in the kernel sources: The final piece of the puzzle is the address of your replacement-openat. Double-click the function to jump to its address in the disassembly Window. You can overwrite the onClick method and prevent it from ending the application with the System.exit call. It is the same JNIEnv data structure which was discussed earlier in this section. Pass the address of the code block that the analysis should reach. Reverse Engineer an APK in KALI - YouTube For example, you'll need to deal with both Java bytecode and native code. However, you can use the file interface instead of mmap because the latter might cause kernel panics. With such an approach we can directly move to analyzing cryptographic assets, which often are very critical in an application. If you look into the "lib" directory of the unzipped APK archive, you'll see several subdirectories (one per supported processor architecture), each of them containing a version of the native library, in this case Set the variable to true with the set command and resume. It seems plausible that a.a verifies user input, so we'll refactor the code to reflect this. Execution traces can also be recorded in the standalone Android Device Monitor. Unfortunately, you won't get that far unless you deal with the root/tampering detection first. You don't want the process to resume immediately though, so pipe the suspend command into jdb: Next, suspend the process where the Java runtime loads Apktool is one of the most importa. Note that the Angr loader will load the PIE executable with a base address of 0x400000, which needs to be added to the offsets from Cutter before passing it to Angr. Also, you may check if you still can find the password in memory after the login is completed to verify if this sensitive data is wiped from memory after its use. You can also use objection to display the same information. Premium Powerups . As we will discuss shortly in the next section, frida-trace offers out-of-the-box support for Android/iOS native code tracing and iOS high level method tracing. Notes: Application does not consume system proxy configuration -> Solution: Modify /etc/hosts to redirect inbound requests ( Burp) On Android the AOT Compilation option requires an Enterprise license or higher, is available only when the project is configured for Release mode, and it is disabled by default. There are several open source tools for automated security analysis of an APK. Once you have a JAR file, you can use any free decompiler to produce Java code. This error can be safely ignored as long as we are able to see the extracted dump in the file system. Each version is compiled from the same source and implements the same functionality. This is a basic type of obfuscation that makes the bytecode a little more difficult to read, but with a fairly simple app like this one, it won't cause you much of a headache. Method hooking with an Xposed module is one way to do this (see "Android Basic Security Testing" for more details on Xposed installation and basics). The LDR instruction loads this function table pointer into R2. The constraints obtained from the above steps are passed to a solver engine, which finds an input that satisfies them - a valid license key. Android Tampering and Reverse Engineering, Patching Example: Disabling Certificate Pinning, Patching Example: Making an App Debuggable, Customizing Android for Reverse Engineering, documentation on the official Frida website, documentation on the jnitrace GitHub page, r2frida's official installation instructions,,,,, the kernel. See r2frida's help on the search command (\/?) To quickly verify that the correct kernel is running, navigate to Settings -> About phone and check the kernel version field. For instance, if an application is importing javax.crypto.Cipher, it indicates that the application will be performing some kind of cryptographic operation. An alternative solution is to hook onClick method of the OnClickListener interface. At the lowest level, however, many important functions (such as allocating memory and accessing files) are translated into old-school Linux system calls. Open the terminal and go into whatever directory you want to use for reverse engineering purposes. Tools Apktool A tool for reverse engineering APKs.

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