Effect of weight training on blood pressure and hemodynamics in hypertensive adolescents. In our didactical research, we, together with critical researchers from many other countries, continuously ask how societal issues affect PE teaching and what PE has to offer society, at least in terms of research and schooling. Wrotniak, B. H., L. H. Epstein, J. M. Dorn, K. E. Jones, and V. A. Kondilis. Cardiorespiratory fitness levels among US youth 12 to 19 years of age: Findings from the 1999-2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. After age 17, percent fat in males gradually increases again into adulthood. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 2011. Obesity Reviews 6(2):123-132. Circulation 111(15):1999-2012. Barbeau, P., M. H. Johnson, C. A. Howe, J. Allison, C. L. Davis, B. Gutin, and C. R. Lemmon. 2012. One recommendation resulting from the proceedings was for future research to describe the temporal relationship between motor development and physical activity (Fulton et al., 2001), signifying the importance of better understanding of the nature of the relationship between motor competence and physical activity. 2005. 2007. Cardiorespiratory fitness and clustered cardiovascular disease risk in US adolescents. 2006. 11. 2001. Physical activity can improve mental health by decreasing and preventing conditions such as anxiety and depression, as well as improving mood and other aspects of well-being. The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Learning Baquet, G., E. Van Praagh, and S. Berthoin. Specifically, physical activity reduces the risk for heart disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, obesity, and metabolic syndrome; improves various other aspects of health and fitness, including aerobic capacity, muscle and bone strength, flexibility, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles; and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. 1998. Childrens exercise capacity and the activities in which they can successfully engage change in a predictable way across developmental periods. Lee, J. M., N. Kaciroti, D. Appugliese, R. F. Corwyn, R. H. Bradley, and J. C. Lumeng. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 7(40):1-16. Green, and T. W. Jones. The workshop convened 21 experts from a wide range of academic disciplines. PMC Irwin, M. L., Y. Yasui, C. M. Ulrich, D. Bowen, R. E. Rudolph, R. S. Schwartz, M. Yukawa, E. Aiello, J. D. Potter, and A. McTiernan. Davis, C. L., N. K. Pollock, J. L. Waller, J. D. Allison, B. Physical Education Teaching Guide 1 1/5/2010 3:07:01 PM Physical Education Grade 1 PE Strands Content Standards Performance Standards Competencies Body Management and Movement Skills The learner Demonstrates understanding of body awareness and movement skills needed for participation in physical activities The learner Performs movement experiences accurately . 2007. Sex-related differences in muscular development contribute to differences in physical performance. With FMI controlled, however, FFMI is positively related to physical activity, indicating that, for a given level of body fat, individuals with more fat-free mass are more active (Lohman et al., 2006). Changes in physical activity of children aged 6 to 12 years. Danforth, J. S., K. D. Allen, J. M. Fitterling, J. Studies with experimental designs are needed to establish a causal relationship between sedentary behavior and mental health outcomes (Kappos, 2007). CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Two children may be the same size but at different points on the path to adult size or maturity. To understand the relation-. Since different types of physical activity contribute to distinct aspects of physical, mental, and psychosocial health, a varied regimen is likely to be most beneficial overall. Haubenstricker, J., and M. Sapp. Rather, developmental stage is a significant determinant of motor skills, physical capacity, and the adaptation to activity that is reasonable to expect (see Box 3-2). 2008. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 56(4):259-265. movement exploration in physical education - worldwidexs.com Putting physical activity where it fits in the school day: Preliminary results of the ABC (Activity Bursts in the Classroom) for fitness program. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 33(3):313-323. 1986. The relationship between fundamental movement skills and self-reported physical activity during Finnish junior high school. Bailey, D. A., A. D. Martin, H. A. McKay, S. Whiting, and R. Mirwald. Sports speed. Physical activity has both immediate and long-term health benefits: (a) Physical activity tends to track; early physical activity is associated with physical activity in subsequent life stages. It provides protection for vital organs and is the main mineral reservoir. Older, low-skilled children are aware of their skills level and are more likely to perceive physical activity as difficult and challenging. 2009. Quest 53(3):346-355. The efficacy of exercise as an intervention to treat recurrent nonspecific low back pain in adolescents. 2009. 1983. Muscle represents about 23-25 percent of body weight at birth and about 40 percent in adults, although there is a wide range of normal (Malina, 1986, 1996). Bass, S., G. Pearce, M. Bradney, E. Hendrich, P. D. Delmas, A. Harding, and E. Seeman. In contrast, subcutaneous fat, particularly in the gluteofemoral region, is generally associated with a lower risk of cardiometabolic disease. According to Haubenstricker and Sapp (1980), approximately 25 percent of engagement in movement-related activities can be attributed to body size and structure. levels. Exercise also may have important benefits even without significant modification of body composition (Bell et al., 2007). Daniels, S. R., J. It should be noted that absolute mass does not decline; rather, the relative decline reflects the increase in the percentage of weight that is fat in girls. Pediatrics 105(4):e56. Fundamental movement skills are significantly associated with adolescents' participation in organized physical activity, but predict only a small portion of it. Reduction in obesity and related comorbid conditions after diet-induced weight loss or exercise-induced weight loss in men. Comparative studies in children and youth are few, as behavioral. 4)Movement can be carried out in any location the teacher decides, be this inside or outside the classroom; however, standing behind the students chair is plenty of space. 4)Where should I carry out the movement? Washington, DC: National Academy Press. In addition to the immediate benefits of short bouts of physical activity for learning and for mental health, developmentally appropriate physical activity during those times, along with the recommended time in physical education, can contribute to daily. Ballor, D., E. Poehlman, and M. Toth. A test of the activity deficit hypothesis with children with movement difficulties. 2005. Escalante, Y., J. M. Saavedra, A. Garca-Hermoso, and A. M. Domnguez. Pediatric Exercise Science 23(2):169. In children and youth, health is akin to growth. Eisenmann, J., P. Katzmarzyk, L. Perusse, A. Tremblay, J. Despres, and C. Bouchard. Relationships in Physical Education. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. The most significant decline in risk score was observed from the first (lowest) to the second quintile (53.6 percent and 37.5 percent in males and females, respectively), and the association remained significant in both overweight. The promotion of more physical activity and quality physical education in the school setting is likely to result in psychosocially healthier children who are more likely to engage in physical activity as adults. neurotransmitters that carry messages from one nerve cell to the next start to downregulate their production. Exercise and Sports Sciences Review 22:389-433. 2006. Harcourt & Quennerstedt, 2014), where the marketisation of schooling has increasingly made schools even more fearful of receiving negative publicity when participating in research. Weiss, R., J. Dziura, T. S. Burgert, W. V. Tamborlane, S. E. Taksali, C. W. Yeckel, K. Allen, M. Lopes, M. Savoye, and J. Morrison. Specific types of activities address specific health concerns. Visceral adipose tissue. Among adolescents and young adult females, exercise has been found to be more effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy in reducing the pursuit of thinness and the frequency of bingeing, purging, and laxative abuse (Sundgot-Borgen et al., 2002; Hallal et al., 2006). A variety of programs and modalities have proved. The physical activity, fitness and health of children. Current Opinion in Lipidology 19(1):11-15. New England Journal of Medicine 346(6):393-403. 2002. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Physical education teachers should be more concerned that students become physically educated than about "where" or "how" it occurs. Based on such information, the average size of adipocytes has been reported to increase two- to threefold in the first year of life, with little increase in nonobese boys and girls until puberty (Malina et al., 2004). The adolescent growth spurt, roughly 3 years of rapid growth, occurs early in this period. Effects of training on gender differences in overhand throwing: A brief quantitative literature analysis. The programs that produce this benefit involve continuous vigorous- or moderate-intensity aerobic activity of various types for 30-45 minutes per session at least 3 days per week over a period of at least 1-3 months (Baquet et al., 2002); improvements are greater with more frequent exercise (Baquet et al., 2003). As boys and girls advance through puberty, for example, biacromial breadth (shoulder width) increases more in boys than in girls, while increases in bicristal breadth (hip width) are quite similar. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 2008. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured as estimated peak oxygen consumption using a submaximal treadmill exercise protocol, and metabolic syndrome was represented as a clustered score derived from five established risk factors for cardiovascular disease, an adiposity index, insulin resistance, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, and the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. Physical activity was assessed using a self-report recall measure where students reported the type, duration, and frequency of participation in organized physical activity and nonorganized physical activity during a usual week. A. Morrison. Higher levels of attendance and participation in physical education are inversely associated with feelings of sadness and risk of considering suicide (Brosnahan et al., 2004). a varied regimen including both aerobic activities and strength training may be the most effective. 2005. Allender, S., G. Cowburn, G., and C. Foster. Rubin, D. A., R. G. McMurray, J. S. Harrell, A. C. Hackney, D. E. Thorpe, and A. M. Haqq. 2001. Quantifying bone-relevant activity and its relation to bone strength in girls. School-based physical activity, including physical education and sports, is designed to increase physical activity while also improving motor skills and development, self-efficacy, and general feelings of competency and engaging children socially (Bailey, 2006). Steele, R. M., S. Brage, K. Corder, N. J. Wareham, and U. Ekelund. 2003. Overweight and obesity: Frequently asked questions. 2007. Cliff, D., A. Okely, L. Smith, and K. McKeen. In boys and girls aged 12-18, body fat above. Consistent evidence suggests that boys are more competent in object control skills, while girls are more competent in locomotor skills (McKenzie et al., 2004; Morgan et al., 2008; Barnett et al., 2009). Pp. relationships. Seefeldt, V. 1980. Ziviani, J., A. Poulsen, and C. Hansen. NRC (National Research Council)/IOM. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 34(9):929-939. After puberty, largely because of differences in muscle mass and muscle strength, males continue to make significant annual gains, while females tend to plateau during the adolescent years. FIGURE 3-1 Conceptual model of how physical activity in childhood and adolescence is beneficial to health. Raudsepp, L., and P. Pll. Haubenstricker, J., and V. Seefeldt. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Bloomfield, S. A., K. D. Little, M. E. Nelson, and V. R. Yingling. The impact of electronic media on mental and somatic childrens health. Wells, D. Prudhomme, M. Fortier, R. D. Reid, H. Tulloch, D. Coyle, and P. Phillips. Unfortunately, significant gaps exist between the intent and reality of school-based physical education and other activity programs (HHS, 2013). Adipose tissue cellularity in childhood in relation to the development of obesity. 1998. Preventive Medicine 54(5):293-301. 1996. Thus, beyond contributing to levels of physical activity, physical education programs should aim to teach basic fundamental motor skills and their application to games, sports, and other physical activities, especially during the elementary years (i.e., the fundamental motor patterns and context-specific periods). Movement education can also be based on movement purposes, such as physiological efficiency and psychic equilibrium. Huang, T. T.-K., T. R. Nansel, A. R. Belsheim, and J. Bernhardt, D., J. Gomez, M. Johnson, T. Martin, T. Rowland, E. Small, C. LeBlanc, R. Malina, C. Krein, and J. Edited by G. A. Bray, C. Bouchard, and W. P. T. James. Bildung is still a central concept in Sweden, Norway and many other continental countries in debates about schooling (see e.g. Effects of school-based aerobic exercise on blood pressure in adolescent girls at risk for hypertension. 2008. 2006. Physical activity energy expenditure predicts progression toward the metabolic syndrome independently of aerobic fitness in middle-aged healthy Caucasians the Medical Research Council Ely Study. 2000. Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition are components of health-related fitness historically assessed in school-based fitness assessment programs (IOM, 2012a). A: Physical activity is strongly linked to psychological health. Acta Paediatrica 89(11):1290-1294. 2010. Craft, L. L., and D. M. Landers. Physical activity programs, such as physical education, should be based on developmentally appropriate motor activities to foster self-efficacy and enjoyment and encourage ongoing participation in physical activity. Diabetic Medicine 15(7):539-553. Movement Framework - Physical Education - Google 2007. Journal of the American Medical Association 300(3):295-305. 2004. Turner, C. H., and A. G. Robling. Apparent pre- and postmenopausal bone loss evaluated by DXA at different skeletal sites in women: The OFELY cohort. Prospective ten-month exercise intervention in premenarcheal girls: Positive effects on bone and lean mass. On the other hand, Swedish students seem to regard the subject of PE more positively than their counterparts in many other countries. Blood volume is highly related to body mass and heart size in children and adolescents, and it is also well correlated with maximal oxygen uptake during childhood and adolescence (Malina et al., 2004). Effects of resistance training on metabolic fitness in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Effect of starting age of physical activity on bone mass in the dominant arm of tennis and squash players. 2006. 2005. 1997. In settings in which estimation of body fat is difficult, weight-for-height ratios often are used as surrogates for body composition. These choices are made in classrooms, schools, politics and other areas of society. The health benefits of sporadic physical activity at younger ages are not well established. Despite some uncertainty, the literature does reinforce the important role of physical education in providing developmentally appropriate movement opportunities in the school environment. Diabetes Care 26(3):557-562. Implementing Childhood Obesity Policy in a New Educational Environment: The Cases of Mississippi and Tennessee. 2003. Diabetes Care 30(8):2101-2106. The relationship between motor proficiency and physical activity in children. 2009. American Journal of Epidemiology 153(6):596-603. 1997. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 20:339-357. The relationships vary among performance measures and with age, and these factors often are inadequately controlled in studies of components of performance-related fitness and performance tasks. 2011. 2009. Population surveys have shown that few children and youth meet recommended levels of daily physical activity (see Chapter 2). 2007. 2004. Circulation 104(23):2815-2819. de la Haye, K., G. Robins, P. Mohr, and C. Wilson. Halfon, N., P. A. Verhoef, and A. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Diabetes Care 26(6):1706-1713. This is the second part in a four-part podcast series that Ross Chakrian has created to have teachers become more familiar with the Movement Ed model within elementary P.E. The focus of this special issue is how learning occurs in physical education (PE) practice in relation to different movement cultures in various contexts. Loftin, M., P. K. Strikmiller, B. Warren, L. Myers, L. Schroth, J. Pittman, D. Harsha, and M. Sothern. Rowland, T. W. 1996. Health-related percent fat standards recently were developed by determining levels of body fat associated with greater occurrence of chronic disease risk factors defined by metabolic syndrome (Going et al., 2011). Physical activity reduces systemic blood pressure and improves early markers of atherosclerosis in pre-pubertal obese children. While more can always be learned, the evidence for the health benefits of physical activity is irrefutable (HHS, 1996, 2008). MOVEMENT EDUCATION: "Movement education aims to help individuals improve their motor skills." Related Psychology Terms Counselor's Role in Emergency Teams Although the Research Ethics Act in Sweden has been tightened up over the past decade, the school culture is still to a great extent characterised by the kind of relative openness that accompanied the highly centralised state-controlled school system of the 1960s and up to the 1990s. Maturation is the timing and tempo of progress toward the mature state and varies considerably among individuals; variation in progress toward the mature state over time implies variation in the rate of change. Quest 57:37-45. Bonnet, F. P., and D. Rocour-Brumioul. Jumping improves hip and lumbar spine bone mass in prepubescent children: A randomized controlled trial. Carmel, IN: Cooper Publishing Group. Ross, R., D. Dagnone, P. J. Jones, H. Smith, A. Paddags, R. Hudson, and I. Janssen. Relationship of fundamental movement skills and physical activity in Journal of Communication 56(1):1-26. Slaven, L., and C. Lee. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of pediatric metabolic syndrome components in rela-. Reducing childrens television viewing to prevent obesity. Correlates of school-day physical activity in preschoolers: A preliminary study. Skeletal maturity is typically assessed from radiographs of the bones in the hand and wrist; it is not influenced by habitual physical activity. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 159(10):963. Motor skills competence is an important factor; however, it is only one of many factors that contribute to physical activity. Pediatrics 107(6):1470-1472. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 71(3):267-279. Pediatrics 111(2):332-338. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing 23(3):128-132. Multiple regression analysis indicated that fundamental movement skills significantly predicted time in organized physical activity, although the percentage of variance it could explain was small. 2007. 331-354. Journal of Pediatrics 146(6):732-737. Pediatrics 120(S4):S164-S192. Effect of physical training on total and visceral fat in obese children. Pp. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 94(5):1555-1561. Jaakkola, T., S. Kalaja, J. Liukkonen, A. Jutila, P. Virtanen, and A. Watt. The increase in muscle mass with age is fairly linear from young childhood until puberty, with boys having a small but consistent advantage (Malina, 1969, 1986). Association between media use in adolescence and depression in young adulthood: A longitudinal study. Habitual levels of physical activity influence bone mass in 11-year-old children from the United Kingdom: Findings from a large population-based cohort. Whilst both have noted strengths and. This report will be of interest to local and national policymakers, school officials, teachers, and the education community, researchers, professional organizations, and parents interested in physical activity, physical education, and health for school-aged children and adolescents. Perceptual and Motor Skills 99(2):483. Development also refers to the acquisition and refinement of behavior relating to competence in a variety of interrelated domains, such as motor competence and social, emotional, and cognitive competence. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23(5 Suppl):S60-S79. Recent work has shown good correspondence between BMI standards and percent fat standards that are referenced to health criteria (Laurson et al., 2011). The increased prevalence of child and adolescent obesity as defined by BMI presumably also reflects increased adiposity, although the degree is not certain as population-based estimates of percent fat have only recently been developed (Laurson et al., 2011). For example, running speed increases are consistent with the increase in leg length. Early observational studies of physical, social, and environmental determinants of physical activity at home, school, and recess indicated that prompts to be active (or not) from peers and adults accounted for a significant amount of the variance in directly observed physical activity (Elder et al., 1998). The focus of this special issue is how learning occurs in physical education (PE) practice in relation to different movement cultures in various contexts. 2009. Several longitudinal and intervention studies have clarified that physical activity positively impacts mental health (Penedo and Dahn, 2005; Strong et al., 2005). By age 2 the systems are fully functional, although young children lack the cardiorespiratory capacity of older children and adults because of their small size (Malina et al., 2004). Another study, examining activity among preschool children, found that, contrary to common belief, most of the time spent in preschool was sedentary, and correlates of activity were different for preschool boys and girls (Byun et al., 2011). Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. 2003. 11, edited by D. R. Lamb and R. Murray. The literature supports this hypothesis, as indicated by low to moderate correlations between motor skills competence and physical activity. Hematocrit, the percentage of blood volume explained by blood cells, increases progressively throughout childhood and adolescence in boys, but only through childhood in girls. 2006. The ideal. In light of these sex differences, it is important to examine the relationships of object control and locomotor skills with physical activity separately for boys and girls. Acta Paediatrica 96(12):1723-1729. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Normal growth of human adipose tissue. As a fraction of weight, bone mineral (the ash weight of bone) represents about 2 percent of body weight in infants and about 4-5 percent of body weight in adults (Malina, 1996). Tracking of physical activity across the lifespan. International Journal of Obesity 6(4):383-389. Li, S., W. Chen, S. R. Srinivasan, M. G. Bond, R. Tang, E. M. Urbina, and G. S. Berenson. A., L. A. Friedman, P. Wang, and C. J. Glueck. Physical education is important because it offers students/children an outlet for stress due to all of the academic pressures. Growth, maturation, and physical activity, 2nd ed. In Physical activity and obesity, edited by C. Bouchard. Randomized trial of the efficacy of bright-light exposure and aerobic exercise on depressive symptoms and serum lipids. New York: Plenum. Effects of the smart classroom curriculum to reduce child and family screen time. 1995. The number of adipocytes has been estimated to increase from about 5 billion at birth to 30 billion to 50 billion in the nonobese adult, with an increase in average diameter from about 30-40 m at birth to about 80-100 m in the young adult (Knittle et al., 1979; Bonnet and Rocour-Brumioul, 1981; Chumlea et al., 1982). Among studies other than RCTs, only participation in sports had a significant impact on mental health (Ahn and Fedewa, 2011). Robinson, L. E. 2011. A. Kuo. 2011. Eisenmann, J. C., K. R. Laurson, and G. J. Welk. MOVEMENT CONCEPT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PATHFIT1) (1).pptx In Perspectives in exercise science and sports medicine. 2000. 1992. Based on a sociocultural perspective on learning, the paper by Karin Redelius and colleagues (2015) examines how aims and learning goals are communicated in PE practice. 2005. After 15 to 20minutes of sitting, attention islost and 90per cent of the oxygen in the brain and body becomes stale, reducing the amount of glucose available to the brain, studies suggest. 1998. This prediction was stronger for girls than for boys. Strength training by children and adolescents. MacKelvie, K. J., M. A. Petit, K. M. Khan, T. J. Beck, and H. A. McKay. Original research comparison and relationship of vo2 peak and physical activity patterns in elementary and high school females. A complete review of the effects of physical activity on all tissues and systems is beyond the scope of this report. Overall, the studies found a positive association between fundamental motor skills and physical activity in children and adolescents, as well as a positive relationship between fundamental motor skills and cardiorespiratory fitness. Landmark studies from the Bogalusa Heart Study (Berenson et al., 1998; Li et al., 2003) and others (Mahoney et al., 1996; Davis et al., 2001; Morrison et al., 2007, 2008) have demonstrated that cardiometabolic risk factors present in childhood are predictive of adult disease. Discussions of the effects of physical activity on sexual maturation more often focus on females than males and, in particular, on age at menarche (first menses). Movement concepts (or elements of movement) explored in the curriculum include body awareness, spatial awareness, effort awareness, and relationship to/with objects, people and space. Addressed in turn is the relationship between physical activity and physical, psychosocial, and mental health. Journal of Pediatrics 104(1):147-151. 2009. energy expenditure and help lessen the risk of excess weight gain and its comorbidities. Wang, M. Dowda, S. W. Farrell, and J. R. ONeill. 2011. The study takes its departure in symbolic interactionist theory and explores ongoing PE practices in Sweden with a view to understanding group work as an embodied practice involving particular epistemic ecologies, epistemic positions and learning trajectories. A possible explanation for these findings is that since girls tend to be less active than boys, it may be more difficult to detect differences in physical activity levels between high- and low-skilled girls. FMS have a close link with physical activity (PA). Journal of the American Dietetic Association 108(2):276. in the abdominal cavity is more metabolically active (reflected by free fatty acid flux) than adipose tissue in other areas (Arner and Eckel, 1998), and higher amounts of visceral adipose tissue are associated with greater risk of metabolic complications, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Daniels et al., 1999; He et al., 2007; Dencker et al., 2012). Individuals who engage in aerobic endurance exercise training have an increased ability to mobilize and oxidize fat, which is associated with increased levels of lipolysis (Depres and Lamarche, 2000). Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism [epub ahead of print]. 2005. 1998. Acta Paediatrica 96(9):1321-1325. Morris, F. L., G. A. Naughton, J. L. Gibbs, J. S. Carlson, and J. D. Wark. Purpose: Malina, R. M. 1969. In a series of studies addressing physical literacy (Almond, 2013a,2013b;Whitehead,2013a, 2013b),Almond(2013a)further suggests that movement education "must engage all young people with challenges that will involve them and draw out their con-dence and willingness to participate" (p. 67). This will boost the supply of fresh oxygen and glucose to the brain, allowing the nervous system to rebalance itself and prevent fatigue. Manual of physical status and performance in childhood, Vol. It is quite likely that the relationship is dynamic and that motor competence increases the likelihood of participating in physical activity while at the same time engaging in physical activity provides opportunities to develop motor competence (Stodden et al., 2008).

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movement relationship in physical education
