SYNKROVALARTM is India’s first unique plant biostimulant, consisting of various minerals suspended in amino acids. It helps to give boost to the synthesis of enzymes and the process of photosynthesis leading to healthy crops, better growth and yields.

  • Organic foliar spray
  • Improves plant growth and productivity
  • Eco-friendly and easy to handle


S – Gold

Bio Fertilizer

An increasing proportion of barley, wheat bran etc is being incorporated into diets for broilers as a result of the price advantage of barley over wheat and the availability of enzymes able to minimise the undesirable consequences of high barley inclusion. The successful use of enzymes in this branch of the poultry industry has stimulated interest in the application of enzymes to barley/wheat bran-based diets.

Development of a complete & indigenous biological scaffold

The development of complete biological scaffold is the present hope for unlimited supply of tissue engineered products.
We have developed India’s first Tissue Engineered Medical Device called SynkroScaff.

The enzymes used in laundry detergents act on materials that make up a variety of stains and soils so that these materials can be washed away more easily. Since one enzyme molecule can act on many substrate (i.e., soil) molecules, a small amount of enzyme added to a laundry detergent can provide a big cleaning benefit to the consumer.

Enzymes are widely used in Food Industry. SynkroMax’s Food Enzymes are used for improving the clarity of fruit juices.

Enzymes for improved clarity in fruit juices

Digestive enzymes

With the ever increasing emphasis on cleaner production, sustainable processing and greener materials, the application of enzymes to both replace and enhance chemical systems has never been more relevant. Enzyme systems that can minimise the effluent burden and replace chemicals which have an undesirable environmental profile will become of increasing interest. In an environment where brands and retailers are keen to demonstrate good environmental credentials, material selection based on green criteria will become even more important.

The use of enzymes in the pulp and paper industry has grown rapidly since the mid 1980s. Currently the most important application of enzymes is in the prebleaching of kraft pulp. Xylanase enzymes have been found to be most effective for that purpose. Xylanase prebleaching technology is now in use at several mills worldwide.

Tea enzymes used during tea processing help in preserving the colour, flavor and fragrance of the final product.

With the increasingly important requirement for textile manufacturers to reduce pollution in textile production, the use of enzymes in the chemical processing of fibres and textiles is rapidly gaining wider recognition because of their non-toxic and eco-friendly characteristics. They can be safely used in a wide selection of textile processes such as, polishing, desizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing and finishing, where the alternatives are very harsh chemicals whose disposal into the environment causes many problems.
