3 hours Departmental Approval Required, 1 hours Introduction to ECE and CS Research. Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago or Undergrad Non-Degree Chicago. Students may register in more than one section per term. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Previously listed as ENGL 242. That is why we will focus on selected television series in the second part of the course. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor, and the Department Head. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours. 0 TO 4 hours. Fall 2022 Lecture and Seminar Courses Fall 2022 Courses in the UIC Department of Black Studies. 3 hours. Not intended for Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. UIC.edu; Academic Calendar; Athletics; Campus Directory; Disability Resources; Emergency Information; Event Calendar; U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights - Chicago Office John C. Kluczynski Federal Building 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 730-1560 [email protected] Public Formal Grievance Procedures University of Illinois Chicago I. 4 hours Restricted to Economics or Finance or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Summer Session or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s). Prerequisite(s): Eligibility as determined by performance on the Department placement test. Previously listed as ENGL 341. Prerequisite(s): A passing grade in ACTG 316. Prerequisite(s): ACTG 315 and ACTG 326 and ACTG 474; or ACTG 500. Previously listed as FIN 371. 3 hours. 3 OR 4 hours. The information about a course . Previously listed as ACTG 111. 4 graduate hours. 3 hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. May be repeated up to 1 time. 4 graduate hours. Departmental Approval Required. 3 hours. Restricted to Teaching of English or English or Professional Writing or Logic, Argumentation & Writing major(s) or minor(s). 3 OR 4 hours. Previously listed as ENGL 110. 4 hours Restricted to Business Administration. Sebald) that have been defined as Nabokovian by critics, scholars, and other readers. Credit is not given for CS 342 if the student has credit for CS 340. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. Extensive computer use required. 3 OR 4 hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Restricted to Engineering, Graduate College, or VP Academic & Enrollment Svcs. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the program for writers. Fall 2022 Course Schedule Request a Course Approval Undergraduates who are not enrolled in the College of Education can use our Course Approval Form to request a course. 3 hours Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Russian Lang & Lit or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Location: 1722 UH; Phone: (312) 996-5218. Departmental Approval Required. We will also learn about the cultural impact of Nabokov's art in America, Russia, and the world at large, and trace familiar elements in some contemporary novels (e.g., by Julian Barnes, Orhan Pamuk, and W.G. Same as RUSS 460. Students may register in more than one section per term. Creative Arts course. Recommended background: Junior or senior standing; Students should have a body of written work produced during their coursework. 2 hours PhD Seminar Departmental Approval Required, 4 hours PHD Seminar Departmental Approval Required. May be repeated. Fall 2021: Winter 2022: Spring 2022: Schedule of Classes available: May 1: Oct 30: Feb 5: View date and time of enrollment window (continuing students) May 10: Nov 8: Feb 14: Enrollment by window (7 a.m. start date-7 p.m. end date) continuing new graduate new transfer new freshmen May 17-Jun 2 Jun 7 Jun 7 Previously listed as CS 101. Not intended for Graduate - Chicago. If they will be given, final exams are held on Friday, June 11th. 3 OR 4 hours. 4 hours. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion/Recitation and one Lecture. Recommended background: ENGL 381; sophomore standing or above. Previously listed as EECS 487. 1 TO 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): FIN 300; or FIN 301 and FIN 302. Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates: Grade of B or better in ENGL 201 or ENGL 292. Previously listed as IE 341. 3 OR 4 hours. In addition to learning the history and development of the Russian novel (as well as how to read these texts), we will discuss and contrast how these works continue to influence stories and ideas that remain popular and influential in world cinema. Restricted to Business Administration. 3 hours. Course Information: Same as PHIL 565. Recommended background: ENGL 207, ENGL 208, ENGL 209, ENGL 269, ENGL 367, or ENGL 369; junior standing or above. Restricted to Engineering. Same as EOHS 441. 4 hours Commodity Pricing Restricted to Accounting or Finance or Business Administration (MBA) major(s). 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Computer Science major(s). May be repeated up to 1 time(s). Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. people. Restricted to Computer Science major(s). Not intended for Bachelor of Arts. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 060 or eligibility as determined by performance on the Department placement test. Extensive computer use required. Fall 2022 Chemical Engineering. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): MATH 310. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 0 hours. Same as BLST 262. 3 hours. 3 OR 4 hours. 3 OR 4 hours. 4 graduate hours. 3 hours Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Not intended for UIC CBA Cohort 1, UIC CBA Cohort 2, UIC CBA Cohort 3, UIC CBA Cohort 4, UIC CBA Cohort 5, UIC CBA Cohort 6, UIC CBA Cohort 7, UIC CBA Cohort 8, or UIC CBA Cohort 9 students. How does the portrayal of disability differ in German and Anglo-American productions? 4 hours Restricted to Economics or Finance or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Summer Session or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management or Business Administration (MBA) or Management Information Systems major(s). The student must first consult with the instructor of the independent study, and the instructor and Director of Undergraduate Studies must approve the student's written prospectus specifying the topic, required work, and number of credit hours the student will receive for the course. Some accounting courses will have combined-section final exams. 0 TO 16 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. May be repeated. 1 TO 4 hours. Complete Final Exam Schedule - Fall 2022 The complete final exam schedule for Fall 2022 is not yet available. Other students who meet prerequisites may be . 1 TO 4 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago. 3 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Friday, October 28 2022 is the Last day for undergraduate students to use optional late drop in college office and receive grade of W on academic record. CRN. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 undergraduate hours. For satisfactory progress in the Accounting major, students must receive a C or better in ACTG 326. Recommended background: ENGL 131, 132, or 230. Previously listed as ACTG 110. Meets 22-Aug-22 - 10-Dec-22. Extensive computer use required. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory and one Lecture-Discussion. 8-Week Session: June 12 - August 4 Summer Tuition and Fees Check out the per credit hour rate for summer 2022 tuition and fees. 4 hours. Category VI: Social Issues SI. Restricted to Engineering or UIC Extended Campus. Recommended background: CS 401. 4 hours. 3 hours Multiethnic Digital Humanities Multiethnic Digital Humanities. Instructor Approval Required. The deadline for adding this course or switching sections of this course is the end of Week 1 of the semester. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Engineering Management or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Entrepreneurship or Music Business or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management or Real Estate or Business Analytics major(s) or minor(s). All courses are taught by UIC faculty with expertise in their respective disciplines Courses are offered in 16-week sessions All courses are online asynchronous format (unless noted) Students can sign up for one or more courses concurrently Seat availability is limited and cannot be guaranteed 4 hours. 2 to 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): IDS 270 and FIN 300. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 hours. Creative Arts course. Extensive computer use required. Creative Arts course. Departmental Approval Required, 4 hours Adv Asset Management Departmental Approval Required. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture and one Discussion. For satisfactory progress in the Accounting major, students must receive a grade of C or better in ACTG 315. 3 hours Advanced Financial Planning We meet in person every other week and we have a zoom meeting online on alternate weeks. Course descriptions for composition courses are available at the First-Year Writing Program website: http://www.uic.edu/depts/engl/programs/1styearwriting/. Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. 3 undergraduate hours. Restricted to Graduate College. Open only to Master's degree students. 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Engineering or VP Academic & Enrollment Svcs. Extensive computer use required. 3 hours. Extensive computer use required. 3 hours Adv Asset Management Restricted to Business Administration, Graduate College, or VP Academic & Enrollment Svcs. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Discussion and one Lecture. How are disabled characters represented on screen? 4 hours Restricted to Computer Science major(s). Restricted to Engineering or Graduate College. Not intended for Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Previously listed as ENGL 202. 4 hours Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 3 undergraduate hours. Event. Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor. Restricted to Graduate College. 3 OR 4 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 4 hours Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or above; and consent of the instructor. Same as RUSS 460. Creative Arts course. Other students who meet the prerequisites may be accommodated during late registration as space permits. Restricted to Civil Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Electrical Engineering or Engineering Physics or Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Bioengineering or Electrical & Computer Engr or Engineering or Engineering Management or Geotechnical Engr & Geosci or Indust Engr & Operations Res or Materials Engineering or Stats & Operations Res or Summer Session or Bioinformatics major(s). Non-CBA students must have a UIC GPA of 2.5 or higher. Recommended background: ENGL 105 or ENGL 207 or ENGL 208 or ENGL 209. Restricted to Civil Engineering or Computer Engineering or Computer Science or Electrical Engineering or Engineering Physics or Industrial Engineering or Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Bioengineering or Electrical & Computer Engr or Engineering or Engineering Management or Geotechnical Engr & Geosci or Indust Engr & Operations Res or Materials Engineering or Stats & Operations Res or Summer Session or Bioinformatics major(s). Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Registration restrictions: Graduate students must obtain approval of the Department of English. 3 undergraduate hours. Restricted to Accounting or Marketing or Business Analytics or Finance or Business Administration (MBA) or Management Information Systems major(s). Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. Recommended background: Any 100-level MATH, ACTG, or FIN course. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Business Analytics or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Restricted to Engineering or UIC Extended Campus. Previously listed as ENGL 489. Prerequisite (s): Grade of C or better in CS 141; and Grade of C or better in CS 151; and Credit or concurrent registration in CS 211. UIC.edu; Academic Calendar; Athletics; Campus Directory; Disability Resources; Emergency Information; Event Calendar; Job Openings; Students must obtain override from the Writing Center. Same as PSCH 522 and COMM 522. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CS 111 or Grade of C or better in CS 109; and Credit or concurrent registration in MATH 180. 4 hours. Same as MCS 401. Credit is not given for CS 107 if the student has credit for CS 102. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Program for Writers. Meets 22-Aug-22 - 14-Oct-22. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. 3 OR 4 hours. 3 OR 4 hours. Restricted to Education, Graduate College, or Liberal Arts & Sciences. 4 hours Restricted to Economics or Finance or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Summer Session or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management or Business Administration (MBA) major(s). Same as ME 496. Credit only given to nondegree students. September 5, Su. Departmental Approval Required. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Music Business or Business Analytics or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). 4 graduate hours. For instructions on how to register, please visit the UIC Registrar's Registration Information or view the current UIC Schedule of Classes. Large sections are geared towards users of financial info while small sections are for preparers of financial info as well as for Accounting majors only to help them pass ACTG 315. Extensive computer use required. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Russian Lang & Lit or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). 3 OR 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 100 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, credit or concurrent registration in ENGL 498, and approval of the department. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Engineering Management or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Music Business or Business Analytics or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). 4 hours. 3 hours Restricted to Economics or Finance or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Summer Session or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s). May be repeated to a maximum of 32 hours. Restricted to Business Administration. Extensive computer use required. Departmental Approval Required. Restricted to Engineering. 3 hours. This course counts toward the limited number of independent study hours accepted toward the degree and the major. 3 hours. Same as ECE 294. 3 hours. Extensive computer use required. 3 hours. 3 hours. Introduction Restricted to Accounting or Marketing or Business Analytics or Business Administration (MBA) or Management Information Systems major(s). 4 hours Restricted to Computer Science major(s) or minor(s). 0 TO 16 hours. Taught in English. We meet in person every other week and we have a zoom meeting online on alternate weeks. Previously listed as ENGL 107. Students must enroll concurrently in ENGL 160 in their first semester and continue in ENGL 160 throughout the semester. 1 to 3 undergraduate hours; 2 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated to a maximum of 24 hours. Recommended background: ENGL 158 or ENGL161 or ENGL 280; and sophomore standing or above. 3 hours Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ACTG 316; and Grade of C or better in ACTG 326; and declaration of a major and submission of form of approval to the department head one week before the beginning of the semester. Previously listed as EECS 470. Previously listed as ENGL 117. Restricted to Computer Science major(s). Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor and consent of the director of graduate studies. For CS students only. 3 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CS 151; and Credit or concurrent registration in CS 251. Reading a representative selection of Nabokovs Russian and English-language works, we will attempt to arrive at a fuller understanding of how cultural synthesis inspires artistic creation. Recommended background: ENGL 101, ENGL 105, ENGL 135, ENGL 207, or ENGL 209. Spring 2023; Fall 2022; Past Semesters; Research and Creative Work; On and Off Campus Internships; . 3 OR 4 hours. "Cinematic Afterlives of the Russian Novel" Same as MOVI 331 and RUSS 321. Restricted to Accounting or Business Administration (MBA) or Marketing or Finance or Business Analytics major(s). 3 OR 4 hours. Previously listed as CS 102. Same as ME 444. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Conference and one Practice. 3 undergraduate hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. The deadline for adding this course or switching sections of this course is the end of Week 1 of the semester. 0 TO 16 hours. A reluctant heroine in Greek tragedy, Antigone remains a figure of fascination in a post-Enlightenment world both as a representative of progress and as a figure outside of time. Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the Department. 4 graduate hours. 3 hours. Students who receive this waiver earn three hours of proficiency credit for ENGL 160 and placement into ENGL 161. Location: 2039 ERF; Phone: (312) 996-5317. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite(s): FIN 300; or FIN 301 and FIN 302; or consent of the instructor. Extensive computer use required. Departmental Approval Required, 3 hours Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Prerequisite(s): MATH 110. Restricted to Accounting or Business Administration (MBA) major(s). Restricted to Business Administration. Restricted to English major(s). Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or 9 hours of English and consent of the instructor. Students may register in more than one section per term. Soc. 3 undergraduate hours. For each course in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, first priority in enrollment will be given to engineering or stat/or students in either the undergraduate or graduate college for whom the course is required or is a specified elective. Prerequisite(s): CL 102; or consent of the instructor. 3 OR 4 hours. Restricted to Doctor of Philosophy. Prerequisite(s): FIN 500. 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Instructor Approval Required. 3 hours Restricted to Undergrad - Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Approval of the Department. Registration restrictions: Graduate students must obtain approval of the Department of English. Registration restrictions: Graduate students must obtain approval of the Department of English. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago, Professional - Chicago, or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Prerequisite(s): MATH 180; and Grade of C or better in CS 111. Same as ME 312. We will also learn about the cultural impact of Nabokov's art in America, Russia, and the world at large, and trace familiar elements in some contemporary novels (e.g., by Julian Barnes, Orhan Pamuk, and W.G. May be repeated. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading only. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Previously listed as CS 385. Classes that will be taught live on campus in Fall 2020 Classes that the college deans have indicated should be taught on campus because of their learning goals. Prerequisite(s): Completion of the University Writing requirement; and sophomore standing or above. 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENGL 071 and consent of the Director of the First-Year Writing Program. Restricted to Engineering, Graduate College, or UIC Extended Campus. 4 graduate hours. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Real Estate or Business Analytics or Business Administration or Management or Marketing or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management major(s) or minor(s). 4 hours Multiethnic Digital Humanities Multiethnic Digital Humanities. Prerequisite(s): A passing grade in ACTG 211 or the equivalent. Prerequisite(s): CS 412; or consent of the instructor. Students may register in more than one section per term. Prerequisite(s): ACTG 502; or approval of the department. 3 undergraduate hours. January 10, M. Instruction begins. 3 OR 4 hours. Large sections are geared towards users of financial info while small sections are for preparers of financial info as well as for Accounting majors only to help them pass ACTG 315. 3 hours Chicago Exchanges Meets 22-Aug-22 - 14-Oct-22. 3 hours. Not intended for Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 3 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Restricted to Graduate College. Course Schedule By Day Fall 2021 Last Updated: Friday, August 27, 2021 First Module Courses (8/22/11 to 10/14/11) . 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in CS 341. ACTG 326 may be repeated only once. Restricted to Engineering, Graduate College, or UIC Extended Campus. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 3 OR 4 hours. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): MCS 360; or CS 341. 3 OR 4 hours. Previously listed as ENGL 212. Prerequisite(s): IE 342. Fees charged if you withdraw or cancel your registration from UIC after the tenth day of school: $50 Pro Administrative Fee. 3 OR 4 hours. Thursday, November 24 - Friday, November 25 2022 is Thanksgiving holiday. 3 hours. May be repeated up to 1 time. 3 hours. Credit is not given for FIN 300 if the student has credit in FIN 301 or FIN 302. 1 hours. 3 undergraduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MCS 360; or Grade of C or better in CS 251. Issues we will consider include the relationship between art and politics, aesthetics and ethics, authorship and tradition, memory and exile, identity and sexuality, and the nature of fiction. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in CS 141; and Credit or concurrent registration in CS 211. Some sections may be offered fully online or in a blended-online and classroom course setting. A maximum of 6 hours may be applied toward either the undergraduate major in English or a graduate degree in English. Same as BME 479. Same as ME 411. Instructor Approval Required. Instruction ends on Friday, December 2 2022. Same as MOVI 230. Same as AH 232 and MOVI 232. Previously listed as EECS 599. 3 hours. Schedule of Classes (Current Semester) Note: Faculty Staff and Students should access the class schedule in the My.UIC portal. 3 hours. 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): CS 401. Based on final course assessment, the English Department may recommend a waiver of ENGL 160. 3 hours. 1 TO 4 hours. Not intended for Undergrad - Chicago or Undergrad Non-Degree Chicago. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Theory course at the undergraduate or graduate level. Restricted to Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Restricted to Finance or Business Administration or Accounting or Bus Admin-Undeclared or Information & Decision Sci or Marketing or Real Estate or Entrepreneurship or Human Resource Management or Leadership & Managerial Compet or Business Administration or Management major(s) or minor(s). Prerequisite(s): Grade of D or better in ACTG 316. Restricted to Engineering. To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Lecture-Discussion and one Laboratory-Discussion. Spring 2023 Planned Graduate Courses. All students take the Writing Placement test. 3 hours. 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): Good academic standing in a teacher education program, completion of 100 clock hours of pre-student-teaching field experiences, and approval of the department. Recommended Background: CS 342, CS 401, Computer graphics experience. Course descriptions for composition courses are available at the First-Year Writing Program website: http://www.uic.edu/depts/engl/programs/1styearwriting/. 3 hours. in Accounting or Marketing or Master of Healthcare Administration program. Fall 2022 Course Schedule. 3 OR 4 hours. *GLAS 100: Introduction to Global Asian Studies . Restricted to Business Administration or UIC Extended Campus. 4 hours Financial Communication Restricted to Accounting or Finance or Business Administration (MBA) major(s). Not intended for Graduate - Chicago or Graduate Non-Degree Chicago. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor and the director of graduate studies. May be repeated up to 1 time. 3 OR 4 hours. Same as COMM 234 and MOVI 234. 3 OR 4 hours. Fall 2022 begins August 22. Last day to complete late registration; last day to add a course (s) or make section changes; last day to drop individual courses via XE Registration without receiving W (Withdrawn) grade on academic record. Other studentswho meet prerequisites may be admitted by college approval during late registration. For some courses in Finance, priority in enrollment will be given to students whose college or curriculum requires that course.

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uic schedule of classes fall 2022
