XMLHttpRequest object establishes a medium between a web page's client-side and server-side that can be used by the many scripting languages like JavaScript, JScript, VBScript and other web browser to transfer and manipulate the XML data. Using only AJAX is more complex, but also lends itself to be the most flexible and powerful way. 1: server connection established. Returns the response as XML. javascript xmlhttprequest open "xmlhttprequest" get response from xmlhttprequest; new xmlhttprequest() example; xmlhttprequest done; xmlhttprequest on response; . http://www.tribute.ca/news/index.php/madonna-writes-love-song-for-ex-husband/2009/07/31/, ); Is it possible to do a HTTP Head request solely using an XMLHTTPRequest in JavaScript? ", \ The HTTP method used to open the connection, such as GET, POST, PUT, or PROPFIND. }, ; xhr.open ('GET', url, true); The open method initializes a GET request to the specified URL. Please try it again.". If you are using the POST method the server will receive a string similar to one of the following three example, depending on the encoding type you are using: Method: POST; Encoding type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default): Method: POST; Encoding type: multipart/form-data: However, if you are using the GET method, a string like the following will be simply added to the URL: All these effects are done automatically by the web browser whenever you submit a