Bathe her once per week lately, never find fleas on her. . Over the past 2 weeks I have seen 4 fleas in my new apartment. Its weird. Hope that helps. And, when you say that essential oils may harm the liver, is this from ingesting the oil by licking it off or by smell alone? My skin has never been so clear. Would it be safe to say that applying it on a regular basis would help maintain a flea free home? The little nasties were jumping off like they were on fire! I couldnt find your example of the flea traps. Thanks! They scratch constantly and have scabs beneath their fur. Our cat is normally an indoor cat but she decided to sneak out and explore one day and brought some fleas back with her, which we didnt expect because she gets frontline treatments regularly. We put a pretty thick layer on the carpet, beds, basement, animal areas and animal then went camping for three days. Do you want to know how to win as quickly as possible? Glad that it worked for you, and appreciate the feedback . What are the herbs and oils that you use? Thanks for your questions . It worked great. Please help suggest some way to apply my De in a less hellaceous manner. I continued to vacuum and spray the carpets with hot shot spray, this unfortunately doesnt contain an igr. Amanda: I saw the same bag the other night at my local home improvement store. I received the DE today (food grade of course) and put some on him directly as well as spreading it all over the carpets with the duster I purchased with the DE. I focus on my grass and use Front Line on the animals now. Just make sure that it is food grade, that is your only concern. I tried Hartz flea spray and while I think it lessened the issue it didnt really fix it. Hi, could you recommend a brand of food grade to use that would have at least the 90%, Hi Patty! Hey Rebecca! Since their body needs this to survive, they die after a short amount of time. Hi there! Use a plastic container with a lid, poke small holes in the lid and use it to gently spread the DE over your carpets. I put in in my backyard today. Silica deposits from these diatoms can be found in freshwater and saltwater. After reading some reviews, went out and bout a big bag for only $14.99. Ive been sprinkling my cats and dog with it. Is it because there are still eggs in my home? Would it be a bad idea to use the Safer Brand DE on my lawns and fence line? This horizontal transfer allows both boric acid and DE to have a 100% mortality rate on roaches. Also, is diatomatious earth safe to use while Im pregnant. Fleas have reproductive cycles so hang with the DE and vacuum-treat, vacuum-treat. Hi Rob. I only caught two fleas. Yeah so the fleas wont die unless they come into contact with it. Hi Tara! Veterinarians generally advise against the use of diatomaceous earth for fleas on cats and dogs. Are the fleas really dead after repeated washings? Alternatively, I have noticed that a number of garden and hardware shops are starting to stock them, perhaps give a couple near your location a call. So far there have only been 2 or 3 in each dish for the 24 hour period. The label states that its organic and OMRI approved for organic gardening. My hair has fallen out, Im mostly bald on the top of my head. My girlfriend is allergic to seafood and shellfish. I will say this, the RAID Flea and carpet is good stuff but chemicals (we left the house for a few hours and cat stayed in main bathroom sleeping)- and If I wasnt losing my mind, I wouldnt have used it. It does say Ant & Crawling Insect Killer, but it is only 77% DE with other ingredients added, so I dont think this would be the right brand of DE to buy. Thanks everyone. If you want to learn more, check out my article on the topic under the fleas category (top menu). I sprayed the whole house with a pesticide and have been frantically vacuuming. Hi Jean, super glad to hear that it worked for you, and thanks for taking the time to share your experience . Hope that helps you and thank you for stopping by, hopefully my blog has provided you with a satisfying answer. I was able to get 4 rooms done in half an hour and the carpet in the first room was dry before I was even finished with the 3rd room. Fold each in half and make a stack. I put a lot on my carpet but vacuumed it up too quickly. Food grade DE can be mixed into pet food or added to their water in small amounts. They are all Diatomed! As mentioned in this article and in the comments above, its better suited for killing fleas in your home (carpets, floors, etc.). It also makes them invigorated! I also purchased nematodes and put them out a week ago, then the DE for inside yesterday. So many theories about where the fleas could have come from, but lets not dwell there and move on to advice on how to get rid of them! how would I use? Re-apply as needed. If you cannot find at local stores ( I did not know about Tractor stores), you can order it from Amazon. I have a question I cannot seem to find the answer to-no matter how many sites and blogs I visit. Again, thank you. Hello, I found your blog this.evening and found it very informative. There is no carpet just hard wood flooring and tile. DE can also absorb moisture from your eyes, so dont hesitate to rinse them from time to time. She is frantic about how to clean it all up. The powder sticks to the waxy coating on the shell and absorbs moisture. Appreciate this website for answering all my questions about DE. Again, all the previous pointers need to be reviewed (above) but to add to them, dont purchase any DE products that are marked for pest control. Thanks for all the information Natasha! I live by myself so I sprinkle the carpet and just leave it on there. I put it directly on my 2 small dogs and 1 cat, used Bio Spot and Zodiiac Spray still see flea poop! I suspect my neigbors are feeding stray cats and their fleas are spreading all around. Boric acid does have a few weaknesses, though. In the spring and summer I have to avoid physical contact with my little friend except for some petting on the head and stroking her back, and it makes both of us unhappy. I was just happy to get DE the same day since Home Depot was a few blocks away. Could I do that every morning and expect it to last the whole day? . Julie. Yes you can, thanks for the question! It doesnt but will instantly kill them if they hatch and the food grade one is perfectly safe. Honestly, it sounds like something out of a horror movie; sharp particles that slash you and drain your fluids at the same time, but hey it works! I went on eBay looking for a bag, and I got a 10 lb bag food grade for under $20, shipped to the house. Even though it looks like simple dust to our human eyes, every single molecule is as sharp as razor wire to a bug. Hi Gina! And while I know it is a non-toxic and an overall safe product., I am paranoid about spreading it around my house for my familys lungs sake. Is it ok to sprinkle near the headzone of my bed? Thank you so much for your informative articles! I usually dispense the DE by using an ice cream container that contains small holes (I use a knife to do this), almost like you would use a salt shaker. And the puppy is the same way. But when I walk around my bedroom i do not have fleas jumping on me. A few years ago i had a flea problem put this stuff down and boom problem solved. Hi! I just want to confirm before I move forward, and would love an email!! Ive recently experimented with using a power sprayer (think Wagner) for large area coverage in a very short amount of time (in our rental property) and had great success. I also read that you mentioned to someone if they leave the DE on for 3 days after vacuuming there is no need to reapply, but earlier you had mentioned that it takes a bout a week for the eggs to hatch.. wouldnt it be better to either reapply or leave on the carpet longer? Not on her just in house / yard. Couple of questions. What is Lime Treatment and Beneficial Nematodes? The vet wont give me tranquillizers, so Im at wits end. Yes you can, it may look a little unsightly but since you will be vacuuming it up a couple hours later, this wont really matter. If diatomaceous earth is non-toxic, how does it kill pests such as roaches, ants, termites or other small insects then? The boric acid damages the insects digestive system and nervous system. Hi! I dont have carpet, but I have dusted the house quite well. Fortunately they dont seem to bother my kids or husband, but I probably got 15 bites in an hour and caught about 10 of those and executed them. Chickens like to take a dust bath, will the silica aggregate or cut them? I would also recommend washing your bedding in HOT water and drying it in a dryer to kill the fleas and their eggs. But should I try DE instead or move onto something stronger? I would have to sprinkle over a large area I suppose. Also, we used some Dawn dish soap homemade flea traps. Its supposed to be completely safe for people and pet use. Besides being drying, why wouldnt it be good for pets that are smaller in mass? Citrus Sprays . We are going to be using Capstar daily x 5 days per our vet, followed by Nexguard (they said that the topical flea prevention isnt regulated and fleas have become resistant to most). Walmart doesnt sell DE at all. I have a relative that came to visit, who has a KNOWN flea infestation. It doesnt say food grade and is for pests. Rub it or sprinkle it. I would love to know more about this! I am normally not bothered by them but this year I am terribly, my dog also sleeps on my bed with me, so sprinkle on the mattress and then put the sheets on, leaving the DE on there? Sorry, these ticks have me all flustered. I will use it on the dog beds, I can apply it outside to minimize application dust. Just tried this tonight. We live in Tennessee. Yes it does. It says its 100% Diatomaceous earth, but then it says that it includes amorphous silica, silicon dioxide, and other oxides. Recently acquired a new cat who seems to be a flea manufacturer. And what brand? We noticed our cats had fleas a few weeks ago and since then Ive tried everything. Hi Christine! Since you have likely done some research on diatomaceous earth before reading this article, its highly probable that you have come across people on forums, blogs and even social media getting rather vocal about the dangers of diatomaceous earth. The use of a light and dish of soapy water at night helps us see if there are adults still around. I sprinkled it on carpet and sofas.. Is it safe for my 9 year old daughter to be me in the same room that I sprinkled carpet in? Yea, Im that sick of them!! We still are finding fleas and flea dirt on them. I live in Canada and SomeHome Hardware Stores carry it Red Lake Earth R.L.E. It was such a pain to clean up as it was on the couches, carpets, beds, cushions on the table chairs, you name it. BUT, the fleas were a nightmare. But they are still around. Glad to see you are treating your pets otherwise you will never win the fight against fleas. Have you actually physically seen the fleas, not just felt them? Im thinking of using DE now as we dont have carpets, only floorboards/baseboards with huge gaps in between them and holes everywhere and using Indorex isnt really the best option for hard floors. We use flea applications monthly on both cats and dog. In three days the gardener will be here to mow the lawn. I would certainly order food grade if need be, but in the meantime the fleas have to be dealt with. Keep me updated! With a choice between the two, do u still recommend DE or borax for a small dog ? I was planning on dusting the rug, carpet and concrete then vacuuming up after 24 hours. I dont want to say to the world its 100% safe but realistically, it is very unlikely that it will cause issues. I really like your webpages, Natasha. Make sure its *NOT* Visine GET THE RED OUT stuff. Thank you, appreciate you helping Fancine. Hope that helps, thanks for your kind words . I usually use a plastic container with holes in the top (I usually make the holes lol) and use it like a salt shaker. I ordered 10 LBS and need to do 4 rooms and a hallway, do you think that is a good amount? Fleas thrive in humidity and heat. I recommend Vets Best Flea + Tick Home Spray for treating your pet. I figure tomorrow i will vacuum it up, do it every 3 days or so for the next 2 weeks and it should kill anything in my house, at least thats what i am hoping! I still keep the traps going even though I do not have anymore fleas in my home. So Im trying the DE approach. Let me know how the flea treatment goes. THIS has sent me into panic attacks which causes me not to eat, sleep, and then chronic fatigue. As nearly as I can figure, the chigger larvae attach to her hair when she is in the yard. I tried the candle in a pool of soapwater but havent seen any fleas floating yet. We have a book shelf with books and some of the kids toys.. how do we know if the fleas have gotten into the books? However, her milk dried up very quickly and she had to be separated from her litter as kittens sadly do not understand that there will be no milk from that source and youre hurting your mum. This is addressed to anyone at all that would be able to help me. Garlic is very bad for dogs, so you shouldnt use it. my rosacea that I have battled for the last couple years has virtually disappeared. Sodium borate salts (such as borax) can also be utilized as substitutes for boric acid and have similar properties and functions. Have a good one! on the patio are mostly gone too. No it will not deter them, sorry . Is is safe to put a small amount of DE (food grade) on Boo, directly on his fur?? In your opinion could it harm the baby in any way after its settled? My dog cant walk 5 steps without scratching. My indoor cat has fleas and now Im scratching but Im hoping it is just from paranoiaIve been reading up on natural ways to get rid of those nasty things and I came across an essential oil recipe that I was going to try but you said essential oils arent good for cats. DE does help if your dog has worms. Many millions of years ago, there existed single-celled organisms known as diatoms which had a silica transparent outer shell. I cannot promise that you have gotten rid of them, but reading through your comments makes me believe that you really went all out with the borax and DE, so yeah you have probably succeeded. Hi we tried everything to get rid of fleas . Hope that helps! I dont have any pets, but I do have 2 other children in addition to the baby. Just for future reference, you dont need to get the stuff everywhere, controlled application is possible when you place the DE in a plastic container with holes in the lid and apply it as you would use a salt shaker. Incorrect application makes a mess that is difficult to clean up. They should be tight enough where you can fit one finger under. Where I used a lot, does this mean its not going to be effective? A few fleas quickly turned into a huge infestation. I am a little confused about when to vacuum up the food grade DE. I have DEd my back yard yesterday and today (its a rather large fenced in area) And Ive applied it rather heavily (I realized after reading your comments). From all the comments, I believe this is going to work. Otherwise, the vacuuming will pick up many fleas alive or dead. Its definitely less toxic than that flea spray . I will be spending a whole day doing all this and giving 12 cats baths. He seems fine not bitin or scratching, he sits about 5 feet off the ground mostly. Not sure I can do this in our offices as the dust will be killer on our computer equipment. I cant thank you enough . So I have my dog take a summer vacation to my daughter while I take care of the unwanted guest that is residing on my carpet. No it wont help the fleas on your pet, need to get a spot on or something like that. Another thing to try are Seresto flea collars. How would you suggest resolving this situation before it escalates further? I really appreciate it!! They caked their home in it, to the point of overboard but they were losing their sanity after months of battling these nasty bugs. My daughter used borax all over in their house, and washed all of their bedding in the house, as well as getting Honey a flea shot and doing the vinegar washes, I believe. Would it be ok to simply distribute the DE around the whole house and leave it on for at least a week before vacuuming to be sure we get both the adult fleas and their eggs? Just bought a house from people who were obviously oblivious to the fact they were harboring millions of vampiric nasty bugs! I bought a 10lb bag of DE. Thanks for your kind words! Diatomaceous Earth works, but takes too long. You need to place it around the perimeter of your home. For a day or so he scratched a little and we saw a few crawling but now he seems fine and is no longer scratching. Not tried using it for fleas but am about to start as a friends cat got infested and unfortunately some came with my friend when she visited and despite my 4 indoor cats being on Stronghold neck drops the fleas are just starting to appear. My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Maybe looking for a second opinion on my case in particular. I do have a question and I am sure it has already been answered but there are so many comments I cant read them all in one sitting. Make sure you get the food grade one and ideally put it under your sheets. Tonight Im going to try using dawn dish soap in hopes it will help. After using the DE I have found that it is effective from the first application. The next day, my sister had used BORAX on EVERYTHING while I was work. Diatomaceous Earth is the best for killing roaches compared to boric acid; it is much faster at killing cockroaches and has a 100%mortality rate. In fact, if you can get hold of a shop vac, that would be ideal. I would rather clean the dust than have fleas. How long should this process take? Hi there!! Since most cockroaches are cannibals, whenever the infected roach finally dies from the slow-acting poison, the other cockroaches pounce on the dead cockroach. Stay with it Jim. Hello! Hi Claudia! the d.e. i.e. I actually leave mine down for 2 weeks, as that ensures that larvae, etc. Hi Joe, I have not but if it is 100% food grade DE, use it. Should be alright but just make sure its not pool grade or anything like that. Thank you so much, Evie. I have a 7 lb dog, would this be safe to use around her? Rather than waiting for the cockroaches to clean themselves and ingest the poison, the roaches get hurt when they step into the diatomaceous earth, and the pain doesn't stop. To get to where I am today, I have put diatomaceous earth in our home, first started in parts of my bedroom carpet last night, I could see a difference. Will this work if I put it on and then vacuum later? Hi Bob! Those black dots are probably flea dirt, check my article on this subject. Until now. Let me know if you need any further help and thanks for sharing your success with the community. I have carpet only in the bedrooms and closet, can I sprinkle DE on my hardwood floors and tile? The first is simply by physical damage; while it looks like fine dust to the human eye, each molecule actually has razor sharp edges that can damage the insects exoskeleton. Looking forward to hearing your experiences! Hi Suzanne, the dawn and warm water should have killed the fleas instantly, if it didnt, perhaps you didnt reach all areas during the wash. Alternatively, it is possible that he got the fleas from his bedding before they were flea free, thus starting the cycle again. It doesnt, its not really a repellent. Also i used the flea traps u suggested as my cat had a bunch of fleas on him and didnt catch anything in any of them. Ive been doing research on this topic [your site is MOST informative!] Thanks for stopping by and for leaving a comment! These tablets include a bait that is irresistible to roaches. I am also a little unsure honestly but since it says food grade (which means its completely safe), it should be fine. Whats the benefit to a repeat procedure? Thank you for your easy to read and understand blog. Based on previous experience, I think it is OK to massage into the coat initially (avoiding the face), then toweling off the excess. Hi Janet! I even give my kitties a flea bath. I did not want to use chemicals on my cat or myself. I am freaking out and would appreciate any advice. The walls of our basement are whitewashed with lime, but getting bad since my Dad got sick and passed away 12 years ago. Hi Cindy, try amazon, they usually have food grade DE. The grass and plants are dry. Hope that helps! Its a good way to sprinkle your pets as well because it comes out of the sifter in a fine dust and not clumping. Im off to try and find your article about flea solutions for cats! And upstairs we have wood floors so I sprinkled it here and there only to fibd out I was seeing fleas still and were all still being bit. Three years later, and Ive only 1-1/2 containers for 2,000 sq. Also try my DIY flea traps, they are easy to make and work well. Most questions even two years after posting this article the boys rooms and my husband bringing! Better solutions garden already, but in the 20 years I have read a bit this! 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diatomaceous earth vs boric acid for fleas
