Two people were killed and hundreds injured. Pages pour les contributeurs dconnects en savoir plus, Sommaire [citation needed], The town's fate was sealed with the linking up with men of the 3rd and 5th Divisions, who were also making their way into the town. The Castle/Fortress of Almeida (Portuguese: Castelo e Fortaleza de Almeida) is a castle situated in the civil parish of Almeida, in the municipality of Almeida in the Portuguese district of Guarda, in the former-northwestern province of Beira Alta.It was constructed in this region due to its significant strategic importance, due to its close proximity to the border between Portugal and On 3 July 1969, an N1 rocket in the Soviet Union exploded on the launch pad of Baikonur Cosmodrome, after a turbopump exploded in one of the engines. Ufa train disaster. [3], In October 1926, a cavalry contingent with its headquarters in Aveiro departed for Almeida. Led his company in an assault which inflicted 250 casualties on the enemy before suffering the loss of both of his legs from a land mine. Indeed, immediately after the capture of Almeida, Aranda marched with the intention of crossing the Tagus into the Alentejo at the most propitious point: Vila Velha, where the Spanish army of Philip V of Spain had crossed the river, during the war of the Spanish succession some years before. This was one of the largest non-nuclear planned explosions on record, and the subject of the first CBC live broadcast coast-to-coast. Francisco Sarmento, the governor of Trs-os-Montes, posted a declaration ordering the people to resist the Spaniards or be branded rebels. Tout se passe en direct, il ny a ni ralenti ni retour en arrire. There were only three survivors from the crew of 1,418. [10], By 5 April two breaches had been made in the curtain wall and the soldiers readied themselves to storm Badajoz. (The Spanish commander answered that there had been an error of communication with the leader of that expedition). On 14 April 1944, SSFort Stikine, carrying around 1,400 long tons (1,400t) of explosives (among other goods), caught fire and exploded, killing around 800 people. An armoured cruiser, HMSDefence, was a fourth ship to suffer an explosive deflagration at Jutland with at least 893 men killed. As of June2022[update], this list is incomplete, showing 496 Navy Crosses awarded in all service branches for actions of valor during the Vietnam War: 124 to US Navy recipients; 369 to US Marine Corps recipients; one Republic of Vietnam Navy recipient;[6] one Army of the Republic of Vietnam recipient;[7] and one US Army recipient. Given the enormity of the task facing the stormers in the Peninsula, I for one begrudge them none of their feelings of anger and desire for revenge. [155] The similarities between the two invasions of Portugal (respectively in 1762 and 181011) go far beyond the coincidence of the number of casualties suffered by the invaders in both situations. () The Portuguese war had really ended and as ingloriously as it had auspiciously begun. [10] Soon a maze of trenches was creeping up to the high stone walls as the cannons continued to blast away at the stonework. [25], The most detailed study of the effects of the British sacking of Badajoz is undoubtedly the one published in 1983 by Spanish historian Eladio Mndez Venegas from data collected in the Diocesan Archives of Badajoz. It did not explode immediately, which gave time for some curious Spaniards to board it. When he was being given first aid, he left his position of safety to assist his Marines during a mortar barrage when he was killed. Il suit les enqutes anti-terroristes. In, "Lippe deserves far more than the eight miniature gold cannon mounted on silver carriages, "In September [this number increasing during the Bourbon retreat, in October], 3,000 French soldiers lay sick at Salamanca. Therefore, and as Lippe had predicted, the invaders had only two options: return into Spain, to cross the Tagus at Alcntara (which they considered dishonourable since this would imply to withdraw before inferior forces), or go straight to Lisbon through the mountains at the north of the capital, in the "neck" of the "peninsula" containing this city (defined by the river Tagus and the Atlantic). The detonations were detected on seismic instruments around the world; the incident encouraged intentional detonation of subsequent disposal operations to determine detectability of underwater nuclear testing.[57]. Having failed the main military target of the campaign (Oporto, the second city of the kingdom), suffering terrible losses from famine and the guerrillas (who cut off their food supplies), and eventually threatened by the advancing Portuguese regular army at Lamego which could split the two wings of the Spanish army (the force trying to reach the south bank of the Douro and the other aiming Oporto through the mountains)[60][61] the diminished and demoralized Spanish army was forced to withdraw towards Spain (end of June 1762), abandoning all their conquests with the only exception of the city of Chaves (in the frontier). [3] But, in 1766, a gunpowder magazine was constructed at the bastion of So Pedro, substituting the one that existed on the embankment, along with a similar one at the ravelin of Santa Brbara. In 1894 the majority of artillery pieces were removed, leading to the 28 June 1895 declassification of the square by the Comisso Superior de Guerra (Superior Commission for War). Le 9 mai 2013, la Fox aurait entam des ngociations afin que Kiefer Sutherland reprenne son rle dans la srie pour une neuvime saison[15]. [56] Even inside the occupied cities the invaders were not safe: of about half a thousand miqueletes who entered Chaves (21 May 1762), only eighteen were still alive by the end of June. 320 were killed instantly, another 390 wounded. Between 132 and nearly 400 military personnel were killed. On 20 April 1944, the Liberty ship SSPaul Hamilton was attacked 30 miles (48km) off Cape Bengut near Algiers by Luftwaffe bombers. On the 24 May 1808[8] the first body of troops under the command of General Louis-Henri Loison[8] marched on to Almeida, arriving and occupying the fortress on 5 June. The medieval castle was razed to the ground and sections of the defenses were damaged. This is due to newswire licensing terms. On 21 October 1966, a mud flow protection dam near Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan was created by a series of four preliminary explosions of 1,800 tonnes total and a final explosion of 3,600 tonnes of ammonium nitrate-based explosive. This is a list of Navy Cross recipients for actions of valor carried out during the Vietnam War, awarded by the United States Department of the Navy.. On 12 January 1807, a ship carrying hundreds of barrels of black powder exploded in the city of Leiden in the Kingdom of Holland. Far from saving France from defeat, Spain shared it, and indeed made it worse. Kulish, Nicholas, "After Munitions Explosion, Albanians Ask Why Danger Was Placed So Near". mortar round from the chest of a wounded South Vietnamese soldier. Over 100 people died in this accident. On 1 March 1939, Warehouse No. Mont-Blanc carried 2,653 tonnes of various explosives, mostly picric acid. Officials confirmed 93 fatalities and more than 300 injuries. [3] Yet, the following year, work on the fortress was expanded by sergeant-major Agostinho de Andrade Freire. The invaders had to choose between stay and starve or withdraw. [143] The death toll of the French has not been estimated. Amongst the wounded was Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Fletcher, the chief engineer. [64] The largest publicly known test was conducted by the United States Defense Nuclear Agency (now part of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency) on 27 June 1985 at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. ; 1492 Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration. Even in the occupied cities and villages, the populations defied and rebelled against the Franco-Spaniards, according to a letter sent by D`Aranda to Lippe, asking him to put a stop to it. Born in Germany. King D. Afonso V donated Almeida to D. Pedro de Menezes.[3]. For smothering a grenade with his own body, Commanded two Marine rifle companies in the defense of Hill 881S during a 77 day siege where they sustained nearly 100% casualties. On 22 April, a Quadruple Alliance was signed between Liberal forces of England, France, Spain and Portugal, that required their intervention in the defence of Liberal parliamentary institutions. La Coupe du monde de football 2010 est la dix-neuvime dition de la Coupe du monde de football.Elle sest droule du 11 juin au 11 juillet 2010 en Afrique du Sud et est remporte par lEspagne.. Il sagit de la premire phase finale de Coupe du monde se disputant sur le sol africain.Le pays organisateur a t choisi en mai 2004.Daot 2007 novembre 2009, les Since the enemy was gathering troops and ammunitions in the region of Valencia de Alcntara, near Alentejo preparing a third Spanish invasion Lippe chose to take preemptive action by attacking the invader on his own ground, in Estremadura. ()", the allied commander, "This German officer [La Lippe], who had learned the war in the school of. The fortress seen today is arranged on an irregular hexagonal plan and consists of six polygon, irregular and uneven sized bastions which are connected by curtain walls and forming a perimeter of 1.5 miles (2.4km) and forms a 12 pointed star shaped fortress with six triangular shaped ravelins . Reports mention no American military casualties. The cause of the explosion was never officially established, though present-day authorities on explosives consider it was due to a combination of factors: an exceptionally hot day, high production demands and lax safety precautions. POW who accepted responsibility for an escape attempt and was severely tortured, Landing on the beach in the first helicopter of the first wave during the. By the later 1960s, previously under-regarded FM radio replaced AM radio as the focal point for the ongoing explosion of rock and roll music, and became the nexus of youth-oriented news and advertising for the counterculture generation.. Changing lifestyles. Siege of Havana; Captaincy General of Cuba (16071898) Ten Years' War (18681878) Cuban War of Independence (18951898) Ral Castro and Juan Almeida Bosque directed attacks on four fronts. Lors de la saison 7, la cellule est dissoute pour enqute snatoriale et cest le FBI qui reprend la lutte anti-terroriste. [101] Since Lisbon was the main goal, Aranda advanced, while the allied forces fortified their excellent positions on the heights that cover Abrantes, halfway between Lisbon and the border (the region among the rivers Tagus, Zzere and Codes). [18] The Portuguese government materially assisted the French garrisons that had taken refuge in Lagos after the battle. List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Vietnam War, List of Navy Cross recipients for World War II, List of Navy Cross recipients for the Korean War, "Vietnam War Allied Troop Levels 196073", "(U.S. Navy) Navy Cross Recipients, Vietnam War, 1956-1975", "U.S. Marine Corps Navy Cross Recipients, Vietnam War, 1956-1975", "Full Text Citations for Vietnam War Awards of the Navy Cross",, Recipients of the Navy Cross (United States), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from June 2022, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. When he was moving the Marine to cover, he was mortally wounded. Mount Hood's former position was revealed by a trench in the ocean floor 1,000 feet (300m) long, 200 feet (61m) wide, and 30 to 40 feet (9.1 to 12.2m) deep. [93], On 12 August 2015, at 23:30, two explosions occurred in the Chinese port Tianjin at a warehouse operated by Ruihai Logistics. He was then helped move six casualties to safety and was trying to assist two more when he was killed. According to a confirmed official report, 147 local residents were killed and 149 people injured. By partial comparison, as of June2022[update], the U.S. Department of Defense shows 126 awarded to Navy recipients[8] and 370 to Marines Corps recipients,[9] for acts of valor during the Vietnam War. In Francis, Alan David , "The Spanish failure in 1762 to exploit their early successes by a march to capture, "This province [of Trs-os Montes] is not worth an attack in a war between Spain and Portugal; it is even dangerous for the Spaniards to penetrate into it, as they found to their cost in the late war; 40,000 men advanced to, "it was found that the Marquis of Marialva and the Field-Marshals Count of Angeja, Count of Arcos and Jos Leite de Sousa were approaching, "(). While insisting that most of the work was necessary, little was executed. The cause of the explosion was accidental ignition by a drunk guard. Revue des Deux Mondes,, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Article contenant un appel traduction en espagnol, Catgorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:poque contemporaine/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. On 2 April an attempt was made to destroy a barrier that had been erected amongst the arches of the bridge to cause flooding that was hampering the siege. It ignited 4,000 prepared charges, which in turn ignited 68 tonnes of black powder and 1,000,000 musket cartridges. [3], This became the fortress that stands on the site today, surrounding the previous medieval castle. The British government apologized to the Portuguese king, Jos I, by sending a special delegation to Lisbon,[17] yet the captured vessels were not returned, as demanded by France (Pombal had previously informed Pitt that he did not expect it). They took the little castle of Vila Velha (north bank of the Tagus, 3 October 1762) and forced the defiles of St. Simon, near the River Alvito, launching a large force in pursuit of the detachment of Count of Santiago through the mountains. Similarly, in 1657, D. Rodrigo de Castro, Governor of Almeida, increased work on the fortification, ordering large changes its profile and organization. "[226], Portuguese and Spanish neutrality in the Seven Years' War, First invasion of Portugal(Trs-os-Montes), A few years after the 1762 invasion, during the, "The British troops which embarked for Lisbon under their veteran commander consisted of 7, 104 officers and men of al arms [official figures when boarding in Britain]. The Battle of New Orleans was fought on January 8, 1815 between the British Army under Major General Sir Edward Pakenham and the United States Army under Brevet Major General Andrew Jackson, roughly 5 miles (8 km) southeast of the French Quarter of New Orleans, in the current suburb of Chalmette, Louisiana.. Siege. L'histoire du Portugal au sens strict ne commence qu'au XII e sicle avec la naissance des premiers tats portugais : les comts de Portugal et de Coimbra au temps d'Henri de Bourgogne [1], mais au sens large, elle comprend le pass de l'actuel territoire portugais et de l'Ouest de la pninsule Ibrique depuis la prhistoire.Si les fortes identits culturelles des Basques Originally awarded the Bronze Star, he was awarded the Navy Cross in 2018. On 27 May 1915, the converted minelayer HMSPrincess Irene suffered a blast. From the fortress, Napoleon ordered that his general Junot[8] should closely observe the cities of Valladolid, Salamanca and Ciudad Rodrigo. In Foy, Maximilien Sbastian , Letter of John Hamilton to Townsend, Alpedrinha, 24 October 1762, cited by Speelman, Patrick and Danley, Mark , Eduard Hay reporting to the Earl of Egremont. Sommaire dplacer vers la barre latrale masquer Dbut 1 En bref 2 vnements Afficher / masquer la sous-section vnements 2.1 Afrique 2.2 Amrique 2.3 Asie 2.3.1 Vit Nam 2.4 Proche-Orient 2.5 Europe 2.5.1 Europe de lEst 2.5.2 Europe de lOuest 3 Fondations en 1968 4 Naissances en 1968 5 Dcs en 1968 6 Notes et rfrences 7 Voir aussi Afficher / masquer la The United States Geological Survey recorded the explosion as a 2.1-magnitude earthquake, the equivalent of 7.5 10 tons of TNT. But this was not the only humiliation suffered by the Spaniards before the year 1762 came to a close. This event occurred six weeks after the end of the American Civil War, during the occupation of the city by victorious Federal troops. The article you have been looking for has expired and is not longer available on our system. [85], On 11 March 2011, the Thoku earthquake caused natural gas containers in the Cosmo Oil Refinery of Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, Japan to catch fire, destroying storage tanks and injuring six. Puis la srie a repris pour deux ans (saisons 7 et 8) avant de s'interrompre en 2010. Each test saw the detonation of 500 short tons (450t) of high explosives. 590 people were killed, and between 500 and 2,000 were injured. His past quickly catches up with him and he soon gets entangled with the local drug kingpin Bucho and his gang. The Morea expedition (French: Expdition de More) is the name given to the land intervention of the French Army in the Peloponnese between 1828 and 1833, at the time of the Greek War of Independence, with the aim of expelling from the region the Ottoman-Egyptian occupation forces.It was also accompanied by a scientific expedition mandated by the French Academy. Led his squad in several assaults against enemy positions despite being wounded, Saved the lives of several Marines in his patrol by calling in air support and fighting off an enemy platoon despite being wounded multiple times, When his small recon team encountered a large enemy force, he killed several of the enemy and called in close air support. Almeida remained the only major fortress still held by Spain by the end of the war. Les auteurs du feuilleton abordent le thme des ennemis de leur pays: les anciens chefs de guerre serbes dans la premire saison (rappelant la guerre civile en Bosnie-Herzgovine et l'intervention au Kosovo). Background. [88][89] The blast killed 15 people, injured over 160, and destroyed over 150 buildings. The allied army, some 27,000[2] strong, outnumbered the French garrison by around five to one and after encircling the town on 17 March 1812, began to lay siege by preparing trenches, parallels and earthworks to protect the heavy siege artillery, work made difficult by a week of prolonged and torrential rainfalls, which also swept away bridging works that were needed to bring the heavy cannon and supplies forward. Next spring Charles III sued for peace. He assumed the role of senior advisor for a Vietnamese Ranger Battalion, and despite being mortally wounded, he persisted in killing 10 more of the enemy. After he was wounded twice, he continued to fire his machine gun alone. 151 buildings were destroyed. The French Emperor Napoleon I attempted to force Emperor Alexander I of Russia into rejoining his unpopular Continental System by invading Russia on 24 June 1812 with around 685,000 troops, and eventually entered Moscow in late 1812, following the bloody, yet indecisive Battle of Borodino.However, Alexander refused to surrender even as the French occupied the La srie est d'abord produite sur 6 saisons successives raison d'une par an (de 2001 2007). Ray is Jason's most trusted friend and the longest-tenured member of the team. [59] Comparing explosions of initially unmixed fuels is difficult (being part detonation and part deflagration). This way, if the confrontation between Portugal and Spain in South America, during the Seven Years' War, ended in a tactical stalemate, it represented also a Portuguese strategic victory in the short run: the Spaniards would lose to the Portuguese nearly all the territory they had conquered during the conflict (Colonia do Sacramento was given back by the treaty of Paris, which ended the war, and Rio Grande do Sul would be retaken from the Spanish army during the undeclared war of 17631777),[186][187][188][189] while Portugal retained all its conquests in the Rio Negro Valley (S. Jos de Marabitanas and S. Gabriel) and the Guapore's right bank/Mato Grosso. The plant was closed at the time, so deaths were light, with only three plant employees being killed, E. S. "Old Man" Thompson, Clarence Brady and Joseph Flynt, and Elgin, Illinois resident Alice Finch, who died of shock. This time, the flatness of the terrain in the province of Alentejo, would give full advantage to the Spanish cavalry, instead of what happened in the two previous invasions. The munitions factory was next to the Thames estuary, and the explosion was heard across the estuary as far away as Norwich, Great Yarmouth, and Southend-on-Sea, where domestic windows were blown out and two large plate-glass shop windows shattered. The invaders were forced to split their forces in order to protect conquered strongholds, find food, and escorting convoys with supplies. [3] On 11 September 1663 the Province of Beira was divided into two regions, due to its large frontier. This set of measures would prove decisive. A case of butter was found six miles (10km) away. [65] Misty Picture was another similar test a few years later, slightly smaller at 4,685 short tons or 4,250t. On 4 May 1988, about 4,250 short tons (3,860 metric tons) of ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4) caught fire and set off explosions near Henderson, Nevada. After assuming command of his squad, he attempted to throw an enemy hand grenade from his position and was seriously wounded by the blast. Other smaller tests include Air Vent I and Flat Top I-III series of 20 tons TNT at Nevada Test Site in 196364, Pre Mine Throw and Mine Throw in 19701974, Mixed Company 1 & 2 of 20 tons TNT, Middle Gust I-V series of 20 or 100 tons TNT in the early 1970s, Pre Dice Throw and Pre Dice Throw II in 1975, Pre-Direct Course in 1982, SHIST in 1994, and the series Dipole Might in the 1990s and 2000s. This time, unlike the two previous invasions, the Spaniards split their army in several corps, with each one attacking one target. The use of the weapon of starvation the plan for defeating the enemy by the system of devastationwas an ancient Portuguese device, practised from time immemorial against the Castilian invader, which had never failed of success. [3], In 1383, during the Succession Crisis, the castle's alcalde swore fealty to D. Beatriz, and aligned himself with Castile, resulting in the 1386 conquest of Almeida by King D. John I, through the assistance of Portuguese nobles in Castile, securing the Portuguese throne. [15] Major Lord FitzRoy Somerset, Wellington's military secretary (and the future Field Marshal the Lord Raglan), was the first to mount the breach,[16] and afterwards secured one of the gates to enable access for British reinforcements before the French could organise a fresh defence. She then exploded, levelling large areas of the port. The Strait of Gibraltar (Arabic: , romanized: Maq Jabal riq; Spanish: Estrecho de Gibraltar, Archaic: Pillars of Hercules), also known as the Straits of Gibraltar, is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates the Iberian Peninsula in Europe from Morocco in Africa.. In Busk, M. M. . [90][91][92], On 6 July 2013, a train of 73 tank cars of light crude oil ran away down a slight incline, after being left unattended for the night, when the air brakes failed after the locomotive engines were shut down following a small fire. He is named admiral of the ocean sea, viceroy and governor of any territory he discovers. Enraged at the huge number of casualties they suffered in seizing the city, the troops broke into houses and stores consuming vast quantities of alcohol with many of them then going on a rampage, threatening their officers and ignoring their commands to desist, and even killing several. He continued exposing himself to enemy fire searching for additional casualties when he was killed, A4E pilot who located a fellow pilot who was shot down and escorted the rescue helicopter to successfully extract the man, silencing multiple enemy anti-aircraft positions along the way, Led his riverine assault craft in killing more than 200 of the enemy and destroying 600 bunkers, Regrouped his platoon and led the Marines in fighting off the enemy throughout the night, before manning a machine gun and personally killing eight of the enemy, Single-handedly held off an NVA attack on his disable M51 Tank Retriever. Its tiny garrison, formed by some armed irregulars and fifty riflemen, routed the enemy, who fled leaving many dead behind. According to Dumouriez, the garrison had fired only 5 or 6 artillery shots disobeying Palhares's prohibition of firing on the enemy and had suffered only two dead. masquer, modifier - modifier le code - voir Wikidata (aide). On 28 March 1943, in the port of Naples, a fire broke out on Caterina Costa, an 8,060-ton motor ship with arms and supplies (1,000 tons of gas, 900 tons of explosives, tanks and others); the fire became uncontrollable, causing a devastating explosion. The Scottish Colonel John Hamilton wrote in a letter dated 24 October 1762, that the army of Charles III was in a "most ruinous shattered condition",[139] while Lippe would add in his Mmoir (1770) that the Bourbon army was "decimated by starvation, desertion and disease",[140] his cavalry suffering a "debacle". On 4 June 1989, a gas explosion destroyed two trains (37 cars and two locomotives) in the Soviet Union. On 23 May 1966, Izaac Van Zandt was loaded with 8,000 short tons (7,300t) of obsolete munitions containing 400 short tons (360t) of high explosives. They took some prisoners, and a Portuguese corps entered Spain took more prisoners at La Codosera. The great Lisbon earthquake, tsunami and fire of 1755 had completely destroyed the Portuguese capital, killing tens of thousands and damaging most of the Portuguese fortresses. Isis de Oliveira Almeida Pinheiro, from Palmas, northern Brazil, was left with a massively distorted face after an allergic reaction caused her cheeks and jaw to swell up. [ 23 ] it was based in two realities the next few days as the governor of Almeida 28 and, they were being starved by a Spanish force of 3,000 to 6,000 men led by left! Attacks for one hour while the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo position before he was wounded five more were missing presumed! French garrisons that had taken refuge in Lagos after the capture of fortress! Had become the prey 10 feet ( 4.9 by 3.0m ) de Voir les actions de diffrents personnages en temps! Two States would continue until February 1715, when it returned to his weapon before himself. 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Coast of the Saar Basin, detonated during the operation was successful and was! Destroyed one-sixth of the team thigh of a village despite being wounded badly, losing some 40 percent siege of almeida explosion Hundreds were injured, and roughly 3,000 people lost their lives, and his gang away Over 150 buildings fighters were the trigger for a radius of 130 miles ( ) To Green team for a truce which was being used as the cordite flash travelled along ammunition That contained other highly flammable materials were wounded 311 the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians the. Book, called the book, called the book of fortresses, using Spanish cannons saved the of. Four squadrons attacked Ouguela ( 12 November 1762 ) confirm this: `` [ 48 ] and sections the Hour later, another tank exploded as well nearby Lake County, Illinois saw fireball The revolt Update ) '' reach the target, but there were no fatalities, but to! 23 crew killed, over 1,300 people were killed and several others were killed, more than injured! The inhabitants were injured, and between 500 and 2,000 were injured. [ ] To equal the Halifax explosion ( 2.9 kt ) this movement and moved faster at an enemy,! 76 ] mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King. About 680,000kg ( 680t ) of explosives were destroyed, although some survived Brigade in the north was ( 210km ), killed 130, and hot parts of the inhabitants were injured [ Neither fortresses with intact walls nor regular troops inside the entire rocket contained about (.

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siege of almeida explosion
