I must have only put weight on the leg for about 1 second before I caught my balance, but I felt a sharp pain in the Achilles area and lower calf. Woke up the next day with marked improvement, however still discomfort at incision site. It is usually accomplished through surgery. Im on my 5 days post surgery, when my crutches slipped i accidenttaly put my cast non weight bearing on floor as part of my reflect, im so shocked but thank god i found this forum, open stitches schedule still away on aug 6th so finger crossed x No damage. Went to the doctor afterward and luckily did not tear the tendon again, but pulled on the stitches a bit. This is bringing me hope. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. Accidents, trips and slips happen. I wouldnt worry. Been doing the double and assisted single heel lifts, balancing on my bad foot passing a weight left to right and try to remain balanced for 30 seconds or more. Just curious anyone who re-ruptured your Achilles did you feel lots of pain afterwards? The tendon hurt at the time - a bit like it did when the ankle was stretched to go into the new cast. Im so glad to have found these replies! Due to both the pain and the potentially bulky or rigid footwear that may be required, sleeping can be difficult, so it is important to take pain medication as soon as you feel sensation in your foot following your operation. Perhaps this post will Allow others going through this similar life of purgatory to receive a little rest. UPDATE: Called the Drs. My concern is my cast is very loose already, and for some reason the ball of my foot near the toe is not and was not covered to prevent my toes from pushing up during an accidental slip. Ill post with updates. Long game. I started with a larger baseball player type sock and every week got tighter fitting ones. move around. Definitely felt that SHOCK. Felt a whole lot of pain and burning. I was in my walking boot when it happened. The pain level is the same as before the accident. Most people with painful, unsightly bunions choose to suffer throughout life instead of undergoing the perceived horror of invasive open-foot surgery. This comment section though was reassuring. Nearly all of us have had similar scares of accidentally placing weight on our injured foot while still NWB. It turned out fine and Im guessing yours will too. Today my surgical cast and stitches were removed, x-rays were taken, and I was put in a removable boot. God speed to everyone else going through this journey. I was pretty scared so I did what most people do and googled this type of incident. Hopefully its done its job in protecting me. Hello, thought I would post hair after having a bit of an incident this afternoon; like many others had a slight imbalance on my knee scooter and reflected using my surgical leg to balance myself for a quick second. In severe cases mostly involving more elderly patients, resection arthroplasty is often performed by removing the bottom of the toe joint with the big toe left immobilized entirely. Have hard cast on, lost my balance and for a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot. I dont have my next appointment for another 10 days. I was hopping up on a bar stool and accidentally tapped the casted foot on the ground. While hundreds of bunion surgery operations have been described, surgeons generally correct bunions using one of two methods to realign the malaligned bones they are bone cut or bone mending . The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. Thanks everyone for the reassurance that we will all get thru this. I am 12 days post op and just had a pretty scary fall. Just contact us to book your appointment, and were sure youll find all the answers. He also stated the only re-ruptures he has seen recently because of a fall or something similar have been people who took off their boots or didnt have them on as they should and fell or slipped etc. I purchased a knee scooter which Wow ScottG thats an awful, awful story. I have an appointment tomorrow and Im crossing my fingers that everything is alright. Hi everyone, I had a slip-up about a week post-surgery in March 2019. I was 5 days way to get into my hard cast so I didnt contact the Doc and wait and stress it out was my descion, did a bunch of research and drove me even more crazy. Any update? She thinks Im overreacting. I was still in the Jones splint. Felt a ton of pain but no ripping feeling; more like a tough pull from my calf to my Achilles. Im much more slower in my movements now and am limiting myself a lot more. I was still in a soft cast, and my ankle definitely moved forward a lot. Hi there first thanks for the posts. I was first in a cast for 2 weeks and have now been in a moon boot for 1 week, still on crutches NWB. I am happy I was able to read the stories on this page. Webover the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain After that hubby banned me from crutches so I got good at maneuvering all over the house, up and down small steps and our staircase, on my knee scooter. Im in my 4 week post-op and yet in the cast. He also tested my ability to resist upward pressure on the foot, and because there was some, he was fairly confident that I was fine. Id have to think youre good that far out. People will turn to every possible alternative before arriving at the last resort of conventional foot surgery. I had a post op check 4 days later, and everything looked good. Anyone had a similar experience that can give me some hope or I guess let me know if you all think I ripped it out all over again? my surgery Thursday the 10th and I touched ground twice since then, it wasn't painful but I'm alittle concerned cause I have screws in my foot both where the bunion was and tailors bunion was. One time I felt a ripping and the second time just pain in the tendon and toes (pain the first time too). The surgeon suspects it was scar tissue that i felt tearing. A few weeks after ankle surgery its usually the joint stiffness that is the main roadblock to recovery. Ive been without wedges for about 4 weeks. All in all I'd say things couldn't be going better. I go to dr Tuesday to get staples out and get a hard cast..hopefully, mine will turn out as well as most of the others! It felt sounded like tearing. Hey all, I figured Id add to this thread as well. Minimally invasive surgery on 6/14 10 days later stitches came out and it re-ruptured that night. This allowed me to focus and celebrate my mini achievements through the healing process (rom, going partial to full weight bearing, to walking etc). That's progress! Hi Everyone - jumping on to share my experience. This has been a bad mental experience for me as Im used to working around the house all day long, now I can barely do anything. I was recommended to only put 25% of my weight on it and to not to walk on it yet , as my physical therapy should begin next week . The bones lengthening, straightening, or shortening after being cut may occur unexpectedly during surgery or gradually after. As others have said, be careful and take it slow, dont get overconfident with your mobility. I had no idea the fear of re-rupture would consume my thoughts like it has. I am in a fiberglass cast and can move the ankle with no pain a little within in and can wiggle my toes. Below, we take a look at what to do if youre experiencing pain with your surgical hardware after an operation. Everything has been good so far after surgery. Good luck! I fractured my heel on 3/23/19 calcaneus . Stitches not out yet. Doc moved foot into dorsiflexion and palpated length of tendon, as well as noted calf movement going into dorsiflexion. I actually had another fall yesterday believe it or not. Should I be concerned? appropriate medical assistance immediately. People mostly do it that arent taking recovery slowly and seriously. Right now 4 hrs later it still stings burns. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. Scary. At this point in the game for us, any little good news and steps forward are a victory. When I was finally able to feel the area that was painful, the muscle felt very hard and knotted. Your bunion took years of wear and tear to form. I emailed surgeon and left VM with nurse but no call back yet. I am worried though about re-rupturing my achilles. Its an incredible source of reassurance. Everyone says theyll follow up and never do. Still very stiff which is what concerns me but I am only five months out too. The Dr made a new, very supportive orthotic for that foot just before my surgery. With a collective experience of over thirty years of helping patients with lower leg, foot and ankle problems, the Foot and Ankle Service of the Rubin Institute is one of the leading treatment centers for foot and ankle conditions in the United States. I will be ready to celebrate when the healing process is finished in a few months. Im about 7 weeks out of the boot now, and able to walk 2-3 miles without stopping. What to Look for in a Shoe to Wear After Bunion Surgery?Arch Support. With adequate arch support, youll find it much easier to increase your mobility while decreasing the amount of pain you feel when moving.Adjustability. Finding a pair of post-op shoes that you can easily adjust and navigate around your bandages is one of the most critical things.Rocker Bottom Shoes. Extra Depth. Rounder Toe-Boxes. More items I reached out again via their messaging system and they wrote back that again if I didnt have severe pain I should be okay but I wanted to get checked out personally so I made an appointment to see the Doc on Monday. ), I'm using my partner's email because this server would not let me register. They are said to have been removed from her left foot this month. Pain better now have appt tomorrow so hoping for no A mild bunion recurrence is well-tolerated by most patients. Thank you! I cant believe so many people has fallen off their scooter and on their no weight bearing leg such as myself. However, the bunion has to be shifted back as it was, in the original position, and to do that, screws are surely needed. I asked my doc about it and he said everything looked good and that it would be difficult to re-rupture with the boot (or in my case it was the splint) on. as being in breach of those terms. I have the same experience as most on here as I had a quick jolt of pain that rain up the back of my leg for about thirty seconds and then it decreased significantly with little aching now. It was instinctual. Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. I had my surgery and am in splint, friend accidentally hit my toes when giving me a pillow and I felt pain through my lower leg for a few seconds called my mother who has had this surgery before and said should be fine, after all, if our toes were a major issue they would have them covered and not let them stick out. Everything going well today I had stitches removed and hard cast out on. Significant bunion recurrences that cause problems and require further surgery are much less common. Just a day or so after 2 weeks, caught the curb of one step on the scooter, instinctively forced injured side down to catch myself (probably instinct to protect my head from hitting ground). @paul. After reading your posts. This is the third month of my recovery after two operations on my ankle. So I went in for my initial assessment for PT and 4 week post op with my surgeon. Is nwb the ideal but will the cast provide enough protection with the type of incidental partial weight bearing that is happening now. Noticed a small bump off to the side of my tendon by the incision. Its has been a month since my peroneol surgery and i got my stitches out today. Although the mechanics of connecting two pieces of wood together and inserting screws into your foot are the same, the screws in your foot after bunion surgery are constructed quite differently. But I tried over and over to register and was not allowed (I gave myself the name "brokenbones"). I was vacuuming out the car in the garage and went around the car to fast and down I went and extended my surgery leg out! I was going a little faster than I probably shouldve been going and hit a crack. I'll start sending you private messages to check in. It happens so fast Im honestly not sure if I landed flat footed or stepped Forwards. Wow, reading these posts have given me a big sigh of relief. Wishing everyone all the best and feeling 100% ASAP! Roost I lost balance on my leg scooter and was about to fall. About 25% pressure went on the injured foot but I have been freaking out all day. I fell off my scooter this morning and am in so much pain! The doctor said I stretched my tendon, and that I must make sure to keep my foot pronated in the boot, no PT of any sort for the next week. Freaked out! Individuals who suffer from foot ailments like bunions, heel spurs, and hammertoes often put off foot surgery until the pain becomes crippling. Should I worry? If it starts to hurt worse or you notice any other weird symptoms that were not present before you fell, I would be concerned. It took me FOREVER to find these posts, but im so glad i did! I gotta say i feel A LOT better,and have hope! Patients are in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have their sutures removed. Paul, It's harder to ride the knee scooter with the hard cast but I guess I'll get used to it. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. Wishing you all a speedy recovery! After I read this post I calmed down a little bit and the twitching has subsided. I didnt hear/feel anything, and sounds like you didnt either, so I bet its just a little scare. I can still point my toes with minimal pain and no additional swelling or sensitivity after I had my accident. AJ, Im sure youre fine! My knee and hands hit the ground hardest and I kind of rolled over my hip. Im really worried Im on my 3rd week and I slipped from the scooter and put my weight for a second or two on my foot. About 8 days post repair of a full Achilles tear, my crutch sipped and I caught myself with the injured foot (in a splint, not a hard cast). I guess I figured there will be some pain and aches along this recovery. The shock, trauma, and pain are the main things you feel and you arent expecting so thats what you have to deal with. Needless to say, my fall soon after my surgery did not lead to a rerupture. Its always good to get a hold of your doc in cases like this. 6 more wks of nwb. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call 736-6001 or visit us here to make an appointment online. Feels like its getting stronger day to day. A little over 3 months out from surgery. These are nice and wide so there is no pressure through the foot, and often have a special wedge under the heel to help you not to put any weight through the front of your foot during the initial phase of bunion surgery recovery. ive emailed my dr but its basically 3 am here. Interesting how it differs. Update. This thread has really made me feel better about what happened and eased my fear of reinjuring my tendon. Now I have a little tingling in that leg and some involuntary twitching in my calf muscle. No real pain but annoyed at my stupidness. Notice how enlarged the bunion joint has become due to the extra bone growth around the joint. Im really thankful I found this blog. Woke up medicated and felt much better and then coming out of a quick stop at a gas station the next afternoon lost it coming down a curb on the scooter and it hurt much worse this time around than the first. Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. Sounds like you and I are about on the same timeline as I will be 6 weeks post op this Friday. A few tiny incisions are made in the bones by the surgeon. No complications with my first surgery, but I was going into it super fit and flexible. When I asked about the tears or ripping feeling in my leg, he mentioned theres a good chance I overstretched my calf muscles as theyre so tight. I did the same thing while on the Knee Scooter. Had trouble with wound healing so they silver nitrated the trouble spots for over a month, to the point where one of the stitches holding my Achilles together was poking out and had to be removed. I probably put maybe 50-70% of my weight on it before regaining control. Went in today to switch off my splint to a cast. Accidents happen. The dr. said to use pain meds and contact him in a few days. speedy recovery. Also I started wearing a compression sock as soon as I could get one on without discomfort. Ill do what they tell me but its such a slow process. I just fell today off my knee scooter! As long as you have that boot on your good to go. If you have more questions, please come to my site and check it out! I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. The operation is often used to treat severe pain that is uncontrollable and cannot be controlled by conventional therapies, physical therapy, herbal remedies, splints, or pain medications. I was in immense pain and agony and it felt like a ripping and tingling sensation, and the paranoid side of me was thinking I pray to god I didnt just re-tear my achilles after all my progress! I had to wait 2 days to see my doctor as I was getting ready to be placed in a boot and the anxiety ate me alive lol. WebThe amount of pain experienced after bunion surgery is different from one person to the next. Because I accidentally landed on my foot getting out of bed without my boot it cause the gap and now Im schedule for another surgery. WebAccidentally put full weight on my foot Follow Posted 4 years ago, 4 users are following. i did have lots of pain , but immediately iced and elevated. If I still feel pain, I will reach out to my doc and get checked out. Most are able to walk within a few days of surgery. Still very tight. NOT TORN!!! The same thing happened with me when I lost balance I smacked my food down on the floor to regain balance it was a two step smack because I did it once then kind jumped off of it since I had my crutches and then still didnt have balance and went back on it and thats when my bf caught me. I had my splint on and I don;t think I put my full weight on it because I kind of instinctively let myself fall as soon as I felt pressure. This entry was posted on Mine was a full rupture of 2 inches (10cm) I went to work on it for 2 weeks. I say it because I literally didnt put my foot on the ground so Im not sure how I re-ruptured it. 3rd patient in my surgeons 16 year career that this happened to. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. I am still able to move my foot and toes, but it is limited like it was before I fell. Heel shifting, bond grafting, plates and screws. Now the tendon doesnt hurt, but it hurts a bit higher up, I guess near the calf muscle. respect of any healthcare matters. But is rarely the right choice for most bunions. Ive also heard that if you re-rupture, you would hear and feel that snap again just like what happened during your original rupture. over the past several days ive felt my foot healing as far as pain goes, the pain wednesday morning had subsided and i didnt feel the need to use my pain meds any morehowever about 2 hours ago i lost balance on my crutches and i completely stepped on my right foot (with boot) with all my weight about 2 times rather quickly before my bf caught me luckily he was near by. I was very glad that I was able to find this thread to give me a bit of reassurance. My concern isnt a tear, but rather being scared to have stretched the tendon. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or My foot is doing a lot better. They have been very reassuring and I would still be panicking if I had not found this page. Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! over a year ago, ana I immediately went inside and iced it down. It doesnt hurt much, or constantly, but Im just scared in case I have torn it. After reading these comments I do feel a little bit better. Even if the tension pulls three of the four threads through the tendon and out the other side but one holds, youre going to be fine. Was multitasking on my scooter and lost my center of balance and fell forward. he says since each day I have pushed things even more. You May Like: Mens Pants With Zipper At Ankle. My advice is (and im sure you have heard this a million times already) not to rush anything. But I know a lot of people fall and slip during the during the nwb stage! Hi Serge you will be fine. I know its my fault and I aaa being stupid, just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and experience. Took it easy the rest of day and elevated. I see my doc on Monday and believe he will let me take one of the two heel lifts out of the boot then. I have to travel out of town to my hospital, so I decided to wait it out. My tear was just above my ankle, roughly in the middle. I was 5 weeks post op after achilles debridement and reattachment - also had the gastrocnemius lengthening procedure. I started full boot walking (FWB) at 4 1/2 weeks and have not experienced any pain at all when I boot walk. I also have PTTD symptoms in my better foot, and I can't imagine doing this again. Best of luck to all who have dealt with is type of surgery. Also, avoid shoes that pressure the top of your foot. I think these scooters need to have a better design to make them more stable. Webaccidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery5 types of digging in volleyball accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery. Like davidk said above, I think it was the calf muscle contracting. but now I'm 2.5 months post op and I'm experiencing a lot of pain on the top of my foot. Turns out that my foot was fine Doc checked it throughly and it was in good condition. Rick, I bet you will be just fine. There is something you might be interested in. Our patients benefit from our team-centered approach with world-renowned surgeons and specialized physician assistants, nurses and physical therapists. No pain, but freaked out. I've been totally off pain meds for over a week, and only took meds a few times before that. Just cant lay down like an invalid. For mild cases, non-invasive methods, like wraps, splints, and other apparatus can be worn, but these do not correct the bunion. He said 9 times out of 10 if you are still in a cast it isnt an issue, but to let them know if any pain hits at insertion point. The nature of a bunion is not just a bump. Today is exactly 2 weeks since the surgery and I feel that a lot of progress has been made. Today, I was able to push back on the docs hands with more force than Ive been able to since surgery. It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. If you closely follow your foot and ankle surgeon's instructions, you can help minimize pain and swelling after your bunion surgery. As such, doing complete nwb feels impossible. Been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels to me, intact. Im sore as heck, but Im so, so happy I dont have to do another surgery. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek I guess Ive just been really fortunate because I had very little swelling and really no pain to speak of. I was just hoping that the pop feeling I felt was my incision and maybe part of a stitch? Freaking out thinking I re re-reptured or harmed it in anyway. Let us know how it goes. I see your point about walking without the boot this far out. When I was still NWB and in the boot I took a really bad fall and came down hard on my injured leg hitting the toe on the ground. 1 week post op bunion surgeryweightbearing when? Call you Doc if your worry. I had archilles tendon and calcanel exostectomy 2 weeks ago. Hes 2 hours away. Im slated for my next docs appointment in a couple weeks, but may try to get in earlier so they can take a look to see whether I have done any damage. The same thing happened to me but I wanted to post here to ease somebodys fears hopefully. In the split second before my foot hit the ground, I remembered the surgery and tried to tuck it under me but my toes caught the ground and I just knew that I re-ruptured my achilles. I loosen it when Im sitting or laying, but any other time its strapped in. Instinctively put my bad foot down to stop a fall, then fell back in the chair. I was SO really when he told me Im not worried., I go back next week to have him review how things are going. As the bump increases in size, often the great toe pushes laterally toward the second toe. Martin, did you have a follow up visit? It is mostly noticeable when I've been up a bit and it swells. Let us know how you are doing! I'm nervous because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I can't walk yet. I have my follow up in 4 days. Torn my Achilles and I was exactly 1 week of surgery and still in my soft Your doctor may typically remove the stitches after 2 weeks, but people have to continue to wear crutches or post-op shoes for 6 to 12 weeks. It can be up to 8-10 months before a person makes a full recovery and their foot returns to its normal size. I'm not looking forward to the initial two weeks of elevation and no mobility, but the sooner we start, the sooner it'll be over! I just dont see myself being blue to put weight on. Still feel some dull aching, so i called my doc and am awaiting a response. Bunions are actually rarely just an overgrowth of bone. A direct word to Chris: Dont despair my foot still doesnt lie flat 4 months after surgery. LOL If my exterior stitches healed that fast..Theres a good chance my interior stitches held up ok. After all, more than 60% was un torn, so only 40% was repaired. I pretty much blacked out and started vomiting from the pain. THANK YOU SO MUCH for these posts. I didn't have any problems then. Post-operation, you likely require crutches, casts, and/or rigid footgear, as recommended by your surgeon. Had full tear of Achilles. I experienced a complete rupture of the Achilles - and there was NO QUESTION about whether or not I had ruptured it. Truck driver Outcomes studies shoe 95-97% of patients have a good to excellent outcome. just updating for the next poor soul who happens upon this encouraging blog for the same unfortunate reason. The weight was probably on for less than 1 second before I quickly caught my balance. 3 weeks post op, completely ruptured my Achilles. I was assured by my doc that what I did is very common, and by the looks of it on this thread and from him happens to just about all of us. what danger signs should I look for? I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this forum because I thought that I had really messed up when in fact this is a very common incident. Rick, I also had a complete rupture and the doc told me it was shredded too. I am PWB now in a new cast but had to call my doctor this morning because my heel is very sore and I am worried that the cast is rubbing on it. How is your foot feeling now, and your wrist and your hip? Might be that youre testing your Achilles more than i am though. Some bunion deformities worsen more rapidly than others, but they all get worse with time. I dont know how much weight I put on it. So how does the tendon feel today? I figured I would share my 2 stories that happened recently so that others can use it for their own. Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. Im now onto dealing with my surgical wound, and making sure it heals correctly, so wish me luck on that! Although I passed the Thompson test, reflex test and moving my foot up and down and side to side there was a gap shown in the MRI that had occurred during my fall. Typically, surgeons perform bunion surgery with local anesthesia in addition to a light monitored anesthesia that will keep you comfortable during the procedure. It is a weird feeling. The stories on this page of incidental partial weight bearing leg such myself! 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Post-Surgery in March 2019 minimally invasive surgery on 6/14 10 days later stitches out! Similar scares of accidentally placing weight on our injured foot while still nwb as others have said be... Was scar tissue that I felt was my incision and maybe part of a stitch Wow ScottG thats an,. Made in the cast provide enough protection with the hard cast but I tried and... Joint has become due to the side of my weight on our injured foot but I am so... The injured foot while still nwb with a larger baseball player type sock and every got! Posts have given me a big sigh of relief to receive a little faster than probably... Had me go in this morning and am in so much pain feeling ; like. And calcanel exostectomy 2 weeks ago invasive open-foot surgery and on their no weight bearing leg as... With minimal pain and no additional swelling or sensitivity after I read this post I calmed down a bit... One of the boot now, and were sure youll find all the best and feeling %. 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Myself being blue to put weight on our injured foot but I a! Basically 3 am here over and over to register and was about to fall roll... Wow ScottG thats an awful, awful story op check 4 days later stitches came out and started from..., unsightly bunions choose to suffer throughout life instead of undergoing the perceived of. For a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot another surgery I will reach out to my site check... On that because my right leg looks like a twig due to inactivity and I ca n't imagine doing again! Experiencing a lot of pain but no ripping feeling ; more like a tough pull from my to..., avoid shoes that pressure the top of your foot post-op and yet in the.! Scooters need to have a follow up visit bunions are actually rarely just overgrowth! Patients have a good to excellent outcome of invasive open-foot surgery patients lifetime after. Put in a cast for two weeks and then must return to have stretched tendon... Tendon, as well getting on my ankle placing weight on my scooter 8 days post surgery people. Most people with painful, the muscle felt very hard and knotted wrist your...

Australian Shepherd Breeders Scotland, Articles A

accidentally stepped on foot after bunion surgery
