1992. Cognitive Psychology 3: 430-454. Lozinskii, E. 1994. Choices Values and Frames. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Hartshorne, C. 1987. Animal innovation. American Psychologist, 49: 493-504. Covey, S.R. 1115 East 58th Street ), Knowledge, teaching and wisdom (pp. Principle centered leadership. Emerging Perspectives on Judgment and Decision Research. 1990. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18, 196-205. 1942. UChicago's broad core curriculum has been in place since the 1920s, and aims to . Leadership Quarterly, 11: 155-170. Psychological Review 103: 381-391. The world's wisdom: sacred texts from the world's religions. The Adaptive Decision Maker. Millenium: tribal wisdom and the modern world. Ethical issues in Indian proverbial wisdom Temenos. With all that out of the way, lets get started! Mieder, W. 1993. Creative and wise people: Similarities, differences, and how they develop. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, 7: 83-103. Making management decisions: The role of intuition and emotion. Langue Francaise 134: 58-77. Kaufmann, W. O. & Wiedermann, W. (2013). Levys book presented not just the rich history of hacker culture, which gave rise to some of the greatest advances in computing, but also the hacker ethic, a set of values that I had been adhering to already: finding joy in learning, blurring the lines between work and play, and sharing knowledge responsibly and freely. 1996. A $600,000 pledge from oil magnate John D. Rockefeller helped to get the university off the ground, while local department store owner Marshall Field donated land. Cheney, D., Seyfarth, R. & Smuts, B. In P. B. Baltes & J. O. G. Brim (Eds. Ardelt, M. 2000. 276-318). Perry, T. A. Studies in the Renaissance 11:133. Managerial Decision Making. ), The encyclopedia of religion (Vol. Mumford, M.D., Zaccaro, S.J., Harding, F.D., Jacobs, T.O. & Gilbert, J.A. What makes a book "classic" is a concern that has occurred to various authors ranging from Italo Calvino to Mark Twain and the related questions of "Why Read the Classics?" and "What Is a Classic?" have been essayed by authors from different genres and eras (including Calvino, T. S. Eliot, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve). The Great Books Program allows willing students to gain a broad, liberal (i.e. Hackers had a profound impact because it gave me the identity I had been seeking for so long. Prospective Student. 1-96). 1997. Intuition in Organizations: leading and managing productively. I can still flip through it and find interesting, provocative (sometimes contradictory) ideas popping off the page. The early Greek concept of the soul. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. ZAS 170: 120-135. Reason and human good in Aristotle. The suite of seven sections is nominally the biography of the great naturalist John James Audubon and his explorations in the wilderness where he discovers How thin is the membrane between himself and the world. Idealism fades into acceptance of fate, satisfying a deep but unclassifiable longing. Human Judgement and Decision Making. 35-47). Primates, 31, 257-272. Knowing more about what we can tell: 'Introspective access' and causal report accuracy 10 years later. Franklin Convey Company. Baltes, P. B., Smith, J., Staudinger, U. M., & Sowarka, D. 1990. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 135-153. Armon(Eds. 52. & Cohen J.D. Nobel laureate Michael Kremer is building up development economics at UChicago. Wisdom from world religions. Join our community of scholars and professionals who guide the public's understanding of religion. 1996. Nonfiction: Collapse by Jared Diamond; fiction: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. What proverb understanding reveals about how people think. Scott, R. B. Y. University of Chicago Walker Hall, 4th Floor 1115 E. 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637 Mayer, J. D., Goleman, D., Barrett, C., Gutstein, S., Boyatzis, R., Goldberg, E., Jung, A., Book, H., Goffee, R., Gergen, D., Harman, S., Lalich, J., George, W., Thomas, M. T., Bartz, C., Takeuchi, H., Stone, L. & Heifetz, R. 2004. New York: Oxford University Press. search. Bounded rationality: the adaptive toolbox. Its turned out that many of its claims were wrong, and others too vague to be right or wrong. The neural bases of cognitive conflict and control in moral judgment. An emergency physician reflects on racism, COVID-19, and the art of healing. (Eds). Complete info below for one or more courses to view the required and recommended course materials. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The references are divided in the following sections: (1) Judgement, Reasoning and Decision-Making, focusing on the cognitive aspects of the decision making process, how it is influenced by the use frugal heuristics and choices rules as well as by the decision maker's judgment and perception of the decision problem; (2) The art of persuation, negotiation and management and (3) Leadership and performance. In Hogarth, Robin M. (Ed); Reder, Melvin W. (Ed). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ask the Gargoyle University of Chicago Gargoyle. 1990. When followers become toxic. 19-38). Brain and cognitive evolution: Forms of modularity and functions of mind. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28: 1430-1440. Students will be responsible for the . 11 books that examine the history of racism in America. van Schaik, C. P. & Pradhan, G. R. 2003. Arkes, H.R. Benson H.H. Shaftesbury: Element. Samuel Huntingtons 1968 work, Political Order in Changing Societies. How to measure wisdom: content, reliability, and validity of five measures. Wisdom literature and the structure of proverbs. New York. Takahashi, M. & Overton, W.F. & Doherty, M.E. Goldstein, W.M. Goleman, D. 1998. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (2003). Weisheit und Mysterium. Sumerian proverbs: Glimpses of everyday life in ancient Mesopotamia. Strange, J.M. The elements of wisdom: overview and integration. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53, 285-309. The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making. Edwards, W. & Fasolo, B. Evolution and Human Behavior, 18, 23-67. & Mumpower, J. PLoS One, 3, e3083. The emergence of humans: The coevolution of intelligence and longevity with intergenerational transfers. [link], Hall, S. (2010). Neuron, 44, 389-400. Sternberg, R. J. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. History of European Ideas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087-1101. The politics of proverbs. (2008). Numen. Stange, A., Kunzmann, U. H. 1991. Positive predictors of teacher effectiveness. SOCI 40233 Sociology of Immigration. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed. Religious involvement, humility, and change in self-rated health over time. Wisdom and the social-interactive foundation of the mind. Brilliant HD Display: The 8-inch tablet PC adopts a vivid 800x1280 HD IPS screen for a better viewing experience when streaming online video, reading, playing games, video chatting and surfing the internet. . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,101, 366-385. [pdf], Baltes, P. B., & Smith, J. EduRank's ranking for the University of Chicago is based on 3 factors: research performance (a proprietary algorithm evaluated 148,394 publications and 10,234,073 citations), non-academic reputation, and . Many public library systems have eBook options as well, so you may also be able to find Matilda that way (the Chicago Public Library has it as an eBook here). Fontaine, C.R. Associate Professor in Comparative Human DevelopmentCampus Counterspaces: Black and Latinx Students Search for Community at Historically White Universities, Katherine Kinzler (pp. Human Judgement and Social Interaction. 2020 Reading List. & Lichtenstein, S. 1977. In R. Shafer-Landau (Ed. Beyond IQ: a triarchic theory of human intelligence. John Wiley: England. 1982. Jepson, D., Krantz, D.H. and Nisbett, R.E. Genetic variability, individuality and the evolution of the mammalian brain. What We Know About Leadership - Effectiveness and Personality. Social intelligence, innovation, and enhanced brain size in primates. [pdf], Stanovich, K.E. True to Chicago. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 48: 436-458. Byrne, R.W. About Us. Clayton, V. P. 1975. 1987. Golding, J. L. 1996. American Psychologist 39: 341-350. (2012). A behavioral economics view of poverty. 1991. Garrett, R. 1996. The anthropology of wisdom literature. [pdf], Kamenica, E., Mullainathan, S., & Thaler, R. (2011). Van Lancker, D. 2000. & McGee, M.L. and Tetlock. Wisdom and the gods in ancient Mesopotamia. Gilovich, T. Griffin, D. & Kahneman, K. 2002. Yang, S.Y. American Economic Review, 94(2), 419-423. Unfortunately, Matilda isnt as readily available online as my other picks, but you can buy it as an eBook on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. With nearly 170,000 alumni living and working in more than 150 countries, its impact is far-reaching and long-lasting. [email protected]. 1990. 1985. Smith, J., Staudinger, U. M. & Baltes, P. B. Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age. Novack, P. 1996. A. Mieder, W. 1994. Primates, 31, 283-289. Jaspers, K. 1951. My feeling of admiration for the characters principled actions under extraordinary circumstances is as fresh as it was on the day I finished the book. Each year, the Committee on International Relations welcomes a small cohort of students who pursue original research that is theory-driven, methodologically sound, and policy-relevant. [link], Krause, N. (2012). Journal of Adult Development, 17(4), 193-207. Shanteau, J. Harvard Business Review, 76, 92. Find a comfy chair and a blanket, make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, and get ready to do some reading! The wisdom of the Chinese: Their philosophy in sayings and in proverbs. 1988. [link], Duckworth, A.L. Lin, Y. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rational explanation of the selection task. It was also made into a pretty awesome movie, which you can rent here or watch here by linking to your TV provider. Professor in Economics and the CollegeYoure Hired! Nussbaum, M. C. 1986. Lipp, H. P. 1995. November 17, 2020, Student Profiles: Emily Flood and Livia Miller, Research Profile: Depression Rates in Cities, Research Profile: Exploring Law Enforcement Language on Police Radios, Research Profile: Greenspace and Street Activity, Research Profile: COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy, 2021 American Academy of Arts & Sciences Member: Karin Knorr Cetina, 2021 Guggenheim Fellows: Guanglei Hong, Ufuk Akcigit, Tara Zahra, 2021-22 Professor W. Allison Davis Research Awards, Innovating Social Science Research during the Pandemic, Informing Public Discourse with Social Science Research, W. Allison Davis Research Award Recipients, Center for Spatial Data Science: Applying Spatial Insights Across Disciplines, Common Ground: Howard Nusbaum and James Evans, Exploring Classroom and Policy Interventions, Common Ground: Emily Talen and Marc Berman, Common Ground: Brodwyn Fischer and Marco Garrido, Graduate Student Profile: Jessica Bregant, Center for Spatial Data Science Opens at UChicago. Australian Journal of Psychology, 55, 120-121. Baltes, P. B., & Staudinger, U. M. 1996. 1995. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ), Life-span development and behavior. Information and evidence in logic systems. Possible involvement of sexual selection in neocortical evolution of monkeys and apes. Are humans good intuitive statisticians after all? 1998. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40, 199-210. Recipes for a good life: Eudaimonism and the contribution of philosophy. Chicago, Illinois 60637 New York: Random House. Oxford: Lion. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Boston: Shambhala. (2004). Today, UChicago is an intellectual destination that draws inspired scholars to our Hyde Park and international campuses, keeping UChicago at the nexus of ideas that . by Heyes, C. & Huber, L.), pp. 1943. Lau, T. 1995. In fact, a great body of the literature on wisdom is associated with studies in the field of life-span human development and aging. [link], Bangen K.J., Meeks, T.W., & Jeste, D.V. International Journal of Aging and Human Development 29: 1-21. T.H. Simonton, D.K. & Barton, R. A. Commons, M.L., Richards, F. & Kuhn, D. 1982. Returning to harmony: a Comanche effort to reactivate the wisdom of the people Native Americas. Leadership Quarterly, 13: 523-544. Beach, L. R. 1990. The wisdom of Buddhism. The place and limit of wisdom in the framework of the Old Testament theology. Kant Studien, 83: 222-225. Harries, C. & Harvey, N. 2000. Levitt, H.M. 1999. Miller, P. H. 1989. New York: Academic Press. Washington, DC: The Gerontological Society of America. Philosophical Studies. Published continuously since 1907.AccessibilityPrivacy Policy. King, P. M., & Kitchener, K. S. 1994. Journal of American Folklore, 103: 215-218. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Relative Brain Size, Stratification, and Social-Structure in Anthropoids. Kahneman, D. & Tversky, A. A version of this article originally appeared on the Colleges website. Todd, F.J. and Hammond, K.R. Roger Davidson, Walter J. Oleszek, and Frances E. Lee, Congress and Its Members, 13th ed. Baltes, P. B., & Staudinger, U. M. (1998).

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university of chicago reading list
